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The Resurgence of National Pride and the Future of Europe

Stolen From Gates of Vienna

Below is the text of the speech given by Geert Wilders in Los Angeles today.

Speech by Geert Wilders
Los Angeles, June 9, 2013

Dear friends, thank you for inviting me to Los Angeles. I always like coming to the United States. There are many things that I admire Americans for. One of them is that they are unashamedly patriotic.

The American Freedom Association has asked me to speak to you about the future of Europe.

Europe is in a terrible state. Bit by bit, European countries are losing their national sovereignty. The economy is in shambles. Islamic immigrants riot and terrorize the many locals. And when people’s throats are slit in the streets, while the murderers shout “Allahu Akbar,” the authorities appease the killers and declare that Islam has nothing to do with it.

Europeans feel that the gap between them en those who rule them is growing. Many no longer feel represented by their politicians. There is a complete disconnect between the people that truly rule Europe and the people that live in it.

The blame lies to a large extent with the European Union and the weak leadership within the European countries which have signed away their national sovereignty. The EU cannot be compared to the United States. Europe is a continent of many different nations with their own identities, traditions and languages. The EU is a supranational organization, but its leaders aim to turn it into a state. To this end they are destroying the wealth, identity and freedoms of the existing nation-states of Europe.

Before I elaborate, let us take a closer look at the terrible mistake that Europe made.

Following the Second World War, Europe’s leaders mistakenly thought that patriotism was the cause of the war.

All over Europe, not just in Germany, but everywhere, they equated the defense of national identity with extremism.

Politicians told the electorate that the nation state was dangerous.

On the rooftops of Europe’s parliaments and official buildings, they flew the EU flag next to the national flag, as if the nation is nothing but a province of a Pan-European empire.

On the number plates of European cars, they put the EU flag instead of the national flag, thereby forcing people to drive around with the symbol of their subjection.

They signed away their national interests for the goal of so-called Europeanization.

Such policies could never have been possible if the ruling elite had not fallen for the ideology of cultural and moral relativism. Patriotism, which is a virtue, came to be seen as a vice.

Today, the citizens of Europe are reaping the bitter harvest of this arrogance, this refusal to stand by the ancient nations of Europe, the mothers of modern democracy, the guardians of our liberty.
  • The EU stands for everything that is wrong in Europe.
  • It is a gigantic undemocratic transnational monster.
  • It issues legislation permeated with cultural relativism.
  • It meddles in the everyday lives of millions of people.
  • It has opened Europe’s borders to uncontrolled mass immigration, mostly from Islamic countries.
  • And it has deprived Europe’s parliaments of a huge amount of their legislative powers.

The European Union has brought one-size-fits-none policies that have resulted in economic disaster. It has led to growing tensions between the nations of Europe. It has led to the loss of democracy and liberty. Because the premise on which it was built, was false.

Robert Schuman, one of the EU’s founding fathers, said that the EU’s aim was — I quote — “to make war not only unthinkable but materially impossible.” — end of quote. But the idea that Germany, France, Britain and other nations in the past went to war because they were sovereign nations is simply ridiculous.

As I tell my audience whenever and wherever I speak in Germany, it was not German patriotism that started the Second World War; it was Hitler’s vicious totalitarian ideology of Nazism.

It was not German patriotism that caused the holocaust. German patriots, such as Count Stauffenberg, fought Hitler. “Let the world see that not all Germans are like Hitler; that not all Germans are Nazis,” he wrote in his diary the evening before Hitler’s hounds executed him.

Likewise, it was not Russian patriotism that sent people to the Gulag; it was the Soviets’ vicious totalitarian ideology of Communism. Russian patriots, such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn, stood up against the Soviets.

Nevertheless, the proponents of the EU keep pretending that without the EU, the Germans, the French, the British, the Dutch and the other nations of Europe would go to war again. The European Union has even been given the Nobel Peace Prize for the achievement of preserving peace in Europe — an achievement that is according to me NATO’s rather than the EU’s.

My friends, no-one knows this better than American patriots such as you: True patriots are always democrats. Because true patriots love their people and their country. You do not want your nation to be invaded by other countries. But neither do you want a totalitarian ideology, such as Communism or Nazism or Islam, to rob you of your own identity and enslave you.

Patriots want their country to be free. But people only care about the freedom of their country if they love it first. That is why one of my heroes Ronald Reagan said in his Farewell Address that we have to teach our children what our country is, what it stands for, what it represents in the long history of the world. Reagan said that Americans need — I quote — “a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions.” — end of quote.

Patriotism is not a totalitarian ideology aiming for world control; it is love of one’s own country and identity — and as such it is the strongest force against totalitarian ideologies aiming for world domination.

Love your country, appreciate its national institutions. As long as you do this, your country will remain the land of the free. But if you fail to do so, you will lose your freedoms. That is the lesson that we, Europeans, have learned the hard way after the past six decades of experimenting with EU transnationalism.

And the worst thing, my friends, the worst thing is that we could and should have known better.

In her last book, Statecraft, Margaret Thatcher wrote — I quote: “That such an unnecessary and irrational project as building a European superstate was ever embarked on will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.” — end of quote.

My friends, let me tell you about the terrible consequences of this folly.

The Europeans set out to build a political tower of Babel.

In 1957, six European nations, including my own, the Netherlands, signed the Rome Treaty. They committed themselves to the formation of — I quote from the Treaty’s preamble — “an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe.” — end of quote.

From the original six, the European Union’s member states expanded to 27 nations today. Nations as diverse as Finland and Portugal, Ireland and Bulgaria, with their entirely different languages, cultures, traditions, habits and mentalities, were forced by their political leaders to adopt the same economic, fiscal, social, security, and foreign policies.

These policies are drawn up by the enormous, ever expanding bureaucracy of the so-called European Commission in Brussels. It issues laws — so-called “directives” — that the member-states are forced to implement in their national legislation.

As a national legislator in the Netherlands I daily experience how little we still have to say about our own fate. We are expected to rubber stamp legislation made behind closed doors in Brussels.

Both the EU Council of Ministers and the European Commission negotiate in secret and then emerge to announce their agreement and present it. That is how the system works. And we are not allowed to ask questions.

Those who dare think differently are labeled enemies of European integration. They are the so-called Europhobes.

The former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky calls the EU the EUSSR, because of its striking similarities to the former Soviet Union. He compares the European Commission to the former Soviet Politburo and Brussels to Moscow before the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Two weeks ago, I went to Prague and met with Vaclav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic. President Klaus speaks of Europeanism as one of the new and dangerous ideologies that have supplanted Socialism.

During his ten years in office, President Klaus refused to fly the EU flag over the Czech presidential palace. He points out that the EU is — I quote — “based on big and patronizing government, extensive regulating of human behavior and large-scale income redistribution. It shifts government upwards, which means to the level where there is no democratic accountability and where the decisions are made by bureaucrats appointed by politicians, not elected by citizens in free elections.” — end of quote. Mr. Klaus.

The EU supranationalism has brought the once prosperous, sovereign and free nations of Europe economic misery, a loss of national identity, the demise of freedom and independence.

17 of the 27 EU member states have even been so foolish as to dump their national currency. By adopting the euro, the common EU currency, they joined the so-called eurozone.

Strong and solid currencies that were the pride of their nations, such as the Dutch Guilder and the German Deutschmark, were sacrificed on the altar of European unification. The then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl sold this project to his people as — I quote — “a matter of war or peace.” — end of quote. The euro was presented as — I quote again — “an angel of peace.”

But what did this angel do to us?

All the countries that joined the euro lost the power to adjust their currency to their own economic needs. They have destroyed their economies and have doomed their people to rising poverty and unemployment.

They all suffered as a consequence. They all have to share the burden of other countries, even if the latter are suffering from self-inflicted policies, corruption or fraud, like in Greece.

Last year, my party, the Dutch Party for Freedom, commissioned a study by the renowned independent British bureau, Lombard Street Research, into the cost for the Netherlands of the euro so far.

The study found that, since the Dutch introduced the euro, the growth of consumption spending no longer matches the growth of GDP, as it did before we joined the euro and as it still does in all the countries that kept out of the eurozone. The cost was a huge loss in consumer spending.

The study showed that continuing to uphold the euro would cost the Netherlands billions of euros. The Eurozone is a huge transfer zone, whereby taxpayers in our country are forced to subsidize other countries. The rising taxes have pushed our country, the Netherlands, into economic recession. Unemployment has grown to over 8% — the highest in decades.

And the countries that receive our taxes have no chance of recovery. They have no chance of economic growth within a monetary union where the currency is too strong for them. Millions of people are losing their jobs as a consequence. Countries such as Spain are doomed with unemployment figures reaching almost up to 30% today.

EU countries have also lost sovereignty over their own national budgets. The European Commission — not our national government — decides how big their deficits and national debts are allowed to be. It imposes austerity measures. But at the same time it demands ever larger sums to be transferred to Brussels or to so-called rescue operations for the euro and to bail out countries, like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus.

Last month, the EU decided to raise its budget. My country and the Dutch government opposed this decision, but we were simply overruled. We have no veto right. Now we are forced to pay even more to Brussels. While government expenditure cannot be slashed by cutting the sums demanded by the EU, the Dutch government has raised taxes dramatically. The impact has been devastating. Higher taxes have resulted in less government income and have led to a contraction of the economy and a rise in unemployment.

The same phenomenon can be seen all over Europe. The growth of expenses and taxes, the inability to create a competitive environment, the over regulation of the economy, the stifling bureaucratization — all this is leading straight to economic collapse.

But there is worse. EU member-states no longer control their own borders.

Immigration policies are decided by the European Commission and the cultural relativists who are in charge there. The current European Commissioner overseeing immigration policy is Cecilia Malmström, formerly a left-wing kind of hippy politician from Sweden. Third-World immigration has turned Sweden into a nightmare, with immigrants frequently rioting in major Swedish cities such as Stockholm and Malmö.

Mrs. Malmström is forcing all EU member states to follow the Swedish example.

Last year, I wrote her a letter. “Not one single Dutchman has voted for you,” I told her. “We do not know who you are. We do not want to know who you are, but you force your ideas on our people. We are suffering from your absurd refusal to allow us even the slightest restriction to our immigration policy. You do not even want to limit the number of partners that one is allowed to bring into the Netherlands! We urge you to cease your activities and give us our sovereignty back,” I wrote.

Needless to say that I am still waiting for an answer from her, despite the fact that I am an elected politician, accountable to the voters, while she is not. That is why she can afford not to answer a parliamentarian.

Millions of non-Western immigrants are flooding into Europe, predominantly people from Islamic countries. The Pew Research Center estimated the number of Muslims in Western European countries at 18.2 million in 2010. It expects that this number will rise to almost 30 million by 2030. The Netherlands will see its Islamic population grow from 5.5 to almost 8%, Britain from 5 to 8%, Sweden will even see it double from 5 to 10%, and France will see a rise from over 7 to over 10%.

A demographic catastrophe is about to happen.

During the past three decades, so many people rooted in a culture entirely different from Europe’s own Judeo-Christian and humanist tradition have entered Europe that its heritage, its freedoms, its prosperity, and its culture are in danger.

The signs are there for all to see.

Look at the names people give to their children. Mohammed is today the most popular name among newborn boys in many French, Belgian and Dutch cities. Mohammed is even the most popular name among all newborns in England and Wales.

Look at Europe’s inner cities. Visit Europe and you will see that they have come to resemble Northern Africa and the Middle East. They have become areas ruled by Islamic Sharia law. Only last month, a Dutch newspaper reported that a neighborhood barely two miles from our parliament building in The Hague is now a Sharia zone.

Islamic areas also border the EU headquarters in Brussels. And less than 10 miles from Westminster, the mother of all parliaments, a British soldier’s throat was slit by Islamic murderers.

Paris, the capital of France, is surrounded by largely Islamic suburbs. And so are other cities. The French authorities have even drawn up a list of 751 so-called “sensible urban areas,” where it is dangerous to go, especially for native Frenchmen. These are the lost territories of the French Republic, even though a staggering 5 million people, or 8 percent of the total French population, live in them.

Even soldiers are no longer safe in Europe’s streets, as the recent horrible events in Britain and France have shown. But neither are Jews. Anti-Semitism has risen, and keeps rising the more Islamic immigration we get.

Indeed, my friends, after Nazism and Communism, another totalitarian ideology is threatening Europe: the evil ideology called Islam.

In Europe, we are experiencing that the more Islamic a society becomes — even when the majority of Muslims are moderates — the less free and tolerant it will be.

Atrocities, similar to the recent bombing in Boston, where Islamic immigrants massacred innocent onlookers at the marathon, occur in Europe as well. In my own country a few years ago, Theo van Gogh, a film maker critical of Islam, was butchered in the streets of Amsterdam.

Today, hundreds of young Islamic inhabitants of our countries have flocked to Syria to wage jihad there. They will return as experienced jihadists, trained in urban guerrilla warfare. But while you in America are still able to do something about it, while you can control and close your borders, while Congress can vote legislation to protect American citizens, we in Europe have been robbed of this possibility by the European Union.

And there is not only the threat of terrorism or violence; there is also the phenomenon of non-violent jihad. The rise of Islam means the rise of Islamic sharia law in our judicial systems. In Europe, we have sharia wills, sharia schools, sharia banks. In Britain, they even have official sharia courts.

Europe is gradually Islamizing. People who criticize Islam, such as myself, are threatened by Al Qaeda and dragged to court by Islamic and leftist groups. There is not just me, there is the journalist Lars Hedegaard, the author Salman Rushdie, the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, and many others.

We criticize Islam and we will keep on doing so, because it is a dangerous ideology. It is intolerant, it is violent. And, worst of all, it cannot be reformed. It cannot because it believes that the Koran is a book written directly by Allah himself. And it cannot because it calls on Muslims to follow Muhammad as the role model for their personal life. There could not be a worse model than this man, who was a warlord, a terrorist, and a pedophile.

While most Muslims are moderate people, those who think that they have to follow Muhammad’s example are not. That is exactly the reason why the more Islamic a country becomes, the more unfree and violent it will be.

Europe needs to be protected against this new totalitarian threat.

That is why I say: No more immigrants from the Islamic world! My party wants to close our borders to immigration from Islamic countries.

And ever more people support us.

A poll, which we commissioned ten days ago, shows that 77% of the Dutch do not see Islam as an enrichment for our country, 68% say there is more than enough Islam in the Netherlands already. A majority of the voters of all the major parties in my country — even the voters from leftist parties — agree with these two principles.

The poll also showed that 55% of the Dutch want a stop on immigration from Islamic countries, 63% want no more mosques, 72% see a relationship between Islam and the recent terror attacks in Boston, London and Paris, 72% want a constitutional ban on Islamic Sharia law.

Ordinary people in Europe want three things.

One — They want their politicians to tackle the problem of Islamization and mass immigration. They want to control their own borders.

Two — They want to restore their national sovereignty. They do not want their countries to become provinces of a pan-European superstate.

Three — They do not want their money to be used to pay for mistakes made elsewhere. They do not want a transfer union where they have to pay higher taxes to bail out other countries, whose leaders were either corrupt or incompetent.

Poll after poll show that ordinary Europeans do not want their democracy to be subverted. Last April, a pan-European poll showed that a clear majority of the population in the major EU member states no longer trust the EU as an institution. Even in Germany the number has reached almost 60%.

This week a Gallup poll showed that for the first time in history in the Netherlands as many people want to leave the EU as stay in. A few years ago, this was unthinkable.

The strength of Europe is its diversity. Europe is not a nation; it is a cluster of nations, bound by a common Judeo-Christian and humanist culture, but with different national identities.

Last January, British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a speech in which he said that the EU needed to change.

He spoke about “the lack of democratic accountability,” “the excessive regulation,” and everything that is wrong in the EU. And there are many things I agree with, but I do not share his belief that the EU’s nature can be changed. Mr. Cameron believes that the EU can be transformed into — I quote — “a more flexible, adaptable and open European Union.” — end of quote. I do not believe this. If an organization has as its explicit goal that it strives for “an ever closer union,” it simply cannot start moving in the opposite direction and relinquish the powers it has already acquired.

We can see how the mechanism works in the way in which the EU deals with the eurozone crisis. Rather than turning away from the destructive path that has so far been followed, Brussels is using this crisis to enforce an even tighter control over the member states.

The European Union simply cannot be democratized because the whole structure is built on a negation of democracy. As President Klaus pointed out, there can be no European democracy because there is no European demos — no European people. There can only be various European democracies — plural! — in the various European nations. What the EU does is destroy these various democracies.

And, hence, my party’s position is very clear. We opt for an exit from the European Union. We want the Netherlands not just out of the Eurozone, but out of the EU altogether — including the so-called Schengen area, the group of 26 European countries that have abolished passport and immigration controls at their common borders. We reserve the right to reinstall random border controls.

We want to retain our independence. We want home rule! We want to be the masters in our own house! We want to be the masters over our own borders. We want to be the masters of our own money. The Party for Freedom wants the Netherlands to leave the EU and join the European Free Trade Association EFTA.

But here is the good news, my friends. As I have already indicated, public support for the EU is growing thin by the day.

For months now, my party has been the biggest in the polls.

And we are not the only one.

In Britain, UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, which wants to lead Britain out of the EU, has come second in many by-elections and local and county elections during the past two years. It is polling an average of a quarter of the votes. And it is growing.

In France last year, Marine Le Pen scored 18% in the presidential elections. She has now overtaken President François Hollande. She opposes the EU. And her popularity is growing.

In Germany, it is still considered far too politically-incorrect to reject the EU. Nevertheless a new party, the Alternative for Germany, wants to take the country out of the eurozone. And its appeal is growing.

In Italy, both the country’s largest party, Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement, and the Lega Nord, the largest party in the North, want a referendum on a return to the Lira, while the Lega Nord has called the EU a failed project.

In Portugal a book advocating quitting the euro has become an instant bestseller. A proposal that was taboo until recently is now discussed openly, with the country’s Chief Justice personally coming out in support of eurozone exit.

All over Europe, anti-EU feelings are growing. All over Europe there are patriot parties that reflect the resurgence of national pride in their countries, whether it be the Netherlands, Britain, France, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Flanders, the Czech Republic, Germany, and the other nations currently trapped in the European Union.

As I said, here is the good news.

Europe might be on the verge of a fundamental change for the better. We seem to be on the eve of a major and truly historic event. In Europe, the time is ripe for a glorious democratic and non-violent revolution to preserve our national freedoms and restore our sovereignty.

Exactly one year from now, the 27 member states of the European Union will be holding elections for the European Parliament.

People are finally ready all over Europe to rebel in the ballot box.

They reject the transfer union. They no longer want to pay for corrupt states.

They reject the supranational experiment of the European Union.

They are ready to cast their votes for a restoration of national sovereignty.

They are ready to defend their own cultural identity.

All they need is decent political leadership able to lead their nations out of the EU and towards a better future.

America’s first president George Washington has shown that when courageous and democratic politicians are available to lead their country, they can lay the groundwork for a lasting democratic framework that guarantees freedom and prosperity for centuries to come.

My friends, my party in the Netherlands and several other parties in other European countries are preparing themselves for next year’s electoral landslide.

We can feel the heartbeat of the New Patriotism in Europe.

Winter is over.

Spring is coming.

The European Spring is upon us.

And we are getting ready for it.

We are aware of our historic task.

That is why I am especially happy to be here in California today. Because the great inspirer of our upcoming democratic revolution, is one of yours. Your hero, my hero, Ronald Reagan! — who in his presidential Farewell Address said that the achievement he was most proud of in his entire presidency was “the resurgence of national pride.” “The New Patriotism,” as he called it.

Next year’s European elections offer a unique opportunity to liberate the nations of Europe.

Next Spring’s European elections offer a unique chance to correct the fatal error made by previous politicians who sold away their taxpayers’ money and their national sovereignty to Brussels and delivered their countries to the evils of mass immigration and Islamization.

As a European politician, I am fully aware of my duty to grab this chance. The European elections next May must deal a blow to the parties that sold us out to the EU. Not just in the Netherlands. But everywhere in Europe.

That is why I do what is in my power to forge an alliance of democratic parties standing for the restoration of the sovereignty and freedom of their nation. I want to bring these parties together in a common endeavor to defend our identity and our values. I do not know whether I will succeed, but I am trying. It is my conviction that we have to work together. Because we are all in the same boat.

My friends, it is easy to despair. Time is running out for Britain, for France, for Germany, for the Netherlands, for all the other great nations of Europe. The present situation in Europe is bleak. If we do nothing, it will become even bleaker. If we do nothing we will be swept away by economic and demographic disaster.

But it is wrong to despair. The present is bleak, but the future looks bright. Because the future depends on our actions. We are the actors on the stage of history. That, too, is a lesson from Ronald Reagan, who said: “We need to act today, to preserve tomorrow”.

I went to Paris recently to talk to Marine Le Pen and see for myself who she is and what she stands for. She is not her father. She is not anti-Semitic. She cares about France, its identity and its sovereignty.

I went to Prague to talk to President Klaus.

In the coming weeks and months, I will try to see as many patriot leaders in Europe as possible. And I always ask them for their views on Israel. Because Israel is the litmus proof.

The Jewish people did exactly the opposite of what the Europeans did after the Second World War. They drew the right conclusion. They realized that without a nation-state of their own there could be no safety for their people.

Without a nation-state, without self-governance, without self-determination there can be no security for a people nor preservation of its identity. This was the insight that led the Zionists to strive for the re-establishment of the state of Israel. Theodore Herzl said that there had to be a Jewish state in order to ensure — I quote — “a new blossoming of the Jewish spirit.” — end of quote.

Indeed, a soul needs a body. The spirit of a people cannot flourish outside the body of the nation-state. The nation-state is the political body in which we live. We must preserve and cherish it. So that we can pass on to our children our national identity, our democracy, our liberty.

My friends, what we need today is Zionism for the nations of Europe. The Europeans need to follow the example of the Jewish people and re-establish their nation-state.

And that, my dear friends, is why every patriot, apart from being a democrat, by definition also has to be a true friend of Israel. A patriot cannot be anti-Semitic.

My friends, the great Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky said about the Jewish people: “We do not have to apologize for anything. We are a people as all other peoples; we do not have any intentions to be better than the rest. We do not have to account to anybody. We are what we are, we are good for ourselves, we will not change, nor do we want to.” — end of quote.

And so it is. For all the peoples. We do not have to apologize for being good to ourselves. We do not have to change if we do not want to change.

The peoples of Europe resent the permanent alienation of power from their nation-states. They care about their nations because they care about democracy and freedom and the well being of their children. They see their democratic rights and their ancient liberties symbolized in their national flags. They are proud of their flag. And as long as their pride lasts, they will have a future.

Let us emphasize this commitment to the resurgence of our national pride with a symbolic gesture. Let us do so by endorsing the Jewish nation-state and move the embassies of our countries from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Let us fly the flags of all the free and proud nations of the world over embassies in Jerusalem, the only true capital of Israel and the cradle of our Judeo-Christian civilization.

Israel deserves our support. Not only because it is the frontline against the totalitarian threat of Islam, but also because it shows how important it is for a people to have its own homeland.

My friends,

Today, a new threat is confronting us. But history shows that we can withstand it if we stand together.

We need an alliance, not only of patriots in Europe, but also an alliance between America and Europe.

We need the help and support of American patriots such as you. Such an alliance brings out the best in us, and allows us to beat the totalitarian menace.

This was proven by the alliance between Roosevelt and Churchill in the 1940s.

It defeated Nazism.

It was proven by the alliance between Reagan and Thatcher in the 1980s.

It defeated Communism.

Today, Islam is a threat to all of us, to Israel, to Europe, to America. But together we can withstand it.

And we have to stand together or we will be defeated. We have no other choice.

As the great Margaret Thatcher said:

“Defeat — I do not recognize the meaning of the word.”

And neither should we!

Thank you.

Virtuous Men Hesitating ... J. D. Longstreet

Virtuous Men Hesitating    ...   J. D. Longstreet
Virtuous Men Hesitating
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


You think "Prism" is a big intrusion into your life?  Well, just you wait until Obamacare is up and running! As Al Jolson once famously sang: "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

Look.  We warned this was happening, more than once, in our scribblings long before The Guardian officially broke the story last week.  It was just a "gut feeling."  We had no evidence of it.  Whislteblowers hardly ever speak to me, because they need to speak to someone who has enough "umph" to protect their behinds when the defecation hits the rotary oscillator.  I don't.

But, as is usual these days, nobody much paid any attention.  Not paying attention today, as quickly as events move in our cyber society, can culminate in disastrous consequences.

In our case, it was more a gut feeling than anything else.  Add that to the so-called "natural progression" of things and it seemed to me, the government monitoring our telephones and computers was no giant leap, only a small one and one which "smart" people would assume was a reality and act -- or react -- accordingly.

Look.  the words "National Security" covers a host of sins.  Things that a normal citizen (person) would never, in his wildest dreams, consider doing are done, quite frequently, in his name under the cover of "national security." 

The National Security Agency (NSA) is a cryptologic intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting U.S. government communications and information systems, which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography.  SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency      

The National Security Agency has been around, in one form or another , since the late 1940's. Its "official" predecessor was the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), created on May 20, 1949. 

If you are only just hearing about the NSA don't beat yourself up over it.  It was SUPPOSED to be a secretive agency.  In fact, it was SO secret for a while that it was jokingly said that its initials -- NSA -- actually stood for: "No Such Agency."

Here's another point that seems to have been missed by the media coverage.  "By law, NSA's intelligence gathering is limited to foreign communications, (Emphasis mine) although domestic incidents such as the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy have occurred."   SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency   

The President made an unintentional "funny" recently when he said:  “If people can’t trust not only the executive branch but also don’t trust Congress, and don’t trust federal judges, to make sure that we’re abiding by the Constitution with due process and rule of law, then we’re going to have some problems here.”  SOURCE:  http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/06/obama-if-you-cant-trust-government-were-going-to-have-some-problems-video-2676640.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=beforeitsnews

Seems to me that is EXACTLY the POINT!  We DON'T trust the government ... not any more! How can we?  And yes, we have some problems.  The President is guilty of blatantly stating the glaringly obvious.

Over the centuries there have been instances after instances in which great empires have been brought down by over reaching, (or over grasping, as this instance presents itself).

This could be the straw that put the camel in traction -- or -- this could be that one bridge too far. But, frankly, I doubt it. In fact, I'll go so far as to predict this is only the beginning of woes for the US. 

No.  Americans will let this slide.  Too many of us have become submissive and too servile to be roused from our stupor to ward off our government's illegal and unconstitutional incursions into what USED to be our private lives.  No. Too many Americans will remain undisturbed if the government will just send them their check every month and they'll just roll over and go back to sleep until they are needed on Election Day.

Look.  This is not a new problem.  In fact, it is a problem man has had ever since he decided to climb down from the trees and live in huts and build walls or palisades around his cluster of huts to ward off danger.  A man tends to forget that when he erects walls to keep the enemy out, those same walls keep him in. Every security measure must be weighed and considered carefully against freedom.

Even though we had no National Security Agency, this very same discussion was on-going in the early days of our republic:  “Safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct. Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates. The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free.” (Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, No. 8.)

I submit to you that THAT is exactly what America has done.

One of America's revolutionaries I much admire was Samuel Adams, cousin to Founding Father John Adams.  Sam was a pamphleteer (among other things).  He was a rabble rouser, at least in the eyes of the British. He constantly fanned the flames of revolution with his pen. 

Sam Adams was a freedom lover.  He said this:  “It is the greatest absurdity to suppose it [would be] in the power of one, or any number of men, at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights; when the grand end of civil government, from the very nature of its institution, is for the support, protection, and defense of those very rights; the principal of which…are life, liberty, and property. If men through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.” (Samuel Adams, Life of Samuel Adams, 1:504.)

If Sam was right, and I believe he was, freedom is a gift from God and to even TRY to give it up, as Americans are doing today, or to even ATTEMPT to take it away -- as America's government is trying to do today -- IS NOTHING SHORT OF BLASPHEMY!  Sam rightly points out -- it is the duty of government to PROTECT those rights -- NOT To Take Them Away.

I would like to be able to add some words of encouragement -- that this will soon be over and we can roll back these restraints on freedom.  But that would be untruthful. I don't think it is over by a long shot. I think it is only going to get worse-- much worse.  As we stated at the beginning of this piece, when Obamacare comes fully into its own I believe Americans will be in a state of stunned disbelief at the freedom they/we will have given up.

I am happy to say that I cannot see far enough into the future to say how this will end.  It is enough that I believe it will end badly for everyone.  I can, however, say how it would end if our first president, George Washington were still in charge.

During the Revolution, after the battles of Lexington and Concord, Washington made his opinion on the matter perfectly clear.  He said it would be better for America to be drenched in blood than for Americans to become slaves to their own government. Here are his exact words:  “Unhappy it is though to reflect, that a Brother's Sword has been sheathed in a Brother's breast, and that, the once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with Blood, or Inhabited by Slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous Man hesitate in his choice?” (George Washington, 1776)

Are we virtuous men, today?   Then why are we hesitating in making our choice?

Like modern day Athenians, we Americans have traded our freedom for "promised" security -- and we shall never be free again.

© J. D. Longstreet

Kathleen Sebelius: some will live and some will die

Kathleen Sebelius: some will live and some will die

Kathleen Sebelius: some live and some die


Harsh reality confronted a nation not ready to hear that a 10 year old, dying from Cystic Fibrosis, is having difficulty obtaining a lung transplantation. Sarah Murnaghan is in the end stages of of this horrific disease with compromised lungs and other organs affected. Sarah’s physicians note without an immediate pulmonary transplantation, she has only weeks to live. Cystic Fibrosis is a very complicated disease, of genetic origin, which could affect the entire body. Thick secretions obstruct airway channels resulting in poor respiratory function, which is the problem in this case. Sarah’s parents desperately want their daughter placed on the adult transplantation list. Unfortunately, the cut-off age is 12. More lungs are available to adults than children, therefore Sarah’s parents went public with their quest. Fox News, in its inimical style, damned the government for its insensitivity to this child and its position concerning Sarah’s parents attempts to have her placed on the adult list. More to the point, Fox blamed the Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, as did others, for not signing an order to have Sarah placed on the adult list. Sean Hannity went so far as stating this is reminiscent of death panels. Sebelius was willing to study the issue, yet she noted some will live and some will die. She was referring to the scarcity of transplantable organs available and the overabundance of potential recipients waiting for them. As insensitive as her message came across, she was correct. Three children in Sarah’s region of Pennsylvania are waiting transplantation as well as several dozen adults. Blaming Sebelius is absurd and adds to the political circus around this case. Does the name Terri Schiavo come to mind and the government’s overreach in that case. Fox conveniently forgot to mention that Sarah’s disease involves many other systems in her body. Any of which could potentially terminate her life. Media and political hack’s amnesia to other people awaiting transplants was also very obvious. The government is neither the cause of the patient’s condition nor controls its outcome. Bad genes and a lack of transplantable organs are the culprits.  Many of us have children and feel the pain these parents are suffering. This is not the case to take a stand against Obamacare. Organ allocation is difficult and emotionally trying. Decisions made daily determine who lives and who dies. Unfortunately, it can be any one of us at the end to the stick. Sarah was given temporary reprieve this week by a court, which allowed her to be listed as an adult. As a physician and a father, I hope Sarah receives her lung transplant and lives a long life, epidemiological statistics of Cystic Fibrosis unfortunately state otherwise. Mark Davis MD, author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription of Disaster and the book hated by attorneys, Demons of Democracy. President of Healthnets Review Services: www.healthnetsreviewservices.com, platomd@gmail.com, Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Senator Rand Paul Front and Center In the Effort to Protect Our Privacy and Civil Liberties...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Big Brother Is Watching You by Petr Kratochvil

Senator Rand Paul leading in the effort to protect the civil rights and the privacy of all American's. Like his father before him he is focused on the Constitutional limitations of the Federal Government and limiting its ability to snoop into our private affairs. There is no doubt but what the Classical Liberal thinkers and Founders of our nation are in agreement with the Senator.

THE HILL - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday said he would examine ways to block the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs before the Supreme Court.

“I'm going to be seeing if I can challenge this at the Supreme Court level,” vowed Paul on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I’m going to be asking all the internet providers and all of the phone companies: Ask your customers to join me in a class action lawsuit. If we get 10 million Americans saying we don’t want our phone records looked at then maybe someone will wake up and something will change in Washington,” he said.

A report in the Guardian last week revealed that the NSA had sought information on phone numbers, and the location and duration of calls to help identify potential terror threats. A separate program, PRISM, sought information on foreign Internet users from American tech companies.

The disclosures unleashed a firestorm of criticism at the Obama administration’s record on civil liberties, coming weeks after news that the Justice Department had seized reporter records in leak investigations and after the Internal Revenue Service admitted targeting Tea Party groups.

The administration has defended the programs, with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Saturday saying that Internet companies only provided user data to the National Security Agency after an order from the secret FISA court, and only for information requests tied to a “foreign intelligence purpose.”

Administration officials said Saturday that Congress had been briefed 13 times on efforts to obtain electronic data for national security, as the White House sought to push back against claims from many lawmakers that they were not properly briefed on the measures.

Paul said he was concerned with the scope of the NSA’s surveillance.

“They are looking at a billion phone calls a day, is what I read in the press and that doesn’t sound to me like a modest invasion of privacy, it sounds like an extraordinary invasion of privacy,” said Paul.

Paul said such snooping was “partly what our founding fathers fought the revolution over.”

Asked about reports that the programs had helped thwart a terror attack in New York, Paul said he did not oppose surveillance targeted at a particular individual suspected of wrongdoing.

“I have no problem if you have probable cause and you target people who are terrorists and you go after them and the people they are communicating with…... Read More

Indeed. I'm sure all Americans are okay with targeting terrorists when there is probable cause or significant and justified suspicion of possible terrorist activity. But mining millions or billions of phone records? Obama and his administration are proving it (they) is (are) just as intrusive and statist minded as GWB and his administration were.

American that truly value freedom and civil liberties need to speak up, no, SHOUT OUT writing blogs, letters to the editors, communicate by phone as well as through letters to their congress critters and senators voicing outrage over these invasive and unconstitutional actions by our federal (feral) government.

That's my position. What is yours?

Via: Memeorandum

Stripes In The Spotlight

Never tired wearing S-T-R-I-P-E-S and here is another proof of that. This dress is just magnifique and in order to make this outfit even more special I paired with this Helena and Troy fabulous bag.
I hope you like it and wish you all a great Sunday!

Soon I will start posting my outfits from New York.

                                                                             Bag: Helena and Troy/ Here
                                                                             Dress: Lauren Moffatt/ option Here 
                                                                             Heels: BCBGeneration/ great option Here
                                                                             Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren
                                                                             Silver Sterling cuff: E&L/ option Here

ARTISTIC inspiration

 My artistic input love is quite obvious in today's post. Printed flowers pants ( very like a Monet ), yellow heels to brighten up even more this look and a daring clutch manually painted by a fellow artist are the wearable art pieces of today's outfit post:)
I guess I can't help myself with these avalanches of colours.

And now the critique please :)

                                                                             Heels: Shoemint/ a fabulous option Here
                                                                             Clutch: thanks to Alina Cioara/ Here
                                                                             Top: Lauren Moffatt/ Here
                                                                             Pants: Mcginn/Here
                                                                             Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/option Here

Riding The Whirlwind ... J. D. Longstreet

Riding The Whirlwind   ...   J. D. Longstreet

Riding The Whirlwind
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
A whirlwind is a vertical column of air whirling around itself as it moves over the surface of the Earth.  Think about that for a moment.

Now.  Consider this:  "For they sow the wind; and they reap the whirlwind."  That is from the Old Testament book of Hosea chapter 8 verse 7.

Like so many of the conservative commentariat,  I am STILL trying to analyze why America deliberately decided to turn a corner, or choose a path, that will unquestionably lead to its own destruction.  

The choice to forsake a constitutional republic for a socialist, collectivist, Marxist, form of government is surreal.  It's like something from a bad science fiction movie in which the population is entirely controlled by some malevolent entity intent upon controlling the world.

I must confess:  I made a terrible mistake in that I assumed the American people still had enough common sense, enough discernment, enough honor left to do the right thing. 

Last November the American electorate proved me wrong.  Woefully wrong.

Our ship of state was (is) (so obviously) headed toward the jagged rocks I assumed we would remove the less-than-adequate helmsman and replace him with a real mariner who would stir us away from certain destruction on the shoals and rocks. I was terribly wrong. 

The reelection of Obama was a grand victory for ignorance.  It is the pay-off for years of indoctrination in our public schools.  The old Judeo-Christian ethics have been purged from our public education system in favor of secular humanism.  You can lay the blame for paving the way for it at the feet of our leftist, radical, Supreme Court and the Court's rulings from as far back as the 1960's. 

Abraham Lincoln is given credit for saying: "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."  Whoever said it -- it was spot on. 

The old Proverb -- "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree" is absolutely correct.  I think the ultimate source of this old proverb is from the Bible: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22: 6.  We see ample proof of the wisdom of this proverb in our public education system today.

If you, perhaps, thought those of us who warned for decades of the trouble ahead for America due to the secular (and even religious) humanism being taught in our public schools were just blowing smoke -- consider the following carefully: "Expanding upon the role the public education establishment should play to bring about the goals described in the Humanist Manifesto II, John Dumphy wrote: "I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being...The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and new -- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent with the promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of 'love thy neighbor' will finally be achieved." (Emphasis by underlining is MINE.)  SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanist_Manifesto      

The generation of Americans who elected -- and then reelected -- Obama were graduates of this public school system.  They were programmed to act as automatons, to choose loyalty to the state over loyalty to God and their family.  They marched to the polls and did as they had been told, indeed, had been taught, programmed, -- indoctrinated to do.

Author Ron Taylor, in his book  "Agenda 21: An Expose of the United Nations" in which he writes of  the  "Sustainable Development Initiative and the Forfeiture of American Sovereignty and Liberties" says the following:  "It is their stated goal...to steal one generation of children and teach them to place loyalty to the state above loyalty to family."

See, this generation knows almost nothing of American history.  They know next to nothing about the Judeo-Christian origin of America.  They are ignorant of our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.  The only thing they know about capitalism and the American system of free markets is what they were taught -- that capitalism is bad.  They know far more about the benefits of Socialism and Marxism and "equality." 

"Those coming out of years of humanistic brainwashing masquerading as public education know little of the Bible, America's Christian origins and founding documents, and the blessings of free-market capitalism. Instead, they know a great deal about sex education, values clarification, moral relativism, Darwinian evolution, Socialism and Marxism, earth worship, multiculturalism, one-world globalism, Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and appeasement foreign policy. Products of these schools comprised the Obama voters in 2012."  SOURCE:  http://www.bibleprophecyblog.com/2012/11/there-arose-another-generation-after.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BibleProphecyBlog+%28Bible+Prophecy+Blog%29#                    

The definition of discernment is:  The cognitive condition of someone who understands.  It also means:  The trait of judging wisely and objectively.  We learned on November 6th, of last year, that "discernment" is something that is "verging" on extinction in America today.  We no longer know our right hand from our left -- nor good from evil.  Thanks to moral relativism, better known as political correctness, modern Americans believe there is no such thing as good and evil, or right and wrong.  Everything is, well, relative. 

It no longer matters what scripture teaches us, what history teaches us, what experience teaches us, what common sense teaches us, nor what plain old morality teaches us. No.  Now it is -- how do I feel about it.  "I," and/or "Me," is at the center of their very existence. 

For a perfect example of this self-centered life, one has only to listen to one of our President's speeches.  Try to keep a running tally of the number of times the words "I" and "Me" and "MY" are spoken in a single address.  What is equally troubling is how effective the narcissism indoctrination of our young scholars has been.  For the most part, they don't even notice the over-abundant use of those personal pronouns "I" and "me" and the  "possessive" adjective "my,"  because,  to them, it's NORMAL!   How inexpressively sad that is.          

Some years ago, I left my church when I "discerned" it was swinging away from the Gospels and embracing the apostate teachings of the leftist political agenda.  Now,we have social justice, environmentalism, inclusiveness, tolerance, multiculturalism, all lovingly spoken of from the pulpits of our religious community. 

With all the respect I can muster for those of America's religious community who have sold out to mammon, allow me to ask:  Are you REALLY surprised that the leftist agenda you supported, and led your flocks to support, would come back to bite you?   As you have now learned, you cannot pick and choose which parts of the leftist agenda you will support and which parts you will not. It is all -- or nothing!

The reason so many are so concerned about America's future under Obama's second term is not JUST his Socialist/Marxist agenda only.  It is the sudden understanding that this was a culmination of all the work the progressive left has done in our schools and our churches since, at least, the late 1940's.

The progressive left has successfully created a hybrid American. They have created a society wholly dependent  upon others for, well, everything.  Easily led these new Americans can be made to do, say, and believe anything their masters want.  They are the perfect slaves.  And they are self perpetuating.

Ultimately, it means the death of America as the stabilizing force on the planet. Without America, chaos will reign on planet earth.  We are already seeing ample evidence of this all over the globe today.

This is why so many of us on the right are so troubled and upset by the results of the election last November.  Obama's reelection was the final step toward a single world-wide government or "global governance."

For many decades we have sown the wind.  Now, we shall reap the harvest from that which we have so blithely sown -- the whirlwind.  And having no choice now, we must learn to ride the whirlwind we have created. 

© J. D. Longstreet

Big Brother... Watching and... Listening... Thank you GWB for the Patriot Act and Homeland Security

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

We can thank the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security (ie: GWB) for the current and nefarious acts by the NSA. However, what the hey, after all it's all in the name of giving up a bit of freedom in the name of a bit more security.

I imagine good and wise Benjamin Franklin must be rolling over in his resting place right about now.

POLITICO - Several lawmakers said they had not been briefed on the Obama administration’s classified programs to monitor cellphone and Internet traffic.

That’s in direct contradiction to President Barack Obama’s assertion. The president said on Friday that “every member of Congress” has been briefed on the programs led by the National Security Administration.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a telephone interview late Friday that he learned about the two programs after requesting a briefing under “classified circumstances” following urging by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

Durbin said congressional leadership and intelligence committees had access to information about the programs, but that the “average member” of Congress likely wouldn’t have been aware of the breadth of the telephone and Internet surveillance.

“They don’t receive this kind of briefing,” Durbin said of the congressional rank-and-file.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who has railed against government intrusion on the Senate floor, told POLITICO that he “hadn’t been briefed on this particular issue,” referring to the NSA collection of phone records. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) also said he learned of phone monitoring through news reports, although he said it “wasn’t a surprise.”

“Not quite!” tweeted Rep. Billy Long (R-La.) in response to a tweet by ABC’s Rick Klein that said “Obama says ‘every member of Congress’ has been briefed on phone program #NSA; suggests only intel comm. knew of PRISM.”

The House and Senate intelligence committees, which oversee agencies like the NSA and Central Intelligence Agency, are routinely briefed on classified intelligence operations.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also get briefed, along with intelligence committee chairs and ranking members. Rank-and-file members of Congress, however, are only periodically briefed on specific incidents — there have been briefings recently on Syria and the Boston bombings.

Certainly BIG BROTHER IS watching and listening to us ALL. One of the saddest aspects of the situation is that BOTH the rEpublican and dEmocratic party are involved.

Destined no doubt to pick up steam given our national paranoia. That is my take on the situation. What's yours?

Good night. Rest soundly as BIG BROTHER is watching over and looking out for us all. Don't you feel so much better?

Via: Memeorandum

friday party

Today is the last installment of the Simply Baby blog party and Elisa of Fancy Me Free is taking us out with a bang! Check it out!

Any big plans for this weekend? Feel free to come over and help me if your bored. Follow along on Instagram and see if I can get it all done. I've got a lot of work to do before this rain hits.

Happy weekend friends!!!

How A Canadian Government Stimulus Plan Works

How A Canadian Government Stimulus Plan Works
Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at Government House. One is from Ottawa, another is from Toronto, and the third is from Montreal. All three go with an official to examine the fence. 

The Ottawa contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. "Well," he says, "I figure the job will run about $900, $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me."

The Toronto contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700. That's $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me." 

 The Montreal contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the government official and whispers, "$2,700."
 The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys. How did you come up with such a high figure?" 

 The Montreal contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Toronto to fix the fence." 

 "Done!" Replies the government official. 

 And that, my fellow tax payers, is how a Government Stimulus plan works.

Checks and Stripes

Probably you noticed that lately I'm wearing this light coat quite a lot. For a Spring rainy day this is just perfect. I have to admit that the pattern is a plus and I find it very easy to match with other prints as this pair of striped jeans.
A burst of color yellow and I was ready to ignore the foggy weather.

                                                                                 Coat: Kate Spade/ Here
                                                                                 Jeans: c/o PersunMall/ similar Here 
                                                                                 Shoes: Zara/ option Here
                                                                                 Blouse (borrowed from Bogdan): Joe Fresh
                                                                                 Bag: Joe Fresh/ option Here 
                                                                                 Nut cuff bracelet: c/o Cooee.se/ Here
                                                                                 Sunglasses: Foster Grant/ option Here 

The American Police State ... J. D. Longstreet

The American Police State   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The American Police State
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I am one of those hapless Verizon customers the government is snooping on ... and I don't like it -- at all!

Look.  We Americans simply MUST realize we have a government gone rogue!   Corruption has now overtaken the bureaucrats and they have forsaken their green eye shades for whips and chains and shackles -- of the electronic sort, of course.

“Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right, allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinion calculated to embarrass the government?” -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Read the original report on this latest US government atrocity here:  http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2013/jun/06/verizon-telephone-data-court-order

Americans today are experiencing an unprecedented erosion of civil liberties and a blatant disregard for transparency at all levels of government. And it is only going to get worse.

Consider the following:  "Despite his clear and popular promises to the contrary, President Obama has not shifted the balance between security and freedom to a more natural state—one not blinded by worst fears and tarred by power grabs. If anything, things have gotten worse.
    Killing civilians and U.S. citizens via drone.

    Seizing telephone records at the Associated Press in violation of Justice Department guidelines.

    Accusing a respected Fox News reporter of engaging in a conspiracy to commit treason for doing his job.

    Detaining terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, despite promises to end the ill-considered Bush policy.

Even the IRS scandal, while not a matter of foreign policy, strikes at the heart of growing concerns among Americans that their privacy is government's playpen.

And now this: The Guardian newspaper (Of the UK) reports that the National Security Agency is collecting telephone records of tens of millions of customers of one of the nation's largest phone companies, Verizon."
  SOURCE:  http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/welcome-to-the-bush-obama-white-house-they-re-spying-on-us-20130606

It appears to have finally come down to the government against the people in America.  All this simply means -- Americans are no longer free.

Just as an aside, does anyone else sense the irony that we Americans have a "black" American President creating the new American plantation upon which ALL Americans are slaves???  Is this some kind of cruel joke?  Hardly.

What did you expect, those of you who voted for Obama?  He plainly told you he planned to fundamentally change America -- and he HAS!

You cheered and applauded when he said:  "     It’s been a long time coming.

    But tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."
-- President Barack Obama, November 5, 2008.

And so, dear reader, the police state was ushered in to America -- not so much ushered in as elbowed in.

You know, as I think back to my high school days, when we actually studied the US Constitution, I recall that the Founders of the US warned us that the constitution would only work for a  “virtuous and moral” people.  If that is, in fact, the case, then all this chaos in our government today was inevitable.  I mean, we Americans are a lot of things but today's American is NOT a  “virtuous and moral” character.  Nosiree!  Anyone of our major cities would make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a monastery.

Just so we are clear -- the constitution did not fail us.  No.  WE failed the constitution! 

Today we can look back and say the Founders of America were naive.  Perhaps they were. But -- they were honorable men and often honorable men tend to be a bit naive.

Maybe the Founding Fathers assumed that America would always see to it that only honorable men would hold national elective office.  Well, that didn't last long.  In less than one hundred years the first President to be impeached, Andrew Johnson, was impeached AND acquitted in 1868.  And it has been, pretty much, down hill from there.

The plain and simple truth is, dear reader, we Americans have done this to ourselves.  It will only be undone if we suck it up and do whatever is necessary to right the ship of state and return America to the course set for her by those honorable men two hundred and thirty some odd years ago. 

The longer we wait the more difficult our task will become.  Some feel we have already waited too long.  My personal assessment is that we are on the cusp of having waited too long.  There is a window, left slightly ajar, for a reform movement to take America back, but -- realistically -- it is closing rapidly.

This latest atrocity by our power hungry government is just a symptom of the disease rotting the heart from our formerly great country.  It is even more frightening to wonder WHAT ELSE the government is doing. 

Finally, for this scribe, the most troubling part of all is the lack of interest shown by so many Americans today concerning the loss of freedom.

For Americans less than 50 or 60 years of age,  a loss of freedom is unfathomable.   They have no clue what we "old fogies" are yelling about.  They were born into an America in which American freedom was already greatly curtailed and they have never known the freedom, personal freedom, and liberty my generation had the great good fortune to enjoy.  They don't miss it because they never had it!

Today, I think it has been made clear that the American police state we have been awaiting, arrived, already. We are just now becoming aware of it. 

Sadly, those of my generation, those who see so clearly what America has lost are, due to the limitations of age and health, unable to do little more than enlighten the masses through our writing, and vocal protestations.  We can only make available the truth and hope that a spark will ignite the love of freedom once again in the breasts of the citizens of the once great America and rouse them to action with the determination to rescue their country from the jaws of a socialist dictatorship so deeply entrenched in our halls of government.

Look.  A world without America in a leadership position is a dangerous place.  Just look at the globe-scape today.  We are racing toward Armageddon.   We are stumbling and bumbling our way into a world-wide conflagration.  Only one nation can lead the world out of certain disaster -- AMERICAUnfortunately, America's leaders have chosen NOT TO LEAD.

America must be rescued and restored.  And it must be done quickly.  Time really IS running out.

© J. D. Longstreet