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fess up friday - mimosa lane

Today for Fess Up Friday we have the beautiful and talented Albertina from Mimosa Lane. My friend Albertina really needs no introduction, but in case you've been living under a rock, Albertina has more style in her pinkie than most of us have put together. She's a painter, photographer and designs her own fabric which she sells in the form of pillows and pouches on her Etsy shop. And our mutual love of color has made this fellow blogger a friend. Now let's see what she has to fess up...

I'm so happy Elizabeth asked me to participate in this fun 'Fess Up' series.  I love following The Little Black Door because I think Elizabeth is so talented and creative.  There is always something new and exciting happening here.  As I look around my house I wonder how much the blogs I read have influenced my decor and even my home accessory purchases.  There has been plenty of influence for sure. But, at the same time, I want my home to be original and don't want to compromise my aesthetic in order to stay true to what I love and feel represents 'me'.  I mean really, how many times have you seen something on the Internet that you don't like, but after the 100th time you see it you start warming up to it.  So, is your true taste that first impression of something where you love it or hate it right away? or is it that which you have learned to love or hate through time?  This is what I'm trying to come to terms with lately.  So, for today, I'm presenting you with unscripted, unstyled, and impromptu iPhotos of different vignettes around my house that scream "she is a blogger.....and she has been influenced". Here is the tour-

I got this poster when I started reading blogs.  It was my first 'blog influenced' purchase.  I didn't even have a blog back then or even knew I wanted to write one!

I also got my brass pencil holder before I knew I wanted to blog.  You see it in all the blogger's desks...I know....but I really love this one.  Boy do I need to sharpen those pencils.

I adore this marblelized tray.  My sweet friend gave it to me because she saw it on my blog so she knew I would love it.  This is a nice perk of having a blog- friends who read it will always give you the perfect gift!  And, of course, added to this vignette is the Nate Berkus for Target sea urchin (sold out, exactly, because who doesn't have it?).

The infamous Ikea sheepskin.  This is one trend I didn't like. At all. The Nordic decorating style is not much to my taste.  But it kept growing on me after seeing it over, and over, and over again. And now....I adore it.  We fight for this chair because it is so cozy to have breakfast in with that nice wool warming your back.

More Nate Berkus for Target (the brass bowl and the snake box).  I wasn't into snakes before and now I can't get enough of them.  They were too edgy for me....but I have started embracing that darker side.  The box is just so good and for the price it was a no-brainer.  And of course there are hundreds of DIYs now around my house...like those faux malachite boxes inspired by The Aestate.  Love them as if they were real.  Being inspired by a blog usually ends up with me DYing something or cooking something.  So, yes more blog influence here.

What blogger does not have some sort of gallery wall?  I think we all do.  This one above is on a bookshelf and the one below is in my daughter's room. It's rare we see a home nowadays in magazines and decor blogs that does not have a gallery wall.  It's almost a requirement.

Through my blog reading I am constantly being to introduced wonderful artists, a positive thing for sure.   As a result, there are many 'blogger' pieces in my home so you can say these are blog influenced as well.  Above you will see an example with prints from The Aestate and the Pink Pagoda.

Here is another DIY inspired by Jamie from Furbish.  Cute for a kid's playroom.  It's so great to be inspired by others.  You take an idea and then make-it your own.  I have some friends who saw my little creation and went off to do theirs.  This is exciting stuff.

See? more marblelized things....I bet you all have seen these boxes....well I was obsessed with them so my husband surprised me with them for Valentine's.  I love the color, the texture...EVERYTHING about them.

And can you believe I never knew what Staffordshire dogs were before I started blogging?  I had no idea.  The more I saw them the more in love I would fall.  So I asked for these for my last birthday.  They look like my husband which makes me so happy.  They are perfect.

I'm so happy to be introduced to so many wonderful and beautiful new things, fabulous trends and genius ideas and solutions through my blog reading, but at the same time, I don't want to fall prey to the lemming syndrome. It's quite a balance we need to strike- being 'of the time' without losing our identity. So, fess up- Are you influenced by what you see on blogs and pinterest?  Or do you hold your own strongly and whistle your own tune?  or is it a mix like me?

Larry Hernández Stopped By West Covina Police On Suspicion Of Drug Trafficking

Larry Hernández

West Covina police held Hernández for more than 40 minutes on suspicion of drug trafficking and drug cartel ties.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 6, 2013

West Covina, CA - On Thursday, Larry Hernández, 36, a popular Mexican regional singer was stopped by West Covina police on suspicion of drug trafficking, according to Hernández. Hernández tweeted his temporary stop by police and wrote, "Covina police stopped me and several friends using an argument and alleging that I sold drugs or was a member of a drug cartel." Hernández uses the name of "Mayor del Cartel" on Twitter.
Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) contacted the Covina Police Department about Hernández's allegation. Kim Raney, the Covina Police Chief stated, after reviewing their in-car video camera system, they found no recorded incident of Hernández ever being stopped by their department. Raney identified the police squad in Hernández posted photo of a reflection of a police squad as a West Covina Police Department vehicle.
Hernández was contacted, but has yet to respond about Chief Raney's results of his investigation claiming that his department was not involved in temporarily stopping Hernández.
Paul LaCommare, Interim Chief of Police for the West Covina Police Department was also contacted by HNNUSA about Hernández Thursday's incident. No response has been made by LaCommare.
According to Hernández, he was made to sit on a sidewalk in a cold afternoon for more than 40 minutes. The West Covina officer called for backup and several other police squads arrived at the scene. Hernández says, the officer called for assistance "believing I was a bad dude." 
The West Covina officers later realized what he did for a career, but they still doubted him. It was until a family passed by and called out Hernández name, that's when the officers finally realized who he was. The officers laughed and then apologized for the unfortunate profiling, according to Hernández. He was allowed to leave the scene. Hernández took it into strive and said, thinks happen for a reason and maybe, if they wouldn't have stopped me, something might have happened. It was destiny, according to Hernández.
Hernández originally from Los Angeles, gained his popularity in 2009 for depicting the Mexican drug cartel culture in his album that included 16 ballad songs of Narco songs. He won an award for the Mexican Regional Artist of the Year for 2012 Premio Lo Nuestro Awards. In 2010, he won the Latin Artist of the Year in the New category for the Latin Billboard Music Awards. In 2011, Hernández won Regional Mexican Airplay Artist of the Year and Regional Mexican Albums Artist of the Year for the Latin Billboard Music Awards.

On Thursday, West Covina Police officers suspect and allegedly profiled Larry Hernández as a drug trafficker and a drug cartel member. Police were later disappointed that Hernández was just a popular Mexican regional singing artist that depicts ballads of Narcos.

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues


Derelict in their duties implementing phase one of Obamacare, the Exchanges, phase two will be a nightmare for those trying to bring this legislation into reality.
Based on a series of fraudulent algorithms and guided by the legal elites in Washington the steps to failure are written into every page of this egregious Ponzi scheme. Three years was not enough time to establish the portals to access PPACA’s promises, then thirty years will not be sufficient to build the supporting structures and bureaucracy to manage its medical services. Complexity of America’s health care system is best represented by the number of facilities and people who support their function. With nearly six thousand hospitals, thousands of clinics and tens of thousands of physician offices to oversee the numbers only get worse when factoring in the people delivering services through these sites. Nine hundred thousand physicians, three million nurses, millions of auxillary personnel and an array of other health professionals combine to create an untenable situation for any government agency to manage. Yet this is the task Obamacare  has set-out for itself. To control costs one must pare down services, no doubt this was a primary consideration when this mess was originally envisioned. Under the traditional system MRIs and CT scans are available in hours to days, not anymore. Reflecting on the Canadian system, weeks to months will become the norm. Routine surgeries are not routine anymore. A vast array of bureaucrats will allow the privileged few into the operating suites. Bogus medical studies have already emerged, from quasi government panels, to dissuade physicians from performing certain lab tests, surgeries and procedures. Many have already been published, more are on the way. Mammograms were one of the first tests government officials attacked for overuse.  PSA testing, to determine prostate cancer, has been challenged by physicians outside this specialty working in Obama’s corner.  The parade of changes coming to traditional medicine will be alarming to the end-user, the patient, as Obamacare is fully implemented. Irony has a way of uncovering deception. Those who pushed this legislation through will be hammered by the same rules which will limit medical care for others. Phase 2 is the treacherous road ahead as the promise of more care becomes less in the face of skyrocketing costs and diminished access. The nightmare is just beginning, are you ready. Mark Davis, MD author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster, the one book that details how phase 2 to will affect you and ways to circumvent this tragedy. americassage@gmail.com, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com

That Darned Disinflationary Service Economy!

Click to enlarge.

The good news is that we almost made it back to the top of the trend channel again. I'll leave the bad news as an exercise for the reader.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: CPI-U: Services Less Energy Services

10-Year Treasury Yield vs. Nominal GDP Growth

Click to enlarge.

As seen in the chart, nominal GDP took a giant leap to the left during the Great Recession. There was a dead cat bounce to the right (as the dotcom bust left the 10 year moving average) but it is now being pulled to the left yet again. Where it stops nobody knows.

If the long-term trend does continue (down and to the left in the chart), then we'll be stuck in ZIRP till the cows come home (just like Japan), and that's if we're lucky. So all this talk of Fed tapering or not tapering is nearly meaningless to me. I refuse to have the bulk of my retirement nest egg parked in short-term savings patiently waiting for the Lord of Cattle to bless me with higher interest rates. That bovine deity is much more likely to milk short-term savers for all their worth.

The Phrase Finder: Till the cows come home

Cows are notoriously languid creatures and make their way home at their own unhurried pace.

They'll get home eventually though. They've got to be here once the cow tipping point is reached. I strongly suspect that is a very long time from now, perhaps even long after I'm dead and buried cremated. It's all in the timing. Rome did not fall in a day.

As a side note, I went with "their worth" over "they're worth". Both are apparently technically correct (perhaps because worth can be a noun or an adjective). Maybe. Even Grammar Girl isn't sure.

Thief #1: How much should we milk from it?
Thief #2: We should milk it for all it's worth.
Thief #1: What if it keeps its wealth in a bag? It's its worth.
Thief #2: For what it's worth, then we should milk it for all its worth!

Dizzying. Who thought this frickin' language up, anyway?

November 13, 2013
Takeover bids milk factory for all it is worth

THERE is a bargain in the Australian dairy sector, but it is no longer Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory.

Don't even get me started again! The milk factory's worth? Its worth?

This is not investment advice. Don't look to me for grammar advice either for that matter. I pretty much only use the math side of my brain at best. I'll end a sentence with a preposition and create sentences with single adverbs if the mood suits me. That's what moods are for. Seriously. ;)

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

One Less Communist Leader In The World ... J. D. Longstreet

One Less Communist Leader In The World   ...   J. D. Longstreet

One Less Communist Leader In The World
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


As you may have gathered from the title to this piece, I am no fan of Nelson Mandela.  I never have been.  Mr. Mandela was a communist -- and a terrorist -- and I have no sympathy for either.

Consider this written by Colin Freeman, and Jane Flanagan in Cape Town, South Africa, for The Telegraph, a UK newspaper:

"For decades, it was one of the enduring disputes of South Africa's anti-apartheid struggle. Was Nelson Mandela, the leader of the African National Congress, really a secret Communist, as the white-only government of the time alleged? Or, as he claimed during the infamous 1963 trial that saw him jailed for life, was it simply a smear to discredit him in a world riven by Cold War tensions?

Now, nearly half a century after the court case that made him the world's best-known prisoner of conscience, a new book claims that whatever the wider injustice perpetrated, the apartheid-era prosecutors were indeed right on one question: Mr Mandela was a Communist party member after all." 

The article goes on to say: 

"But research by a British historian, Professor Stephen Ellis, has unearthed fresh evidence that during his early years as an activist, Mr Mandela did hold senior rank in the South African Communist Party, or SACP. He says Mr Mandela joined the SACP to enlist the help of the Communist superpowers for the ANC's campaign of armed resistance to white rule.

His book also provides fresh detail on how the ANC's military wing had bomb-making lessons from the IRA, and intelligence training from the East German Stasi, which it used to carry out brutal interrogations of suspected "spies" at secret prison camps."
  SOURCE:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/nelson-mandela/9731522/Nelson-Mandela-proven-to-be-a-member-of-the-Communist-Party-after-decades-of-denial.html

Over the next few days you are going to experience just how thorough the brainwashing of the world's leftist media by the communists has been -- and we will all practically drown in the slobbering adulation over the life and death of a brother socialist/communist "fellow traveler" splashed wall to wall, 24/7, by that same media as they react with Pavlovian exactitude to their programming beginning in grade school and growing with intensity as they progressed through their journalist training in, and out, of college and, finally, into the newsrooms of the world's most powerful media empires.

Mandela is a hero ... of the LEFT!  He is no hero of mine.  Far from being the anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician, Mr. Mandela was a communist terrorist and he was arrested, tried, and sentenced to jail -- for life -- and sent to Robben Island to live out his life as a result of his actions. He served 27 years of jail time.

"In conjunction with a number of leading ANC members, they (The Communists) set up a new, nominally independent military organization, known as Umkhonto we Sizwe or Spear of the Nation. With Mr Mandela as its commander, Umkhonto we Sizwe launched its first attacks on 16 December 1961.

Its campaign of "sabotage" and bombings over the subsequent three decades claimed the lives of dozens of civilians, and led to the organization being classed as a terrorist group by the
US."  (Emphasis mine)  SOURCE:   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/nelson-mandela/9731522/Nelson-Mandela-proven-to-be-a-member-of-the-Communist-Party-after-decades-of-denial.html   

Nelson Mandela was on a US terror watch list until 2008 and while he was still a prisoner on on Robben Island, Britain’s late “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher described his African National Congress as a “typical terrorist organization.”

Below is the list of charges and munitions  against Mr. Mandela at his trial:

"• One count under the South African Suppression of Communism Act No. 44 of 1950, charging that the accused committed acts calculated to further the achievement of the objective of communism;

• One count of contravening the South African Criminal Law Act (1953), which prohibits any person from soliciting or receiving any money or articles for the purpose of achieving organized defiance of laws and country; and

• Two counts of sabotage, committing or aiding or procuring the commission of the following acts:

1) The further recruitment of persons for instruction and training, both within and outside the Republic of South Africa, in:

(a) the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives—for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, (the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, 21.6 tons of aluminum powder and a ton of black powder);

(b) the art of warfare, including guerrilla warfare, and military training generally for the purpose in the aforesaid Republic;

(ii) Further acts of violence and destruction, (this includes 193 counts of terrorism committed between 1961 and 1963);

(iii) Acts of guerrilla warfare in the aforesaid Republic;

(iv) Acts of assistance to military units of foreign countries when involving the aforesaid Republic;

(v) Acts of participation in a violent revolution in the aforesaid Republic, whereby the accused, injured, damaged, destroyed, rendered useless or unserviceable, put out of action, obstructed, with or endangered:

(a) the health or safety of the public;
(b) the maintenance of law and order;

(c) the supply and distribution of light, power or fuel;
(d) postal, telephone or telegraph installations;
(e) the free movement of traffic on land; and
(f) the property, movable or immovable, of other persons or of the state.

Source: The State v. Nelson Mandela et al, Supreme Court of South Africa, TransvaalProvincial Division, 1963-1964, Indictment."
SOURCE:  http://plaintruthmagazine.blogspot.com/2008/06/stop-terrorist-nelson-mandela.html

This is a excellent example of the rehabilitation of a reputation by the political left through extensive use of the media -- including the entertainment media. But, most importantly, it is an even better illustration of the way in which history can be, and is, revised right before our eyes. 

For this generation and for those to come, Mr. Mandela will be a hero of mythic proportions.  Those of us who know the truth, and can refute the lies, will soon be gone and will have no influence on the future fairy tale known as history.

Oh, President Barack H. Obama recently called Mandela a "personal hero."  Are you surprised?

© J. D. Longstreet

Children Traumatized After Capitol Police Sergeant Gives Warning Of Arrest For Singing

Children used in the frontlines to push for immigration reform at Capitol Hill is taking its toll, as they become traumatized by warnings of arrests and are ignored by the GOP leadership.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 5, 2013

Washington, D.C. - One thing is to train Hispanic children to take leadership roles on issues affecting them and the other is exploiting children by putting them in the frontlines to push for immigration reform. Some of the children have faced the GOP leadership in an attempt to force a vote for an immigration reform bill before the year ends. The GOP leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives have shown no compassion for the hardships that some of the children are going through as a result of losing one or both parents to Obama's deportation priorities and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security policy to deport as many undocumented immigrants as they can before a new president takes office. 
In many of the YouTube videos posted on the Internet by organizations that support immigration reform have showed that most of those children involved become traumatized when they are ignored by politicians or are warned of arrest. Their faces are evident of becoming traumatized, even when they're are assured by the activists in the video's who use them to get attention, that everything will be alright. 
Some might argue that the children are struggling to convey a message and to keep families together. Others might argue, the immigration rights activists and organizations,  including the labor unions have failed to bring about a vote for an immigration bill this year and are resorting to exploiting undocumented children and children born in the U.S. to achieve their goals, despite the consequences it might have on the children.
In the latest YouTube video posted on Thursday, immigrant rights activists and children went to deliver Christmas cards to House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) office at Capitol Hill and were singing in the hall. Boehner's office was locked and the activists, including the children have for several days attempted to meet with Boehner with no success.
A Capitol police sergeant interrupts them and says, "This is a place of business and we do not sing in the hallway, comprende?" An female activist replies, that they won't continue to sing and resort to praying. The police sergeant gave them a first warning and threatens, that if they continue to sing, they would be arrested. The children in the video looked on as the sergeant speaks and their faces seemed to show that they were traumatized by the sergeant's threatening remarks of arrest.

Video link at: http://bit.ly/1dT9BCm

Also on Thursday (HNNUSA), Capitol police were called to Majority House Leader Eric Cantor's (R) office to remove children and teenagers from the office. A young girl got traumatized after hearing that they would be arrested, if they failed to comply with orders to leave peacefully from Cantor's office. After a few minutes they all left his office.

Video link at:  http://alturl.com/2ezmh

AS I SEE IT - South Lake Tahoe, a community of anti freedom and hate for Christians

AS I SEE IT - South Lake Tahoe, a community of anti freedom and hate for Christians

In my previous post I talked about making vacation decisions to visit places that are not poisoned by liberalism. Vacation to places that respect freedom and free peoples.

Here is a link to an article that is a recurring theme coming from South Lake Tahoe, a community that I have come to regard as the poster child for all that is wrong in America.

Don’t just read about this stuff, take action reach out and fight this hatred on it’s own turf. Let them know that you don’t patronize communities that foster anti freedom and outright hate mongering of fellow Americans.

As this U-Haul video indicates people are voting with their feet and leaving liberal regions in droves, do the same with your vacation dollars.  Vote with your feet and don’t reward tyranny and let them know why.

Rise up, stop talking and start doing!

For more on conservative travel related ideas contact me at connellchuck@gmail.com

Woman Beaten, Kicked, Tased, Sexually Assaulted, Tear Gassed And Arrested For Using A Caohuila State Government Parking Space

Susana Rita Enríquez de la Garza tased.

Coahuila State Police officers kicked, beat, tased, sexually assaulted, tear gassed, pulled hair and then arrested De la Garza for parking at a state employee parking spot and refusing to move her vehicle.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 5, 2013

Saltillo, Caohuila, Mexico - On Tuesday, the Vanguardia posted a YouTube video that showed Susana Rita Enríquez de la Garza being beaten, kicked, tased, sexually assaulted, tear gassed, hair pulled and then arrested for refusing to move her vehicle from a Coahuila state government employee's parking space. She told an officer that she could also park there, since she payed taxes. The officer disagreed with De la Garza and exceeded his authority to enforce a reserve parking space for only state employees.
The incident with De la Garza began inside of the Secretary of Labor (Secretaria de Trabajo) building at the local Labor Arbitration and Conciliation Council in Saltillo where De la Garza went for a labor dispute case. She filed a complaint about a domestic worker that she hired for stealing $300.00 ($3,000 pesos) from her home. De la Garza has been waiting more than five years for justice in the case. She went to the Labor Council to get some papers regarding her case, but parked in a reserved parking space.
The local president of the labor arbitration council, Oralia Rodríguez Rosas argued with De la Garza for parking in a reserved space exclusively for a high level state employee. Rosas called Caohuila State Police and De la Garza was forcibly taken out of the building. De la Garza admitted that she resisted arrested, but disagrees with the excessive force used by police. She plans to file a civil lawsuit against Rosas and at least ten officers, including several female officers involved in the incident.
Rosas claims through a government press release, that De la Garza had no business or authorization to be at the building and that she became angry and tossed some desk papers around. So, Rosas says, she called police to remove De la Garza from the office building.
Ricardo Aguire Cuéllar, the Commissioner for Public Security told Radio Zócalo that an investigation has been launched and if officers exceeded their authority, that they will be sanctioned or prosecuted. But, Cuéllar justified the officers use of force in arresting De la Garza, after she resisted. De la Garza apparently assaulted a female officer as she called for backup. De la Garza slapped the officer and ripped her uniform shirt, according to Cuéllar.
De la Garza says, that she was unconscious for 10 hours after getting arrested and that the officers, sprayed her three more times with tear gas while she was handcuffed in the back of the truck. She spend an extra two hours at the state police delegation and had to admit that she resisted arrest in order to post a $500 ($5,000 pesos) bail.
The whole incident was video taped in front of witnesses who went on record that they were willing to testify against four to five Coahuila State Police officers involved in using excessive force during a government parking spot violation incident. The officers threaten and attempted to stop any video recording of the incident by spectators drawn to the scene by De la Garza's screams of pain and pleas for help.
The witnesses say, the officers used excessive force and De la Garza even went under the police truck in an attempt to protect her self from being beaten and abuse. She was pulled out from under the truck by her clothing, stockings that exposed her bare buttocks and the officers grabbed her from other private parts to subdue her. Which witnesses say, the officers sexually assaulted her.
She was kicked, had her hair pulled and beaten while getting tased and sprayed with tear gas as officers tried to subdue De la Garza.
De la Garza could be heard screaming and telling police that what they were doing was illegal. She was forced into the back of police truck open bed after being handcuffed and taken away for booking.

De la Garza and Caohuila State Police abuse video posted at link: http://alturl.com/fweok

Susana Rita Enríquez de la Garza

Photos: Twitter

Is Our President A Compulsive Liar? ... J. D. Longstreet

Is Our President A Compulsive Liar?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Is Our President A Compulsive Liar?
Pseudologia Fantastica
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
“Under my plan, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period. Nothing changes, except your health insurance costs will go down.”

It was just a couple of renegade IRS agents in Cincinnati. Benghazi was a spontaneous protest that got out of control in direct response to an inflammatory video posted on the Internet. During September 2012, our rebounding economy created an astonishing 873,000 jobs. And on and on."  (Source:  Paul Driessen in his article entitled: "Lies My President Told Me.")

So -- you think "compulsive lier" is too strong a term to use when describing our President's incredulous promises and faux facts, do you?  Well, I suppose the most elevated office on the planet is deserving of a more, shall we say -- "creative" -- term.  So, how about this:  Our President seems to be suffering for an acute case of "pseudologia fantastica."  (I'll save you a click to Google.  It means:  compulsive lying.)

We established long ago that Obama is a narcissist.  Compulsive lying is just another manifestation of his narcissism. 

Pathological lying is one of the hallmark characteristics of a narcissist. 
Consider this:  "With the classic narcissist, language is used cruelly and ruthlessly to ensnare one's enemies, to sow confusion and panic, to move others to emulate the narcissist ("projective identification"), to leave the listeners in doubt, in hesitation, in paralysis, to gain control, or to punish. Language is enslaved and forced to lie. The language is appropriated and expropriated. It is considered to be a weapon, an asset, a piece of lethal property, a traitorous mistress to be gang raped into submission." --Sam Vaknin, author, Malignant Self Love.  SOURCE:  http://drsanity.blogspot.com/2009/05/narcissism-pathological-lying-and.html

Let's delve a bit deeper, shall we:  "Narcissists often have an interesting group of believes that revolve around how much better the world is with them in it. They are often preoccupied with their perceived beauty, intelligence, and success and give off a vibe of extreme arrogance. They tend to think that anyone who is critical of them is simply jealous. They expect others to go along with their ideas and will almost certainly become irritated when they do not. They are inclined to think that they are extremely special and only other special people are worthy of their company.

They are rarely, if ever, pleased with others and most often see others as inferior to them. Overall, they are very dramatic and demanding of attention. They display symptoms that can be quite overwhelming to those around them.

Two primary symptoms include an overpowering need for others to admire them and a complete inability to empathize with others. They almost always dominate conversations and are adapt at integrating themselves into other’s problems and tragedies."
  SOURCE:  http://www.compulsivelyingdisorder.com/do-you-have-a-narcissist-in-your-life-understanding-narcissistic-personality-disorder/

Does this sound like a president you know???

How about this statement:  "In general, the lack of an ability to feel guilty about the lies, and the perverse sense that he is "entitled to lie" are standard for the political narcissist." (Emphasis by underlining is mine.)  SOURCE:  http://drsanity.blogspot.com/2009/05/narcissism-pathological-lying-and.html

"Robert Reich, M.D., a New York City psychiatrist and expert in psychopathology, says compulsive lying has no official diagnosis. Instead, intentional dissimulation -- not the kind associated with dementia or brain injury -- is associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders."  SOURCE:  http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200310/understanding-compulsive-liars

In an article by Selwyn Duke entitled: "Barack Obama is a Liar" and published by Canada Free Press  back in October of 2012, Mr. Duke says the following: “A liar, however is someone who lives and breathes the lie; someone who specializes in the art of artifice; someone to whom lying is his first recourse, not his last. Such a man is Barack Obama.” You may read the entire article at: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/50567

In an article entitled  "Obama’s Tsunami of Lies" authored by my friend and fellow commentator, Alan Caruba, Mr. Caruba says the following:  "There are some well-known facts about compulsive and/or pathological liars and they all fit Obama. Compulsive lying is a type of obsessive disorder. Pathological liars are described as manipulative and cunning people who lie to achieve their goals without caring whether it hurts the feelings of others. Compulsive liars lie because it is their automatic response to any situation. They are often referred to as habitual or chronic liars."  SOURCE:  http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/58998

In closing his commentary, Mr. Caruba says:  "We must expose the lies, discuss the lies, and we must resist the lies or be their victim." 

As usual, Alan is spot on!  

Everyone lies, or so the shrinks tell us.  But not everyone is the President of the United States!   It is immeasurably important that a President maintain the trust of the citizens.  It is just as important that America's allies -- AND America's enemies -- trust the President.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has set a new low on the lying bar, which reflects in the growing lack of trust US citizens -- and US allies -- have for anything he says.  That is shameful.

J. D. Longstreet

Tears for fears

bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,

bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,
bittersweet colours, 3.1 Phillip Lim, pop art, Shoemint shoes, Zara, neon colors, pop art trend, boyfriend jeans, RAY BAN, Fall trends, street style, prints, yellow,

I use any chance to wear a pair of boyfriend ripped jeans no matter what season is or what weather we face here. They are comfortable, go with everything and in my case if I add a pair of heels - looks great ( I wish I could wear them with flats but I'm too ...short :)
Today I'm wearing American Eagle jeans paired with some good neon dose color and my favorite art inspired clutch that I own. Not very complicated right?

                                                                                  Jeans: American Eagle/ similar Here and Here  
                                                                                  Coat: Zara/ similar HereHere and Here  
                                                                                  Turtleneck top: vintage/ option Here 
                                                                                  Shoes: Shoemint/ similar style Here 
                                                                 Clutch: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ another pop art clutch Here 
                                                                 Sunglasses: Ray Ban/ Here

As America's Youth Mature, Bad News for ObamaCare... Good News For the Nation!

As America's Youth Mature, Bad News for ObamaCare... Good News For the Nation!
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Oops! Time for more re-education/indoctrination I suppose. The very crowd that the ACA (OBAMAFART) needs to successfully foist the government mandated health insurance law on the individual and independent American people are balking. GREAT NEWS for liberty and the proper role of government. Since the two lunkheaded sides of the political spectrum are INCAPABLE of working to find consensus this is the next best thing. Independent, intelligent individuals, and the future of the nation making their voices heard, loud and clear.

NationalJournal - Young Americans are turning against Barack Obama and Obamacare, according to a new survey of millennials, people between the ages of 18 and 29 who are vital to the fortunes of the president and his signature health care law.

The most startling finding of Harvard University's Institute of Politics: A majority of Americans under age 25--the youngest millennials--would favor throwing Obama out of office.

The survey, part of a unique 13-year study of the attitudes of young adults, finds that America's rising generation is worried about its future, disillusioned with the U.S. political system, strongly opposed to the government's domestic surveillance apparatus, and drifting away from both major parties. "Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline," reads the IOP's analysis of its poll. "Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them."

The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama's two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.

Indeed, millennials are not so hot on their president.

Obama's approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.

When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied "all members of Congress" should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.

While there is no provision for a public recall of U.S. presidents, the poll question revealed just how far Obama has fallen in the eyes of young Americans.

IOP director Trey Grayson called the results a "sea change" attributable to the generation's outsized and unmet expectations for Obama, as well as their concerns about the economy, Obamacare and government surveillance.

The survey of 2,089 young adults, conducted Oct. 30 through Nov. 11, spells trouble for the Affordable Care Act. The fragile economics underpinning the law hinge on the willingness of healthy, young Americans to forgo penalties and buy health insurance. {Read More}

There is hope for America yet!

Via: Memeorandum

Peak U.S. Public Air Transportation Services

Click to enlarge.

I know what you are thinking. Okay, sure. That's definitely a peak. It can't be the ultimate peak though. Our population is growing and the future is so bright I gotta wear shades!

Not so fast. Let's put that same data on a log chart. On a log chart, constant exponential growth is seen as a straight line.

Click to enlarge.

That's not straight. It's curving exactly like a baseball in flight would, and when I say exactly I mean with an r-squared of 0.995.

Click to enlarge.

If the 80+ year long-term trend continues, only the wealthiest among us will be flying in planes someday. How's that for a kick to the long-term prosperity gonads? It isn't just flying either. Driving looks mighty suspect as well. Just doing my part to add some perspective! Sigh.

Despair.com: Perspective

Less is more. Unless you're standing next to the one with more. Then less just looks pathetic.

This post inspired by Rob Dawg who pointed me to a whole new world of FRED quantity indices (in the comments found here).

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Public Air Transportation
St. Louis Fed: Public Air Transportation (Natural Log)

Several Minneapolis Police Officers Fired Over Racial Slurs And Making Expletive Comments About Lesbian Chief

Brian Thole and Shawn Powell

Images courtesy of KARE 11 News

Minneapolis Police Officers Thole and Powell were fired as the resulted from last June's internal investigation of an altercation between a group of black men and the officers in Greenbay, Wisconsin that involved using racial slurs, including targeting the sexual preference of their own police chief.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 4, 2013

Minneapolis, Minnesota - On Tuesday, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau notified both Police Officers Brian Thole and Shawn Powell who were previously suspended with pay that they had been fired for an altercation with a group of black men that involved racial slurs, including one of the officers making expletive comments about the chief's sexual preference, the Star Tribune reported. The incident that both Thole and Powell were involved happened on June 29 in Greenbay, Wisconsin. The former officers were interrogated by Greenbay police after an altercation between them and a group of black men ignited outside a local bar. The former officers made racial slurs at the scene, which were recorded by a police squad dash camera. They also went to the Greenbay police station to talk about the incident and again engaged in racial slurs.
One of the former officers was partially recorded by Greenbay police video cameras making derogatory comments about the black men and Minneapolis Police Chief Harteau. The officer said, "We have a lesbian f○○king chief...these dudes are making their monkey thing."
Greenbay police notified the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) about the incident in which both Thole and Powell were not charged, but a 40-page investigation report of the incident by Greenbay police was released to the Minneapolis Police Department. An internal investigation by the MPD was initiated and  resulted with Tuesday's decision to terminate both Thole and Powell from the department. The former officers were members of the MPD SWAT unit and are Veterans. They will appeal Chief Harteau's decision, according to the Star Tribune.
Both Thole and Powell will continue to get paid until the outcome of the appeal.

Wisconsin's First Republican State Representative Sworn Into Office

Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriguez

Photos courtesy by Jessie for Assembly

Rodriguez became the first Republican Hispanic woman to be elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 4, 2013

Madison, WI - On Wednesday, Yesenia Eldermira Rodriguez (R), 36, aka,  "Jessie" was sworn into office as State Representative for the 21st Assembly District by Robin Vos (R), Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly. Rodriguez's swearing in ceremony took place at the State Assembly chamber.
In November, Rodriguez defeated Elizabeth Coppola (D), 29, making her the first Latina in the GOP to get elected in Wisconsin. Rodriguez who is originally from El Salvador used the alias "Jessie" to run for office. She works as an outreach coordinator for Hispanics for School Choice, a non-profit organization.
Rodriguez replaced retiring Republican Mark Honadel, who served for 10 years in the 21st Assembly District.

family room design board

Wednesday is a good day for a show and share, don't you think? Me too. I'm working with an awesome family of five who just moved into their 'this is it' house and they asked me to help with a few rooms.

First up - the family room. Being the smart (and realistic) people that they are they were not going to chuck a perfectly good sectional just because they moved, so we used that as our jumping off point.

They also had the wicker chair and an upholstered arm chair, so we were off to a good start in the furniture department. The armchair is a bit...dated shall we say and the wicker chair could use a spruce, but no sense in throwing out perfectly good furniture if all it needs is a little pick me up. I chose a great faded ikat pattern that will up the fun factor on the old girl and she is already on her way to the upholster for a little nip and tuck. The wicker chair will get a paint job and be as good as new.

The lucite coffee table will keep things airy and open and finding a great old buffet to go below the TV will provide tons of storage for toys, games etc. And can I just say how much I love a client who is game to rock some pink!

Finally we added a big sisal rug that will stand up to some pretty active littles and layered a pattered rug on top to hide the inevitable stains that littles tend to leave behind.

Good news is the buffet has been found, the curtains are already hung and all of the fabric is on its way. This room may just be ready in time for Santa.

Have a room in your house you want to tackle? Getting ready to move into a new house? Contact me for information on local design services as well as e-design. daily-site@gmail.com

Power to the People!

The following chart shows real annualized power construction spending per capita (October 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

Tack on another $117 per year that will ultimately be passed on to the people (each man, woman, and child).

Hey, maybe it won't appear all at once though, thanks to the Fed's ZIRP providing long-term financing at supposedly super cheap long-term interest rates. That debt could potentially just brew and percolate for a few decades perhaps. So we've got that going for us, which is nice.

Power to the people (slogan)

During the 1960s in the United States, young people began speaking and writing this phrase as a form of rebellion against what they perceived as the oppression by the older generation, especially The Establishment.

With $90+ oil, power to the people has a whole new meaning now of course.

It doesn't look like we can expect much power construction job growth per capita from here. As seen in the chart, real spending per capita is just sliding along sideways at a higher new normal. I guess we'll just have to make it up on fast food jobs.

August 29, 2013
The Fast-Food Restaurants That Require Few Human Workers

"The fight for $15 is a fight against technology, not management — and that's a fight that these union-organized protestors can't win. Instead of securing a bigger paycheck, the less-experienced employees demanding a more than 100 percent pay increase will find their jobs replaced by less-costly alternatives," Michael Saltsman, research director at EPI, said in a statement.


Today, Amsterdam's Febo chain of stores feature only vending-machine service for burgers, fries and more. A few employees are responsible for stocking the items behind the machines but way out of customer view, so you can walk up, drop in your coins and get a hot meal after a long night out without talking to anyone face-to-face.

Introverts of the world unite! I say this as an introvert who generally enjoys gallows sarcasm of course. Deep sigh.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Scott Walker Campaign Drops Palmisano After Racist Tweets About Illegal Aliens Surfaced

Taylor Palmisano

The re-elect Scott Walker campaign announced it had dropped Palmisano from their staff after prior racist tweets that she posted about illegal aliens surfaced.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 3, 2013

Madison, WI - On Tuesday, the Republican campaign Friends of Scott Waker headquarters to re-elect Governor Scott Walker confirmed that Taylor Palmisano, 23, the Deputy Finance Director has been dropped from the campaign staff after several racist tweets that she posted resurfaced targetting illegal aliens. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (MJS) reported that Palmisano posted two tweets aimed at illegal aliens. In one, Palmisano posted, "I will choke that illegal mex cleaning in the library. Stop banging f○○king chairs around and turn off your Walkman." (Dated March 9, 2011)
The other tweet stated, "This bus is my worst f○○king nightmare Nobody speaks English & these ppl dont know how 2 control their kids #only3morehours #illegalaliens." Palmisano was returning to Wisconsin from a Badger Rose Bowl game in Pasadena, CA and was heading to Las Vegas in January 3, 2011, the MJS reported.
Palmisano has deleted her Facebook  and Twitter accounts, since she was fired from the Walker re-election campaign.
Walker is running for re-election in 2014 and is seen as a potential candidate for President in 2016, eventhough his hasn't earned a college degree, according to critics. 
In October, Walker attempted to attract the Latino vote by contacting the Mexican government and requesting for President Enrique Peña Nieto to open a Mexican Consulate in Wisconsin. Walker has noticed the economic growth and contribution that Hispanics have contributed to the state's economic growth, but he has yet to publicly endorsed for undocumented immigrants in Wisconsin to apply for driver licenses or to allow for instate tuition for DREAMers in the state.
Until Walker allows driver licenses to be issued to undocumented immigrants and also allow instate tuition for DREAMers, Latinos in the state will not take Governor Walker seriously.
Former Democratic Governor Jim Doyle signed a law preventing undocumented immigrants from applying or renewing their driver licenses in the state.

Once, Twice, Three Times a Maybe (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows real annualized private office construction spending per capita (October 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.


I originally posted that this was real monthly private construction spending per capita. The data is monthly but it is a seasonally adjusted annual rate. The chart remains the same, only the description changes.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Walker Charged In Fatal Southside Hit and Run of 8-month-old Toddler

Thomas Antonio Walker III

Walker driving a U-Haul fatally struck an 18-month-old child and injured her mother while crossing the street and kept on going.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 3, 2013

Milwaukee,  WI - On Tuesday, Thomas Antonio Walker III, 24, was charged with three felony counts for a hit-and-run resulting in the death of Ariana Matosek, 18 months old. He was also charged with hit-and-run causing injuring to Cheyenne Jaskson, 22, Matosek's mother. Walker was also charged with knowingly driving with a suspended license resulting in death. If convicted on all felony counts, Walker is facing up to 31 years in prison. A cash bail bond was set at $70,000 for Walker.
Walker while driving a U-Haul truck struck both Matosek and Jackson as they crossed the street at S. 6th Street and W. Hayes Ave. on Wednesday around 4:20 p.m. Walker never stopped. 
The abandoned U-Haul was later located on S. 7th Street. Walker was taken into custody on late Thursday after police found him hiding on a crawl space where he stayed at a North side home.
Walker told police, he later realized that he struck both victims after news reports aired.