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Sean Hannity and Thomas Sowell argue about Ted Cruz. Did the GOP establishment get to Thomas Sowell?

It’s a rare occasion I disagree with Thomas Sowell and on this occasion I respectfully say we have a disagreement.  Sowell’s argument sounds strangely like something what a GOP establishment guy would say.  That’s disappointing coming from Sowell.   

The Republican establishment’s criticisms of Sen. Cruz are criticisms of his rule-or-ruin strategy, which can destroy whatever chance Republicans have of taking back the Senate in 2014 and taking back the White House in 2016. And, without political power, there is no real hope of changing things in Washington.

Knicks player Raymond Felton arrested on gun charges

Idiot!  Just another nugget to add to a crappy season for Knick fans.  

ABC News reports New York police say Knicks player Raymond Felton has been arrested on three counts of criminal possession of a weapon.

Sgt. Thomas Antonetti says Felton turned himself in at 12:50 a.m. Tuesday and was questioned in the 20th Precinct in Manhattan, hours after his team lost at home to the Dallas Mavericks.

The sergeant says the charges don't stem from him using the firearm in a menacing manner but of possessing a gun he wasn't registered to have.

Antonetti says the 29-year-old is now under the purview of court system and will face a hearing sometime Tuesday. The charges include criminal possession of a weapon in the second, third and fourth degrees.

How often this happens to a baseball player?  But, the NFL and the NBA its common.  

The Republic We Decided NOT To Keep ... J. D. Longstreet

The Republic We Decided NOT To Keep   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Republic We Decided NOT To Keep
The Sellout of Ben Franklin, et al
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The story is told that when Ben Franklin emerged from the Constitutional Convention an anxious lady asked him what kind of government they had given us.  His famous reply was:  “A republic, Madam, … if you can keep it.”  And, for the most part, right up through the Second World War, we Americans tried to keep it.  But no more.  It's just too hard, too difficult, too dull, banal, and boring to involve oneself with politics.  

Consider this:  "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."   This phrase was first uttered by Irishman John Philpot Curran in a speech he made in 1790 (Not Thomas Jefferson as we are so often led to believe.)  Over the centuries we have boiled it down to:  "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."

It is the second part of the statement that really grabs you, that really carries the message:  " ... which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." (Underlining mine)

Speaking of servitude -- have you noticed how the Democratic Party has stopped denying its socialist tendencies?

Years ago, as I began to write about the dangers of socialism to America (and how the Democratic Party has become a sort of Democratic/Socialist Party), I was stunned when they, the Democrats, did not refute it! See, I had expected Democrats to deny any connection to socialism. But they didn’t. It was then that it struck me… they don’t deny it because they can’t.  They have embraced socialism.

You must forgive me if I get a bit "wound-up" when socialism is the topic.  I have watched that “destroyer of nations” reap its harvest for many, many, decades. It is, in my opinion, the greatest threat to democracy on the planet.  I see socialism as presenting an even greater threat than the Islamofascist terrorists!  I will never be comfortable as long as America continues to have a socialist government and a Marxist as President.  We can argue “degrees” of socialism all day and it won’t matter.  As the expression goes: “a little leaven leavens the whole loaf.”

I think it is pure irony that now, as a  socialist nation, America can celebrate an event named “Independence Day” with a straight face!

Americans are anything but independent!  We are living in a dictatorial police state!  We are fat, and lazy, and dependent on our new socialist government for far too much.  There is very little “independent” about Americans today.  In just a few years of the Obama Regime we have gone from “King of the Hill” to just another member of the “Mediocrity Mob” of nations.

I know this is difficult to swallow.  You can’t know how much pain it caused me to write these words.  See, I have stood on the ground where the Wright brothers took their first flight launching America into the space age.  They had no idea that their short flight would end up taking man to the stars, but of course, it did.   I have trod the ground from which our astronauts blasted off to land and walk upon the surface of the moon.  I have witnessed America claw her way to the top through sheer willpower and determination to be the best.  And now, as I approach the winter of my life, I am watching the decline and fall of that same America.  Do you really think I don’t feel a tremendous amount of pain? I think I must now know what the ancient Romans felt as they watched the greatest civilization in history, decline, crumble, and fall in ruins around them.

“Oh,” but you say, “… Socialism is the only way to go.  Everyone will be equal!  No class, no class warfare…” and such.

Well, let us see if we can break it down so that even those of you in love with the “cancer of nations,” socialism, can understand it.

The story is told of an economics professor at a small college who made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama's socialism and income equality worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan.” He explained that all grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an "A."

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a "B."

The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.  

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride, too, so they studied little.

The second test average was a "D!" No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an "F."

The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.  

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
Socialism will bring the end to private enterprise. Just think: under socialism there would be no small businesses, none of those Mom and Pop stores with which we are so familiar in America.  There would be no entrepreneurs.

Socialism calls for the redistribution of wealth. Broken down, that simply means taking the money YOU earned and giving it to those you feel did not earn it. Socialism demands that all wealth in a nation, and that includes yours, will be controlled by the government. In other words, you will own nothing --- not even your own money. The government owns everything and everyone is given only what it takes for that person to survive.

Socialism celebrates the lack of an upper class and a lower class. Under socialism there is only one class. And in THAT class ALL people suffer equally. 

Americans have made an awful decision.  We have decided to give up.  Freedom is just too hard.  It requires entirely too much work and effort on the part of the individual. It is much easier to sit back, relax, and allow the government to take care of us.  Look, dear reader, birds locked in a golden cage are just as much a prisoner as those locked in a rusty old quarter-inch mesh wire cage.  A prison is a prison and man is quite capable of creating his own.

Americans remind me today of the little granddaughter of a friend. He tells me she just recently went through the stage all parents are familiar with called…”potty training.”  When she finished her business she would sit patiently on the porcelain throne, and yell her head off, until someone appeared to take care of that most important chore – the hygienic cleansing of the recently employed lower sphincter.  The child’s actions sound so much like what Americans are doing today, sitting on the porcelain throne yelling our heads off while waiting for someone to come take care of the last, but important, chore.  The government will take care of it, but there is a price to be extracted from each of us. The price is the loss of our freedom.

They say that Satan’s greatest trick is convincing mankind that he doesn’t exist. It may be HIS best trick  -- but it doesn’t hold a candle to the trick socialism has played on America.

J. D. Longstreet

Guzmán Loera's Attorney Filed Extradition Protection In Mexican Federal Penal Court

Joaquín Guzmán Loera, aka, "El Chapo"

Guzmán Loera is attempting to fight extradition to the U.S., but is expected to be turned over secretly to the U.S. within days to avoid escape.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 24, 2014

Mexico City - On Monday, an attorney for the Sinaloa Cartel druglord Joaquín Guzmán Loera, 59, aka, "El Chapo" has filed a protection order to prevent an extradition order by the U.S. government. The protection petition was filed in the 8th Federal District Judicial Penal Protection Court and Guzmán Loera's attorney has 24 hours to ratify the petition. A judge would have to decide, if the petition case will move forward or not.
Intelligence sources indicate, Guzmán Loera will most likely be turned over to the U.S. in days. Once in the U.S., Guzmán Loera will face multiple federal charges that include, drug trafficking, murder, conspiracy and money laundering in Chicago, Illinois. If convicted, Guzmán Loera is facing life in a federa prison. He won't be able to run the Sinaloa Cartel from the U.S.
The U.S. Treasury is moving forward to identify, confiscate and freeze any bank assets or properties in the country tied to Guzmán Loera, the Sinaloa Cartel and his family.

Bitcoin Quote of the Day

February 24, 2014
'Pony' botnet steals bitcoins, digital currencies - Trustwave

A representative for the Bitcoin Foundation, a trade group that promotes adoption of the virtual currency, advised bitcoin users to store their currency offline in a secure location to prevent cyber criminals from stealing them.

Click to enlarge.

I have taken the liberty of modifying a real M1A2 TUSK Abrams tank to safely store one's virtual currency. The bitcoin access hatch (as can be seen on the front of the tank) can be camouflaged before delivery. This bitcoin safe's design emphasizes ease of use combined with TUSK (Tank Urban Survival Kit).

Source Data:
File:Abrams-transparent.png (United States Army and User:ZStoler)

Drama Teacher from Newport, South Wales Kelly Burgess Accused Of Having Sex With Teen Schoolboy

Though I normally report on teachers in the U.S. who are hoping in the sack with their students, here’s a incident from across the pond.  
The Huffington Post repots a theater teacher in Newport, South Wales is accused of having sexual contact with a teenage student.

Kelly Burgess, 26, is charged with four counts of sexual activity with a boy between the age of 13 and 17, according to the Telegraph. The alleged victim's exact age was not reported.

Burgess was suspended from her job as a drama teacher at St Katherine’s School in Bristol, England.

"I don't want to say anything. I'm OK, thank you." Burgess said through tears when asked for comment by the Telegraph.

The BBC reports that the alleged offenses took place between January 1 and August 28 of last year.

According to the Daily Mail, Burgess may have developed a relationship with the teen while she was directing a school musical production last year.
It's unclear how the alleged sexual activity came to the attention of authorities.

SILVER and GOLD videos on the increase

SILVER and GOLD videos on the increase
The SILVER and GOLD rush is quietly beginning

Rally And Protest Against ICE Courthouse Raids In Wisconsin

José Calderon

Photos courtesy of Voces de la Frontera

Undocumented immigrants detained by ICE while at court hearings or paying citations in the state.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 24, 2014

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, dozens of people rallied outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to demand for ICE agents to be restricted from going to county courthouses around the state to detain and arrest undocumented immigrants paying traffic violation citations, attending court hearings and other services. The rally was sponsored by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF, an immigrant rights non-profit organization) who reported, that the courthouse raids has or will keep undocumented immigrants from seeking restraining orders on domestic incidents, paying fines or going to hearings for fear of being detained by ICE. Most of the arrests made by ICE at Wisconsin county courthouses have been for minor driving citations during court sessions where Spanish interpreters are required.
Despite anti-immigrant sentiments that undocumented immigrants have no rights in the country, the U.S. Constitution extends all afforded rights of due process, free speech and equal protection of the law, whether federal, state or local. Undocumented Immigrants are afforded the right to filed complaints, lawsuits and other litigation under the law, and ICE has been engaging in illegal activity and a violation of federal law by creating a culture of intimidation by arresting individuals seeking protection, filing complaints, lawsuits or paying minor fines.
Last year, the California based ACLU filed a complaint with ICE stating that rogue ICE agents were arresting undocumented immigrants while at courthouse hearings, getting marriage licenses or paying minor traffic fines. The ICE agency has become one of the most corrupt agencies in the country that has been found to engage in illegal raids, coerced immigrants to voluntarily sign deportation authorization, kept legal advisors from immigrants during proceedings, failed to contact foreign consulates about those detained and other irregularities, which court cases have found. As of today, not one ICE agent or supervisor has ever been convicted, disciplined or terminated for engaging in such illegal or questionable activities. The lack of Congressional oversight and implementation of laws to prosecute ICE agents who intentionally engage in illegal activities that deprive the Constitutional rights of immigrants has never resulted in one single conviction. Isn't It time to implement accountability for ICE agents, their supervisors and those in ICE administration that know it's happening, but ignore it? 
ICE has targeted courthouse hearings around the country and made countless arrests of non-criminal individuals, despite a statement released from ICE spokeswoman Gail Montenegro in Chicago that stated, ICE "is focused on sensible, effective immigration enforcement by implementing the following removal priorities: convicted criminals, those who re-entered the United States after having been previously removed, and those who have outstanding deportation orders." Montenegro also admits that ICE targets specific individuals mentioned and "not random sweeps or raids," but use all resources available to track these individuales based on their removal priorities. VDLF believes otherwise and alleged that ICE targets Spanish speaking immigrants while attending court hearings or seeking other court services.
In one particular case, José Calderon who is now facing deportation was at Monday's rally to give his testimony about being detained and processed by ICE at an Ozaukee courthouse hearing for a minor citation, according to VDLF Facebook page posting. VDLF posted on Monday that Calderon was detained in the Ozaukee County Courthouse on July 8, 2013, after attending a hearing and paying a fine for driving without a license. Aside from two citations for driving without a license, Calderon has no criminal record. He has lived in Milwaukee since 1997, and is married with two young U.S. born children. Calderon is a member of VDLF.
After Calderon paid his traffic fine, two ICE agents in plainclothes and an Ozaukee County Sheriff's deputy stopped him. The ICE agents asked him in English, if he was José Calderon. 
When Calderon replied yes, the ICE agents detained him and then led him to another room in the courthouse, where three other ICE agents in plainclothes were holding approximately four individuals they had detained earlier at the courthouse. They were all Latinos previously present in court for hearings related to driving without a license.
Calderon's immigration attorney was also present with him at the court hearing, but the ICE agents refused to allow him to accompany his client into the private room. They proceeded to question Calderon. From the courthouse, Calderon was taken to the ICE office in downtown Milwaukee, interrogated more, and released on his own recognizance, according to VDLF. He is now facing deportation and a campaign to have him remain in the U.S. has been initiated by VDLF.

Bobby Jindal schools Dannel Malloy tangle outside White House

Good for Bobby J!  That’s how you these SOB Democrats that this GOPer has some moxey.  That’s a quality the GOP establishment knows nothing about.   
Politicoreports a group of governors emerged midday Monday from a meeting with President Barack Obama that stressed bipartisan cooperation — but that sentiment didn’t last as far as the White House driveway, as a Republican who’s had bigger political aspirations offered a tough assessment of what he’d heard.

“This president and the White House seems to be waving the white flag of surrender” by focusing on a limited set of executive actions, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal told reporters outside the White House, breaking from the comity of the first dozen minutes of a press conference led by National Governors Association chair Mary Fallin (R-Okla.) and vice-chair John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) — and from typically more innocuous readouts describing nearly all meetings as “productive.”

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