Venezuelan "Strongman" Wins Reelection, Obama Administration Congratulates Venezuela | Daily news sites
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Venezuelan "Strongman" Wins Reelection, Obama Administration Congratulates Venezuela

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Philosophic and Political Camaraderie?
A ruler who has proven himself to be anti USA at almost every turn has handily won reelection to the Presidency in Venezuela. Reports are voter turn out was 90%.

The Weekly Standard - Yesterday, Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez "won" reelection. Today, the White House is congratulating Venezuela on that outcome.

From the pool report, which details a gaggle held by White House spokesman Jay Carney:

-Carney said US congratulates Venezuelan people on its election, while noting the US has its differences with Chavez. {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

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