Can Americans handle a FINANCIAL and SOCIAL COLLAPSE? | Daily news sites
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Can Americans handle a FINANCIAL and SOCIAL COLLAPSE?

Obama says he can do what he wants

Are we the people ready for this?

Some say we are approaching the END GAME

The elite are scared because they know there are some real Americans left.  They continually try to destroy us but to their chagrin:

What happened to America?  

Did it get nigged-out?

Were you born in the U.S.A.?

The new music of America below

Our nation has been sadly under attack from some very evil and pernicious ways of certain men who elevate their culture as king.  Now we have sort of a quasi-king in the White House that is sporting about with his deceptions while he makes merchandise on we the people.  This is not going to end well.  And things are just getting started as the fruit of this wickedness abounds.  

I'm expecting that the fruit of this nation is ripe now for the judgement of God upon it.  And there will be no escape:

Yo mo fo bitches and hoes...sheeet...hit me!...

The Mitt Romney BITCH SONG by JAY Z:

CNN examines the rappin' culture with Slim Thug:

Rappin' USA...know wa 'm sayin'?....


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