Conservatives Slam 1.1 Trillion Budget Deal : Deal Puts US Deeper in Debt | Daily news sites
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Conservatives Slam 1.1 Trillion Budget Deal : Deal Puts US Deeper in Debt

The problem with D.C. Republicans is that they are a bunch of Democrat-lite politicians that seek to be loved by the media and Democrats.  These saps fail to realize it will never happen.  Conservative principles?  John Boehner wouldn’t a conservative principle if it sat on his face. 

NewsMaxreports Conservatives slammed the $1.1 trillion bipartisan budget bill passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, charging that it violated spending levels imposed by sequestration and caused the United States to keep spending money it did not have.

"It's just another example of bipartisanship spending more money and putting us further in debt," Chris Chocola, president of the Club for Growth, told Newsmax in an interview. "It's 1,582 pages. I'd be willing to make a bet that not one of the 435 of them actually read it.

"Instead of finding a way to be fiscally responsible, both parties are disappointed, once again, in spending more now and growing the size of government — putting us further in debt — and promising to behave better later, but not now," he said.

Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, told Newsmax that the bill signaled "a substantial retreat on the part of Republican leadership and a broken promise on what they said they would do in 2010. It's very frustrating."

On a vote of 359-67, the House passed the huge spending bill based on the compromise brokered in December by Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin,chairman of the House Budget Committee, and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, who heads the Senate Budget Committee.

Three Democrats joined with 64 Republicans to oppose the measure, which finances the government through this year and makes the possibility of a federal government shutdown less likely.

The legislation — which delays another $20 billion in Pentagon cuts under the 2011 sequestration bill, on top of the $34 million in reductions imposed last year — is expected to be approved by the Democratic-controlled Senate later this week.

House Speaker John Boehner praised the vote as a strong example of Capitol Hill bipartisanship.

"The House came together to keep the government open while further reining in its out-of-control spending," the Ohio Republican said in a statement. "I am particularly pleased that this measure contains no earmarks, which were once a pervasive symbol of a broken Washington.

"Also of note is that we are not providing any new or additional funding for the president’s healthcare law," Boehner added. The GOP-controlled chamber has voted numerous times to repeal the embattled Obamacare law.

"Of course, there is always more work to be done to deal with Washington’s spending problem, an effort Republicans will continue to lead as part of our focus on growing the economy and preserving the American Dream," Boehner said.

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