Disgraceful Peter King breaking Reagan’s 11th Commandment attacking Rand Paul and it’s embarrassing | Daily news sites
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Disgraceful Peter King breaking Reagan’s 11th Commandment attacking Rand Paul and it’s embarrassing

Ronald Reagan 11th commandment was Thou shall not criticize a fellow Republican!  

Rep Peter King(R-NY) has it in his head that if he publically knocks fellow Republicans the corrupt media will make him odds on favorite to get the GOP nomination in 2016.  The man is as delusional as President Obama thinking he can be an effective president.
Commentary Magazine reports Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s strengths as a prospective presidential candidate are generally well known, but there’s one that probably doesn’t get enough attention: he tends to get in his opponents’ heads all too easily. There was his filibuster over drones, which drew the accusation from John McCain that Paul was one of the party’s “wacko birds,” even when many who wouldn’t instinctively agree with Paul on the issue expressed admiration for his principled stand.

And there is his ongoing rivalry with Congressman Peter King, who is apparently contemplating challenging Paul for the GOP nomination in 2016. Paul’s criticism just before Christmas of National Intelligence Director James Clapper–who quite clearly misledCongress to avoid divulging classified information at a hearing–put King right out of the holiday spirit. “It’s an absolute disgrace,” King saidof Paul. “He disgraced his office and he owes General Clapper an apology immediately.”

With all the revelations about the NSA data collection, it was unlikely to be the last installment of the King-Paul spats on the subject. And sure enough, King raised the ante yesterday on Fox:

“Rand Paul does not know what he’s talking about,” King said after being asked to respond to Paul’s comments about the NSA. “And, Rand Paul is really spreading fear among the American people.”

“He was also was comparing General [James] Clapper to [Edward] Snowden,” King continued. “To me, he’s either totally uninformed or he’s part of that hate America crowd that I thought left us in the 1960s.”

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