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Peggy Noonan

I give PeggyNoonan credit for knowing more about Bill de Blasio radical Leftism than ready for the old folks home Bob Schieffer.  Unless de Blasio is gonna do something about the 70% illegitimate birth rate in the black community, income inequality will continue to be an issue.
ModerateVoice reports the problem with broadcast journalism today is that many anchors or reporters on political talk shows have a political axe to grind and hold up their axe for all to see. There are fewer on-the-air personalities now who will challenge an outright falsehood. And one of those few is CBS’s Bob Schieffer, a journalist from the Edward R. Murrow/Walter Cronkite school of journalism. Indeed, I have consistently maintained that CBS should have replaced Cronkite with Schieffer.

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Video (H/T) Crooks and Liars

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