Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes', American Media aided in Cover Up | Daily news sites
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Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes', American Media aided in Cover Up

The story of the Benghazi terrorist attacks is not just about President Obama’s dishonesty.  That part of his personality has been forever etched in stone by the multiple scandals that riddle his presidency.  Nor is it just about Hillary Clinton’s incompetence as secretary of state that resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. 
The biggest story is the journalistic fraud of the American media that did all it could to distort, misreport, and above all did not seek the facts of the matter in order to protect the careers of Obama and Hillary.  Our democracy is threatened by a lack of a free press.  The press in America is not free!  They have sold themselves to Liberal ideology and their part in the Benghazi cover up makes it crystal clear for the world to see. 

Daily Mail reports Pentagon officials knew almost immediately that the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, on 9-11-2012 was a terrorist attack and not a demonstration gone wrong, declassified documents have shown.

The documents - which were obtained by Fox News and contain 450 pages of top secret testimonies about the attack - has proven the Obama administration lied about the cause of the attack for two weeks afterward, having repeatedly maintained it was sparked by a violent demonstration against an anti-Islamic movie.

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

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