911 CASE REOPENED by Super Bowl XLVIII HERO | Daily news sites
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*****911 CASE RE-OPENED at Super Bowl*****

America Demands the truth of 911

Truther Matthew Mills opens national attention

Crashes POST-GAME PRESS CONFERENCE with 911 message...

U.S. GOVERNMENT is not happy with this guy

NFL Security Embarrassment

4,000 strong security doesn't stop We are Change activist Matthew Mills...
Matthew Mills of "We are Change" breaches Super Bowl security forces and gets in the PRESS ROOM during post-game media reports...

Where was all that high level security?  Do you feel safe now America?  

Better yet watch the interview and story of Matthew Mills on INFOWARS with Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.  Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones commend the man's bravery to get the message out...

Even the police know what happened on 911

"One of the cops that was taking my information was a 911 TRUTHER he told me when no one was in the room with me (I'm not going to mention his name), "You know I believe in this stuff too..."  He was real nice to me."
--Matthew Mills

Another interview with America's new Truther and hero Matthew Mills:

Over 4,000 SECURITY FORCES didn't stop American Truther Matthew Mills from crashing the POST-GAME INTERVIEW on LIVE NATIONAL TELEVISION...



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