Coulter: Obama "Would Be Impeached If He Weren't America's First Black President" | Daily news sites
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Coulter: Obama "Would Be Impeached If He Weren't America's First Black President"

Obama is judged unlike any president before him.  No president with as bad an economic record as Obama’s has ever been reelected.  He’s the only president that routinely says, “I inherited..”.  Most other presidents accepted responsibility for the office.  The buck never stops with Obama and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that President Obama is given special consideration because he’s black.  I think it does his race a tremendous disservice and very harmful to the dignity of all black people.
Real ClearPolitics reports ANN COULTER: Different branches have different rules. In terms of writing legislation, the president's rule is quite clearly laid out as he sort of indicates but then ignores with his pen, with his veto pen. That is his role. Then he has a phone. He can call Congressmen, he can call Senators and say, this is what I'd like in the law. But other than that, he has no role in writing legislation.

He is vetoing legislation by refusing to enforce it. The constitution demands that the president of the United States take care that the laws be faithfully executed. He has simply taken it upon himself to rewrite Obamacare, to rewrite immigration laws, -- you indicated with the DREAMers thing -- to rewrite

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