Hoaxter Rick Dyer Begins Bigfoot Alleged Scam Tour To Cash In On Fools | Daily news sites
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Hoaxter Rick Dyer Begins Bigfoot Alleged Scam Tour To Cash In On Fools

Rick Dyer

Bigfoot hoaxter starts cross-country Bigfoot scam tour to cash in before people realize his specimen is actually fake.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 3, 2014

Las Vegas, Nevada - On Monday, hoaxter Rick Dyer began his grand Bigfoot scam across the country to cash in on his scheme before people actually realize his specimen is a fake. Dyer in a short posted YouTube video said, that he was sorry about the way he acted towards people after reviewing past videos that made him look like a fool. He wants to move on.
He just purchased about four hundred t-shirts that say, Bigfoot is real and is expecting to cash in on tens of thousands of dollars in viewing fees, t-shirts, hats, videos, other items and sponsorship investments.
He cancelled the February 9th press conference indefinitely because he wants to make money first on his alleged kill of several Bigfoot creatures. Dyer has even come to believe that he actually bagged a couple of Bigfoots, despite having nothing to prove they are real. Dyer has not released any scientific documents or DNA testing to certifying the specimens in his possession are real and legitimate.
Dyer's cross-country tour could very well be the downfall of the Bigfoot Team Tracker investment group, especially when state and federal authorities decide to pay him a visit to inspect his specimen. 
Dyer in multiple videos and news broadcasts has said, that the Bigfoot specimen is real, but if it's proven false, he could be facing some hefty consequences.
Dyer could very well pull the biggest hoax of his life with the Bigfoot myth and people hoping to believe a Bigfoot really exist. Dyer in prior videos has said that Bigfoot doesn't actually exist.
Dyer should head South of the border into Mexico to get his Bigfoot tested for authenticity. Why? For a few bucks, Dyer can actually get the needed documents to certify that Bigfoot is real, even if it's fake. 
The U.S. Customs might not even let him reenter the U.S. with the fake specimen. Although, the feds wouldn't consider those documents as legit.
One thing for sure, Dyer has vowed to give a portion of his Bigfoot exhibition generated fees to a charity every time he collects them. He hasn't named a charity yet.

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