Shooting spree killer Breivik pleads not guilty in Norway | Daily news sites
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Shooting spree killer Breivik pleads not guilty in Norway

Norwegian far-rightist who massacred 77 people last summer gave a clenched-fist salute, and smirked at the court on the first day of a trial that threatens to showcase his anti-Islamic views.

The real question of the trial will be whether Breivik will be declared insane or guilty. While he risks being kept behind bars for the rest of his life, the high school dropout has said being labeled insane would be a "fate worse than death".

Listening impassively for hours as prosecutors read out an indictment detailing how he massacred teenagers trapped on a holiday island outside Oslo, he only shed tears when the court later showed one of his propaganda videos.

Wearing a suit and loosely knotted tie, Breivik entered the court in handcuffs, which were taken off just before he was seated. He smirked several times as the cuffs were removed, put his right fist on his heart then extended his hand in salute.

"I do not recognize the Norwegian courts. You have received your mandate from political parties which support multiculturalism," Breivik told the Oslo court after refusing to stand when judges entered.

"I acknowledge the acts but not criminal guilt as I claim self-defense," he added, seated in front of a bullet-proof glass wall.

Occasionally suppressing a yawn and sipping water, he stared down at the indictment papers, following without visible emotion the list of his killings as the prosecutor read out each one. Some details were so graphic that Norwegian television bleeped out descriptions of the massacres.

Breivik wiped away tears several times while watching a movie of still pictures accompanied by text of his vision of the evils of "multiculturalism" and "Islamic demographic warfare".

"I think he feels sorry for himself," said Mette Yvonne Larsen, one of the main lawyers representing victims. "His project didn't work out, that's why he's crying. He's not crying for the victims, he's crying over his extremely childish film."

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