On the Heels of Aurora... Demagoguery | Daily news sites
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On the Heels of Aurora... Demagoguery

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

On the heels of a lunatic madman's senseless violence in Aurora Colorado Friday the demagoguery has begun in earnest.

I get that sensible gun laws, background checks, and restricting assault weapons has merit and further reasonable discussion is sensible. Even desirable. Most Americans likely have similar thoughts... As long as law abiding citizens always retain the right to bear arms for the lawful purpose of hunting, target practice, and self defense (self defense as a check against government tyranny) is protected. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. The right is already protected, by the U.S. Constitution. But that will not deter the more extreme anti firearm enthusiasts in their pursuit to re-interpret the Constitution in their attempts to take firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens entirely. But I digress.

Apparently there are some that have decided President Obama, Mitt Romney, and the NRA have blood on their hands, Of course this explicitly and implicitly means President Obama and Mitt Romney, as well as the NRA bear responsibility for the Colorado massacre. Call it as you see it. It certainly deserves everyone's reasonable and rational consideration.

Be sure to read more on this discussion here and here.

Two views. Both properly understood, and by working together on this issue, improved public safety and the retention of firearm ownership can be assured. To ignore either view is foolish and will render less than the desired results.

What say you?

Via: Memeorandum

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