Liberalism 'Always Fails' We Know that ... | Daily news sites
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Liberalism 'Always Fails' We Know that ...

The question we face is "will we end America's liberal journey as a fascist country (our current trajectory) or as the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

Help educate the brainwashed...!

We need to educate the ignorant, send this video to a lib or two, (a dozen) ... ALSO - send it to kids in school, even your very young grandkids and your nieces and nephews.  Kids know something is wrong  with America, they are yearning for answers, help them... suggest they ponder this age old concept ...

Give liberals a chance to show how smart they are - have them explain this.

You younger kids in the school, engage your teachers, explain the U-Haul research on this video. I contend it is simple supply and demand. Have them do their own research and prove me wrong...

Send it to your news papers and ask them to verify it.  Put it to the test... 

 ask them if they do similar studies on anything important?

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