Obamacare: DOA, A Prescription for Disaster | Daily news sites
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Obamacare: DOA, A Prescription for Disaster

This excellent book, published by a subunit of Amazon, discusses the flaws, inconsistencies and defects in the health legislation known as Obamacare. Through real life examples, this author displays how medical care delivery by a giant government bureaucracy will be potentially detrimental to the greatest bulk of American society. PPACA (Obamacare)is analyzed from the health care practitioner's perspective. The author went to great lengths to show how government managed health programs lead in one direction, rationing. Mark Davis MD notes how medications for many diseases become scarce, access to hospital beds is reduced and the quality of care delivery moves down several notches. The author has owned and or managed many health facilities, which provided him with full knowledge how the government interacts with private medical facilities. He is Federal lobbyist specifically for patient care issues and has not represented any company or group profiting from Obamacare. If you want to take a glimpse at your medical future this is one book you should have on your reading list this year. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster will be criticized by those who will profit in some manner or fashion from Obamacare. Do not allow them to deter you from being informed about the most heinous health legislation every to emanate from the dark halls of Congress. Mark Davis MD, author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews. www.healthnetsbookreviews.com americassage@gmail.com, platomd@gmail.com For Interviews please contact me at 410-515-7858 or by email.

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