Georgia high school senior Sam McNair suspended 1 year for hugging teacher see video yourself | Daily news sites
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Georgia high school senior Sam McNair suspended 1 year for hugging teacher see video yourself

This is absolutely ridiculous!  Everything under the Sun is sexual harassment as far loony tunes progressives are concerned.   

AOL News  reports a Duluth, Ga. high school student was suspended for one year and won’t graduate on time after hugging a teacher.

Sam McNair, 17, a senior, was suspended last week from Duluth High School after being accused of also kissing and sexually harassing a teacher, which McNair denies, according to a CBS Atlanta report.
"Something so innocent can be perceived as something totally opposite," McNair told the network.

The incident was captured on school surveillance cameras and shows McNair enter a room, place his arms around the back and front of the teacher and tuck his head behind her neck.

The teacher, who apparently warned McNair that hugging was against the rules, claims McNair’s cheeks and lips touched the back of her neck and cheek.

McNair said he regularly hugs his teachers and has never been disciplined for it before.
April McNair, Sam's mother, said she was “dumbfounded” when she learned of the suspension, and said the school should have contacted her earlier if there were problems with his hugging teachers.

"He'sa senior. He plays football and was getting ready for lacrosse and you're stripping him of even getting a full scholarship for athletics for college," said April McNair.

Sam McNair does have a discipline record and previous suspensions but not for sexual harassment.

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That teacher in the video is a real jerk herself.  She damn well knows there was nothing sexual about that hug.  She may not wanted the hug in general, but he was being a caring person that's getting twisted in the wind.  

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