Rob Ford served with a libel suit by The Star Reporter Daniel Dale | Daily news sites
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Rob Ford served with a libel suit by The Star Reporter Daniel Dale

On Thursday I served Rob Ford with a libel notice, the first step in the process of pursuing a defamation lawsuit. I also served Vision TV, which twice broadcast Ford’s vile and defamatory remarks to Conrad Black even though their interview was filmed days before it aired. It had become clear to me that, if I had done nothing, the mayor would make his smears some sort of political talking point.

His comments to Black were no one-time slip; they seemed to be the first shots in a bewildering campaign against my good name. At a Tuesday news conference, he pointedly said he stands by “every word.” Today, he repeated many of his false claims on American radio. No matter how much stress a legal battle might add to my personal and professional life, it is, simply, now necessary.

More Video Mayor Rob Ford served libel noticeVideo: Mayor Rob Ford served libel notice Rob Ford stands by his commentsVideo: Rob Ford stands by his comments As my libel notice says,

I’m asking Ford to immediately retract the false insinuation that I am a pedophile and all of his false statements about my conduct on May 2, 2012. I’m also asking Ford and Vision owner ZoomerMedia to apologize immediately “publicly, abjectly, unreservedly and completely.”

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