Deep pocketed Gay Lobby bullying Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to sell out the religious freedom of Arizona businesses | Daily news sites
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Deep pocketed Gay Lobby bullying Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to sell out the religious freedom of Arizona businesses

Don’t fall for the deception that a new bill passed by the Arizona legislature allows Arizona businesses to discriminate against t Gays.  That’s a false premise!   What this bill does is protects the religious freedom of people of faith against confrontational lawsuits filed by Gay activists to move their agenda forward.  That’s the real reason the Gay Mafia is upset.  

Yahoo Newsreports Jan Brewer faced intensifying pressure Monday from CEOs, politicians in Washington and state lawmakers in her own party to veto a bill that would allow business owners with strongly held religious beliefs to deny service to gays and lesbians.

Senate Bill 1062 has set off a political firestorm since the Arizona Legislature passed it last week, with critics denouncing the measure as blatantly discriminatory and embarrassing to the state.

The chorus of opposition has grown each day, and on Monday, three state senators who voted in favor of the bill changed course and said they oppose it. U.S. Sen. John McCain asked Brewer to veto the measure, as did Apple Inc. and the CEO of American Airlines Group Inc.

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Like I said in prior posts, Gay activists purposely target faith businesses for the sole purpose of filling lawsuits to move their agenda forward.  There is no shortage of other business in Arizona that will service Gays.  This bill protects the religious freedom of owners who the right to service what their faith tells them. 

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