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ACA and the Glitches in the Registration Process, Possibly Many Weeks Away from Correcting...

ACA and the Glitches in the Registration Process, Possibly Many Weeks Away from Correcting...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As the administration acknowledges the myriad of technical problems with the healthcare exchange marketplace (and feigns anger) contractors have identified most of the problems but worry it may be weeks away before all issues are resolved. This is because the Obama Administration has been slow (remis) in issuing orders to fix the flaws.

From The New York Times.

Federal contractors have identified most of the main problems crippling President Obama’s online health insurance marketplace, but the administration has been slow to issue orders for fixing those flaws, and some contractors worry that the system may be weeks away from operating smoothly, people close to the project say.

Administration officials approached the contractors last week to see if they could perform the necessary repairs and reboot the system by Nov. 1. However, that goal struck many contractors as unrealistic, at least for major components of the system. Some specialists working on the project said the online system required such extensive repairs that it might not operate smoothly until after the Dec. 15 deadline for people to sign up for coverage starting in January...

In interviews, experts said the technological problems of the site went far beyond the roadblocks to creating accounts that continue to prevent legions of users from even registering. Indeed, several said, the login problems, though vexing to consumers, may be the easiest to solve. One specialist said that as many as five million lines of software code may need to be rewritten before the Web site runs properly.

“The account creation and registration problems are masking the problems that will happen later,” said one person involved in the repair effort.


One major problem slowing repairs, people close to the program say, is that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency in charge of the exchange, is responsible for making sure that the separately designed databases and pieces of software from 55 contractors work together. It is not common for a federal agency to assume that role, and numerous people involved in the project said the agency did not have the expertise to do the job and did not fully understand what it entailed.

The people close to the project spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the system’s problems.


A part of the system, hidden from users, draws data from several federal and state databases to determine if consumers qualify for coverage and then calculates the subsidies for which they may be eligible. Another part of the system sends enrollment data to insurers. Several people involved in the project say that problems like those of the last three weeks are not uncommon when software from several companies is combined into a large, complex system.

Insurance executives said in interviews that they were frustrated because they did not know the government’s plan or schedule for repairs. Insurers have found that the system provides them with incorrect information about some enrollees, repeatedly enrolls and cancels the enrollments of others, and simply loses the enrollments of still others.

Correcting those errors, specialists said, could require extensive rewriting of software code. Insurers said it could be weeks before their data and the government’s could be reconciled.

Accurate enrollment data is essential. Even if consumers bypass the federal Web site and go directly to insurance companies to sign up for coverage, the Treasury Department will still need enrollment data to pay tens of billions of dollars in subsidies promised to insurers.

Confidential government documents show that some technical fixes have been made to the federal Web site, and specialists say the site is slowly improving.

Nevertheless, disarray has distinguished the project. In the last 10 months alone, government documents show, officials modified hardware and software requirements for the exchange seven times. It went live on Oct. 1 before the government and contractors had fully tested the complete system. Delays by the government in issuing specifications for the system reduced the time available for testing. {Read the Full Story Here}

As America and her frustrations continue over the current ACA registration process glitches she can only wait and hope the process improves and the ACA itself runs smoother and better than its initial signup rollout. Only time will tell. It is after all the law of the land and it ain't going anywhere. Irrespective of the Tea Party, Cruz, Rubio, Gohmert and the rest of the minority working to find ways to insure its failure.

Via: Memeorandum

Here the GOP Goes Again... Is the Party Incapable of Addressing the Real Issues that Really Matter?

Here the GOP Goes Again... Is the Party Incapable of Addressing the Real Issues that Really Matter?
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Birth control "mandate" compared to Pearl Harbor and 911 by the Neanderthal right.

Imagine, certain elements of the Republican party apparently believe their archaic and judgmental position with respect to contraceptives and the ACA mandate that businesses cover birth control will win them support and ultimately votes. A waste of time and energy methinks. Especially given what polls indicate the majority of the public thinks.

THE HILL - House Republicans called the Obama administration's birth-control mandate "religious bigotry" and compared it to the events of Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11, 2001.

The heated remarks came at a press conference marking the mandate's first day.

"I know in your mind you can think of the times America was attacked," said Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), a freshman.

"One is December 7 — that is Pearl Harbor Day. Another was September 11 — that was the day of the terrorist attack.

"I want you to remember August 1, 2012 — the attack on our religious freedom. That is a date that will live in infamy, along with those other dates."

Starting Wednesday, most employers will have to cover contraception in their health plans without a co-pay.

Republicans have denounced the policy as an attack on the religious freedom of people who object to birth control or consider some forms equal to abortion.

Another freshman, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), said the mandate marks the return of "anti-Catholic bigotry" to American life. {Read More}

Once more the GOP reinforces its relative shortsightedness and inability to think beyond archaic ideology and the religious dogma of the Church.

It is as if the GOP has lost sight of the importance of the governance issues that ultimately determine the nation's fiscal stability and international economic standing and influence among nations. Things like decreasing the federal debt {which will require cuts in the MIC), and annual budget deficits.

It appears the GOP has lost focus in the interest of attempting to further controlling the sexual practices of its citizens. Something the federal government has no business concerning itself with.

A clue for the Republican socon right. ACA is likely here to stay, irrespective of what Mittens wants you to believe should he is elected. So, focus on just how the GOP is going to help to put people back to work by supporting business growth that creates jobs. Jobs for average American middle class families rather than for the upper echelon financial class.

Is it any wonder why the small tent of the Republican Party is losing broad based support throughout the nation? Ultimately the GOP will render itself irrelevant, unless it changes in a big way.

I left the GOP over five years ago. Largely because of its focus on what is really irrelevant.

Via: Memorandum

Romney Clarity... ?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -s- Tyranny

Romney speak, from The Hill:

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney argued Tuesday that if the president's signature healthcare legislation was overturned Thursday by the Supreme Court, it would mean that President Obama's first term was a waste.

"Instead of focusing on immigration — and of course the big issue, which was the economy, and getting the economy going — he instead focused on putting in place his healthcare reform called ObamaCare," Romney said at a campaign stop in Salem, Va. "As you know, the Supreme Court is going to be dealing with whether or not ObamaCare is constitutional. If it's not, if ObamaCare is not deemed constitutional, than the first three and a half years of this president's term will have been wasted on something that does not help the American people."

So, Mittens, does this mean that if the Affordable Care Act; aka ObamaCare, is deemed constitutional President Obama's first term will have been a resounding success?

On a serious note, Romney does make some valid observations later. Read the rest of the article and watch the Video.

Via: Memeorandum

Lets Get Beyond Hyperbole and Discuss the Demerits as Well as the Merits (if any) of the Issue...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

It has allegedly been said as one gets older they get wiser. This is quite probable as the experiences of a long and productive life gives a person many references that naturally become part of their life experience and mold their philosophy of existence.

Of course that assumes the individual chooses to use reality and the truth of rational unemotional thought to guide them. Both in their analysis as well as their ultimate conclusions on every important issue of their life.

I was not a advocate nor a supporter of William Jefferson Clinton in his hay day as President and Commander in Chief. He was, as they say, just a bit too progressive as well as being a bit untrustworthy. I shall leave it to Hillary to clarify the forgoing statement.

Forgive me as I have digressed...

I stumbled across the following article published today in THE DAILY BEAST, a leftist rag I rarely visit. On the rare occasions when I do i typically find it to contain a boatload of BS.

Today was interestingly different. I found myself reading, and rereading the auricle expressing ex President Bill Clinton's position. Not because I fully disagreed nor that I fully agreed with his positions. Rather I found many of his arguments to be both interesting as well as some possessing a bit of merit.

As a person enters the senior years of their life they become more reflective. In the process the individual seem to gain the ability to fully grasp more complex perspectives that only experience can give them. That is to say if they have managed to stay awake throughout their life and take in all the intellectual stimuli that life and reality provides.

Of course it is the ideal for one is able to retain an objective and rational ability to determine reality as it is, rather than how one may wish it to be. Which I suppose is the reason I put this post up. To suggest that everyone, whether they are conservative, liberal, neo-conservative, libertarian, objectivist, Platonic, or Aristotelian in their leanings consider the merits or lack thereof of the article.

President William Jefferson Clinton most definitely does not have all the answers. In fact he may only have a few, a very few. Certainly this Randian capitalist, limited government, classical liberal, and advocate of maximum individual liberty has many issue with ex President Clinton. However, given his intelligence and experience (personal shortcomings aside) his views are at least worth considering. Naturally this means with an active and inquisitive mind. Something I fear too few liberals and conservatives do in this day and age of wedge politics.

I have prepared myself for the possible backlash this post might cause. I stand ready to defendant the post as well as the logical and rational justification for having posted it.

Simply stated it is time the political activists of both parties, the candidates as well as current office holders, and the general population start to engage in studying both sides of issues and civilly discuss/debate the possible disadvantages as well as the possible advantages of all positions. Based solely on empirical data and actual facts. Sadly this nation and its people seems to have lost the ability to do so.

Admittedly I have taken a very long way around in getting to the subject matter that drove this post. I humbly ask your understanding for this and hope you posses the capacity to understand the reason why I did so.

Please take the time to read this article in full. Consider the thoughts of this ex President. Weigh them against all opposing views. After doing so decide based on logical and rational criteria, not emotionally driven concerns or experiences. In the final analysis reason and logic must prevail.

Certainly this is true if this nation is to survive as we have known it. Both for the next millennium and beyond.

Via: Memeorandum