Here the GOP Goes Again... Is the Party Incapable of Addressing the Real Issues that Really Matter? | Daily news sites
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Here the GOP Goes Again... Is the Party Incapable of Addressing the Real Issues that Really Matter?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Birth control "mandate" compared to Pearl Harbor and 911 by the Neanderthal right.

Imagine, certain elements of the Republican party apparently believe their archaic and judgmental position with respect to contraceptives and the ACA mandate that businesses cover birth control will win them support and ultimately votes. A waste of time and energy methinks. Especially given what polls indicate the majority of the public thinks.

THE HILL - House Republicans called the Obama administration's birth-control mandate "religious bigotry" and compared it to the events of Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11, 2001.

The heated remarks came at a press conference marking the mandate's first day.

"I know in your mind you can think of the times America was attacked," said Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), a freshman.

"One is December 7 — that is Pearl Harbor Day. Another was September 11 — that was the day of the terrorist attack.

"I want you to remember August 1, 2012 — the attack on our religious freedom. That is a date that will live in infamy, along with those other dates."

Starting Wednesday, most employers will have to cover contraception in their health plans without a co-pay.

Republicans have denounced the policy as an attack on the religious freedom of people who object to birth control or consider some forms equal to abortion.

Another freshman, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), said the mandate marks the return of "anti-Catholic bigotry" to American life. {Read More}

Once more the GOP reinforces its relative shortsightedness and inability to think beyond archaic ideology and the religious dogma of the Church.

It is as if the GOP has lost sight of the importance of the governance issues that ultimately determine the nation's fiscal stability and international economic standing and influence among nations. Things like decreasing the federal debt {which will require cuts in the MIC), and annual budget deficits.

It appears the GOP has lost focus in the interest of attempting to further controlling the sexual practices of its citizens. Something the federal government has no business concerning itself with.

A clue for the Republican socon right. ACA is likely here to stay, irrespective of what Mittens wants you to believe should he is elected. So, focus on just how the GOP is going to help to put people back to work by supporting business growth that creates jobs. Jobs for average American middle class families rather than for the upper echelon financial class.

Is it any wonder why the small tent of the Republican Party is losing broad based support throughout the nation? Ultimately the GOP will render itself irrelevant, unless it changes in a big way.

I left the GOP over five years ago. Largely because of its focus on what is really irrelevant.

Via: Memorandum

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