Artur Davis Calls Biden Remarks 'Racial Visiousness'... | Daily news sites
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Artur Davis Calls Biden Remarks 'Racial Visiousness'...

 by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Artur Davis, articulate, intelligent, honest, and spot on in his criticism of both Vice President Joe (Dufus) Biden and President Obama.

(CNN) - Artur Davis, the former four-term Democratic congressman from Alabama, said Wednesday that Vice President Joe Biden was propagating "racial viciousness" when he said Mitt Romney's regulatory policies would "put y'all back in chains."

Biden made the comments Tuesday to a predominantly black crowd in Danville, Virginia, a city with a long history of racial tension. In May Davis announced he was switching to the GOP, leaving the door open to a future political bid as a Republican.


Davis, who is black, said the comment smacked of a type of divisiveness he said was all too common in the South.

"It brought back memories for me," Davis told Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "The Situation Room." "It brought back memories of these Democratic politicians in the South, who think they can go before crowds and say one thing and nobody else will hear it, and they'll somehow get a cheer in the room and that they can blithely go on about their business."

Saying Biden went to a place he "never should have gone" in his remarks, Davis called the vice president's words insulting.

"It's a divisive tactic that's insulting to African Americans," Davis said. "It's insulting to the American people. It's insulting to the legacy that he used to build up as an orator who used to know how to inspire people instead of strike fear in people's heart."

Davis, who campaigned for Mitt Romney Wednesday in Virginia, may be best known for seconding Obama's nomination at the Democratic National Convention in 2008, when he served as an Obama campaign co-chairman.

Davis said he had hoped Obama's presidency would make a huge dent in race relations, as well as move the Democratic Party further to the center. Biden's comments, Davis said, should embarrass the president.

"It ought to embarrass President Obama," he said. "President Obama has talked so movingly about our country moving beyond race, and his own vice president makes this kind of comment yesterday? It was wrong and the president ought to be embarrassed by it, and the president ought to say it was wrong." {Read More}

Of course we already know the President isn't going to do that. He has is handlers working overtime to spin the Biden remarks. Continue reading.

In the following CNN video note Wolf Blitzer laboring to carry water for the democratic agenda and the Obama administration. The democratic machine (aka progressive collectivists) and liberal media must really, really, really be twisting in their collective underwear.

Via: Memeorandum

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