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Oy vey Mr. Romney...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Mr. Governor Romney... Neither I or most Americans really care a whole lot about how much money you have made during your career. Hell, most of us wish we had the business acumen, savvy, and drive to have accomplished the same for ourselves and our families.

We really do understand that you did build your business yourself. We also understand that at times in your growth trajectory in building your business and becoming a multimillionaire that you enlisted the advice and counsel of knowledgeable people to advise you. Hell, even a small time manager like myself understands we achieved our own success through hard work and dedication. But we did have advisers and support teams that actually made sure we didn't, well, you know, F-up.

As I always said, and firmly believe... I was only as good as my people. People whose performance by the way I was also responsible for. Maybe Mr. Obama, and even you Mr. Romney might be well served to view that comment as a teachable moment. But I digress.

Even though I am supporting Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket for philosophical reasons I though I would give you and your campaign a bit of FREE advice. The bottom line Mr. Romney is most that haven't already made up their mind to vote for President Obama or Gary Johnson really only want to know everything was on the up and up with your tax thingy.

If, as all your diehard supporters already believe your tax returns are on the up and up why the hell not just release them. To counter Muddle brain Harry Reid it might be a damn good idea to go back at least ten years. If not more. Of course that is if everything is indeed on the up and up.

Personally my efforts are in trying to help Gary Johnson garner enough support (15% in the polls) to get him on the presidential debate BIG podium with you and President Obama. Because I believe that if that were to become a reality Gary would blow both of you off the stage and a new and more transparent and open American political system would emerge. But again I digress.

In conclusion Mr. Romney I, and likely millions of other patriotic Americans suggest you release those tax forms.

I have an idea for you. Well, actually the idea originated from one of Rational Nation's loyal readers. Why not go on national TV, lay out your plan to get the American economy back on track, strengthen the country's infrastructure, improve our global competitiveness, and build pride in Made in America again.

Sound good? Great! In closing tell the American people that at at the end of your four years (but before the 2016 Republican convention) if polls with a plus or minus 3% margin of error show the American people believe you failed to succeed with your plan( remember you would have built that yourself) that you would not run for a second term. It sure sounds like a winning strategy to me and a lot of people just might take a chance on you.

Okay Mr. Romney that's the last bit of free advice you'll receive from this corner of the blogoshere. Now on to some prime time stuff.

THE HILL - Mitt Romney said he has "paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes" when asked about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) recent accusations that he hadn't paid any.

"Categorically, I have paid taxes every year and a lot of taxes, a lot of taxes, so Harry is wrong," Romney said when asked about Reid's recent comments. "Harry Reid really has to put up or shut up... I understand what you're trying to do. You're trying to deflect the fact that the job numbers are bad, Americans are out of work."

Romney ripped Reid and President Obama for a series of "misleading, false attacks" — though when asked why he wouldn't release more years of tax returns to prove Reid wrong, he dodged.

"You can go on our website and you can see my financial disclosure statements going back to 2002, you can also see our tax returns from 2010," he said, promising that when the 2011 tax returns were ready they would also be released.

Romney then said that Reid's attacks proved that even if he did release his returns they'd be subject to distortions from "the other side of the aisle."

Via: Memeorandum

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