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Rep. Nancy Pelosi to the Rescue...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Harry Reid, given his announcement he had heard from a unnamed(s) source at Bain Capital that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years apparently needed support from another disingenuous progressive, one worth millions I might add. Not that ALL progressives worth millions are disingenuous and lacking in integrity mind you.

When I saw the picture above, one of a motherly Ms. Pelosicrat obviously consoling her male associate in government opaqueness I couldn't help but smile and think just how foolish and distracting from the REALLY important issues facing the nation all this "stuff" over tax returns really is.

Ms. Pelosicrat has come to the defense of one Mr. Duh, who made his allegations based on information from an unidentified source whom allegedly really exists but whom Mr. Duh refuses to identify. Duh. Now everybody should get it and just go vote for the Emperor Who Has No Clothing.

Were I a judge ruling on the evidence presented by Mr. Duh and Ms. Pelosicrat so far I certainly would throw the case out of court.

Okay, snark off and put aside here's the HuffPo lowdown.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) fired back at Republicans accusing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) of lying about a Bain Capital investor telling him that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years. They don’t know what they're talking about, Pelosi says.

"Harry Reid made a statement that is true. Somebody told him. It is a fact," Pelosi told The Huffington Post in a Sunday interview. "Whether he did or not can easily be disposed of: Mitt Romney can release his tax returns and show whether he paid taxes."

It should be obvious to everybody that Mr. Duh and Ms. Polosicrat are just playing tag team politics intended to create the greatest distraction of the dismal performance of the Obama economic "plan." Goal, to keep America fixated on Romney's success at the expense of the "average American Joe and Jane.

"Well he doesn't know that," Pelosi said. "Harry Reid is a person who is, as we know, A, is a fighter, B, he wouldn't say this unless it was true that somebody told him that."

The California Democrat said she doesn’t relish watching Romney squirm over his tax returns because she's more interested in focusing on the fact that his tax plan is "so harmful to the middle class." Still, she said, the two issues are connected.

"The salience of what Harry Reid is saying is related" to the contents of Romney's tax plan, Pelosi said. "Here's a guy who wants you to pay more when I think, 'I' meaning Harry Reid, somebody told me he hasn't even paid his taxes. But he wants you to pay more to underwrite tax cuts for the wealthy... It's like a double doozy." {Read More}

In the above utterances from the lips of Ms. Pelosicrat lies the truth. You are seeing the tactics of the left, which is class warfare, divide and conquer, and at the end of the day to keep the spoils of political warfare to themselves.

History has given us many examples of the final results of that which is occurring in America in the 21st century. It also provides many examples of what happens when wealth is acutely concentrated at the very top layer of society.

As the chute downward into the bottomless pit continues to be greased by both the left and the right.

Via: Memeorandum

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