The rEbublican pArty Attempting to Limit Voter Choice in Iowa... It Won't Stop There | Daily news sites
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The rEbublican pArty Attempting to Limit Voter Choice in Iowa... It Won't Stop There

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As could be expected the new neo Fascist rEpublican party and its sorry excuse of a presumptive nominee, Willard Mittens Romneyskull, is trying the usual underhanded tactics so common in the new neo Fascist rEpublican party. They are trying to shut down Gary Johnson's Libertarian run for the presidency by attempting to get him removed from the ballot. All I say is these sorry a** boys must be really scared as it appears they are shi**ing themselves in their attempt to vaporize what they believe is support that would be theirs were it not for the candidacy of Gary Johnson. Well boys and girls, guess what... You haven't earned the support of, or the respect of Gary Johnson or Ron Paul supporters. In fact it is indeed bewildering why ANYBODY would support the rEpublican party today..

Every liberty minded true Republican and independent ought to throw their support solidly behind Gary Johnson. If for no other reason than to bring the new neo Fascist rEpublican party to its knees, if not exterminating it entirely.

Whatever respect liberty minded people might have had for the rEpublican party it should be gone entirely after this crap by the new neo fascist rEpublican party.

The story from the examiner.

Jay Kramer, a Mitt Romney campaign supporter from Washington, D.C., filed a challenge on Friday to keep Libertarian candidate for President, Gov. Gary Johnson, from appearing on the Iowa ballot in November. The Romney campaign hired the Des Moines-based Nyemaster Goode PC for the challenge, which will be heard by Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz on Monday at 3 p.m.

"This is clearly a setup," said the Johnson campaign's attorney, Alicia Dearn. "The Libertarian Party had 2,000 petition signatures and should have been on the ballot without challenge, as they have always done in the past. But Republican Iowa Secretary of State Schultz — in violation of longstanding Iowa law — rejected the petition and required the Johnson campaign to caucus at the state fair. There, the Romney campaign surveilled the Johnson campaign's activities for the sole purpose of bringing this eleventh-hour challenge," Dearn said.

The Romney campaign's challenge was filed Friday afternoon and set for a hearing on Monday afternoon. The 106-page challenge includes photographs of Johnson supporters asking fair-goers to support having Gov. Johnson and the Libertarian Party offered as a choice on the ballot. The Republicans' challenge claims that the state fair signatures should be thrown out because the signers are not Libertarians.

"The challenge is legally frivolous," asserts Dearn. "You don't have to be a registered Libertarian to want a third choice on the ballot. Iowans deserve to choose for themselves who to vote for, which is why Gov. Johnson should be on the ballot." {Read More}

The new neo Fascist rEpublican party is about limiting the voters choice, it is about building walls to insulate themselves from new ideas and limiting the peoples access to the same, it is about control, it is about nothing that our founders envisioned for this nation. Yes Obama and his policies must be replaced. But do we want to replace them with a party that will yield nothing much better and possibly much worse?

Yes I am pissed, and so should every American be pissed over the rEpublican parties attempts to limit the electorates choice at the ballet box. A party that will attempt this is a party that will surely limit your liberty at the first reason they find to do so. Believe me, when they do, and it will happen (anybody remember the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and the TSA?) it will be to increase their own control over your life, liberty, property, and happiness.

The Libertarian Party Platform is a platform for liberty. The candidacy of Gary Johnson is the only choice that will insure fiscal responsibility in government and that individual liberties are recognized and protected by the government. For those of us who cherish our freedom and liberty, the birthright of all Americans, Gary Johnson is the only rational choice before us in 2012..

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