Todd Akin defies calls from Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan to quit race as GOP pulls $5M in ad funds | Daily news sites
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Todd Akin defies calls from Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan to quit race as GOP pulls $5M in ad funds

Embattled Rep. Todd Akin is insisting he’s in the U.S. Senate race to stay, saying “this is not about my ego” but about the voters of Missouri who chose him as their nominee.
Akin confirmed in a nationally broadcast interview that Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan called him to personally plea that he step aside in the wake of the searing controversy surrounding his comments about abortion.
But Akin says, “It’s not right for party bosses to override” the voters of Missouri. He says he told Ryan that he was thinking things over and wants to “do what’s right.” But he also says he’s not abandoning his race, arguing that “I’m planning to win it.”
Akin acknowledges it was a mistake for him to refer to “legitimate” rapes but says he’s apologized for that and that the voters of Missouri knew they weren’t getting a “perfect” candidate.
Akin says in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that “I’m not apologizing for the fact that I’m pro-life.” He also appeared on NBC’s “Today” show.
Earlier, Akin took his message to conservative talk radio shows, declaring GOP leaders were overreacting by insisting he abandon his quest to unseat Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and to social media with appeals for donations on his Twitter feed claiming “liberal elites” are trying to push him out of the race.

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