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guest post - tiffany leigh interior design

Hello LBD fans, I'm Tiffany and I blog over at Tiffany Leigh Interior Design about my decor inspiration and my studies in interior design school!

I'm thrilled that Elizabeth invited me over today while she is away on vacation (lucky lady).

Fall fashion this year is calling for lots of army greens and camo wear.

Often we see fashion creep into decor, but this one might be a bit trickier. Too much and it could start to look too masculine, or worse...themey.

via pinterest
The key to getting this look right in fashion is to keep it a little edgy (notice the leather jacket), mostly neutral (the hat) and add in some feminine touches (the gold nails and black pumps!).

With this in mind, I've gathered some pieces to show you how to translate this fashion trend into timeless home decor:

 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

The main army piece in this room is the chair:

via Stephen Kenn
It's actually constructed from genuine repurposed WWII military fabric. How cool is that? A conversation piece with a sense of history. It works because the khaki green colour is a classic neutral.

The floral pillow uses the same colours as camo and the deer head pillow creates a slight hunting feel.

The silver tray, bronze garden stool and blue sofa help to break up the army motif and add contrast.

Let's see how this motif has been used by others:

^ A subtle and abstract camouflage wallpaper used in a nursery!

via Sarah Richardson
^ Sarah Richardson employs this scheme subtly with wool army blankets, olive green walls, and camo colored fern window treatments.

What do you think of this fashion trend? Do you think you would be bold enough to incorporate it in the home?

And please, come visit my blog! I'd love to meet you :)


Gary Johnson, a Man for the Times...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Gary Johnson at the Paul Festival | Photo: Jaime Roocke-Sherman - roocke.com

Libertarian Party candidate for president Gary Johnson will be the standard bearer of the Ron Paul Revolution going forward into the future. As the Liberty movement and the Paul Revolution continues to pick up steam it is critically important that individuals who cherish individualism and liberty, that understand and desperately want a return to limited constitutional government, that want every individual, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation or sexual orientation to be free to live their lives as they chose within the constitutional laws of society stand up and cast their ballot for Gary Johnson on November 6th.

There are many,  they number in the several million, that support what the Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson stands for but will vote for Romney simply because of their disdain for the  job President Obama has done since being elected. There are millions more who will vote for Obama simply because of their distaste for Romney. It simply amazes how anyone can vote for either candidate, Romney or Obama when in reality they are merely shades of each other. Voting for Romney or Obama) simply means voting for the "lesser of two evils"  and either will insure the continued downward spiral of our nation into fiscal insanity and increasing statism. In other words continued fiscal instability, continued deficits and increasing debt, continued loss of individual liberty,  increased dependency on government, continued polarization of the populace along religious, ethnic, and racial lines, and more will be the reality if either WMR or BHO becomes president. Unfortunate as it is, we all know one of them will.

Gary Johnson understands his run for the presidency is a long shot at best. He knows that  to get 34% of the vote,  with Romney and Obama splitting the other 66% is mathematically just not going to happen. Gary Johnson understands this, and he rightfully views this year's run as building momentum for the future. He knows the exposure he gets over the next two plus months will be invaluable in helping to fuel the Liberty Revolution and keep it alive and growing into 2016.

In yesterday's issue of the SUNSHINE STATE NEWS Candidate Johnson reflects on his purpose for running and outlines his positions.

“I think I’m the next president of the United States, based on the 1.9 million people who have taken the test at isidewith.com. And interestingly, I side with more Floridians and Texans than any other state.”

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is not very well known outside of his home state, but over the next couple of months the Libertarian Party presidential candidate hopes to send a strong message to the nation’s political establishment by siphoning enough votes away from Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney to throw off the November general election.

“I hope that I would get labeled as a ‘spoiler’ from the standpoint of people actually focusing on what it is I am saying, and that this changes the way whoever wins governs,” Johnson told Sunshine State News in an exclusive interview Saturday at the 2012 Ron Paul Festival.

Johnson’s Saturday address at the three-day pow-wow, sponsored by his newly adopted political party, was one of the gathering’s major highlights, as he worked a standing-room-only crowd of thousands of disaffected conservatives and libertarians to a fever pitch while knocking off the various planks of his presidential platform.

“Libertarians are fiscally responsible and socially accepting, and I think most people in this country fall into that category,” he tells Sunshine State News. “Libertarians are going to be real good on civil liberties and are going to be dogged on balancing the budget.”

Johnson rejects conventional wisdom that says his candidacy will necessarily tip the election, if at all, in favor of the Democratic ticket. “This question has been put to a test through polling,” he says, “There’ve been four states [so polled]: in two states I take more votes from Romney; but in two other states, New Mexico and Colorado, I take more from Obama.”

Johnson’s appeal to the American center-left is readily understandable when one considers his stance toward some of the issues most contentious even within the so-called “liberty movement.” Abortion is one example. “I fundamentally support a woman’s right to choose,” he declares. “My own personal beliefs on this issue mirror the law of the land. The law is that the woman has the right to choose [abortion] until the fetus is viable, when it is possible to sustain the life of the fetus outside the womb, even by artificial means. This was my own personal position even before I understood the law on the issue. My own personal position on the issue and the law of the land are the same.”

Still, Johnson insists that his political stance on the matter is virtually identical with that of the staunchly pro-life Ron Paul. “I would appoint Supreme Court justices based on their commitment to interpreting the constitution on the basis of original intent,” he explains. “That needs to be the fundamental criterion for a Supreme Court justice. Though I would not ask them their opinion on Roe v. Wade [the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which declared abortion a constitutional right], it is my understanding that, based on that criterion, that Supreme Court justices would in fact overturn it,” thereby rendering abortion a subject for each individual state to legislate on.

But when it comes to homosexual marriage, the Libertarian candidate differs sharply from the Texas congressman. Paul believes the federal government shouldn’t be in the business of defining or regulating marriage at all – indeed, he believes state governments shouldn’t be doing so either, but that they should limit themselves to enforcing contracts, while leaving it to individuals or their voluntary associations (e.g., churches) to define marriage however they please. {Read More}

Gary has so much to offer a weary and fiscally unstable nation. He is not about BS and hyperbole or lying about the nation's realities like the New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty candidate and the New Statist Socialist pArty candidate are. He is about telling the truth, telling it like it is, and he is for the sound fiscal policies that will bring down the debt. He is for choice and believes in limited government intrusion into your personal affairs. He believes in opportunity for all and helping to create the environment where everyone can grow and prosper. He believes in the value of hard work, self reliance, working together as an American team, and thereby unleashing the great American spirit and can do attitude. Rather than creating dependency on government and the divisiveness that has become so prevalent today.

Anything is possible if we believe and work hard enough to achieve it. Perhaps even winning the White House in 2012. Having said that, realistically the jewel awaits us in 2016. But we must get vocal in 2012, write letters to the editors, if you have a blog pitch the value of Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party, Volunteer time and or make a contribution if you can, talk about Gary Johnson and his ideas to anyone who will listen, and especially important go to the polls on November 6th and do the right thing, VOTE Gary Johnson for President of the United States.



By John Cleese (British writer, actor and tall person):

The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to"Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." 

The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

The Scots have raised their threat level from "Pissed Off" to "Let's get the Bastards." They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender." The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France 's white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country's military capability.

Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly"
to "Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides."

The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs." They also have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose."

Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.

The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

Australia , meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She'll be alright, Mate." Two more escalation levels remain: "Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!" and "The barbie is cancelled." So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level.

A final thought -" Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting
aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC."

One pair of pants-3 bittersweet colours combination

 see more details about this look HERE

 see more details about this look HERE

see more details about this look HERE

Today I show you one pair of pants worn in 3 different colors combination from the category "3 Bittersweet Colours Combination ". This Zara vivid color pants can be worn with heels and flats, shirts and sweaters .No matter the season they are a great versatile piece . Which one is your favorite?

guest post - the pink pagoda, and a guest post

HI Friends! A quick note to let you know that in addition to a great visit from The Pink Pagoda, I'm also over at Emily Clark today talking about the last thing I bought on line. Check it out.

And now...the lovely Jennifer from The Pink Pagoda.
Hi, I'm Jennifer from The Pink Pagoda. I'm thrilled to be Elizabeth's guest today.  I'm continually amazed by her ability to see potential and repurpose.  Whether it's wrapping paper or a less than lovely garden stool from the 80s, she can use it to create something amazing.  Thanks so much for having me today, Elizabeth!

Spoonflower has been around for awhile.  Chances are you've seen something about it before.  In case you haven't, it's a website where you can buy and/or create fabric.  You upload a file, and they print it for you.  Obviously, there's much more to it than that, and you can read all about it here.   I created the fabric in the photo above for the first One Room Challenge in which I redid my laundry room.  I used the images below that are for sale in my Etsy shop to create the fabric.  It was easy, and when it arrived in the mail I couldn't have been happier with the result.

I tried it again for the last One Room Challenge round and it did not work for me.  Apparently I should have purchased the color guide.  You can see from the first image the colors I created.  The second image is a photo of the fabric Spoonflower printed.  The colors are way off.  The blues went much greener.  I'm not giving up on Spoonflower, though.  I was impulsive (ADD) not to have taken the time to read about the color guide and purchase it.  There's too much fun potential not to figure this out.  And, if you don't have the tools or knowledge to create the fabric yourself, you can purchase from other  designers who sell their designs through Spoonflower.  There is some incredible fabric available that is much less expensive than designer fabric. 

Kerry Steele, from Design du Monde, posted about her Spoonflower designs here and here.  She created some absolutely amazing fabrics that she'll be selling through the website.  Her fantastic post inspired me to share my Spoonflower experience.

This is an Indian paisley pattern I created on Spoonflower.

A pink and orange watercolor pattern I created.

The two above are geometrics I created on Spoonflower.  

If you know how to use Photoshop or the like to create images to upload, Spoonflower can be a fabric resource for you.  It's really fun to play around and see what you come up with.  And how amazing to be able to have fabric that you designed yourself!   I've had some new ideas I'm excited about trying.  Is this something you would ever attempt?

Thank you so much for having me here at Little Black Door, Elizabeth!  I loved getting to be here!

While Tweedle Dum and His Convention Blows Smoke...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

With the major media outlets focused on their indoctrination news, both the liberal biased and conservative biased networks are thus engaged, I find it necessary to turn to sensible activities and focusing on the important matters that both of the major political parties haven't time for. They are too busy focusing on your pocketbook or your personal lives to be bothered or care.

The army of support for fiscal responsibility, Constitutional governance and liberty is growing daily. Ron Paul started the Revolution and Gary Johnson with your advocacy and support will finish it.

Support liberty! Vote Gary Johnson for President.

Beautiful gifts -illustrations-

  A short post with this wonderful sketch made by Sianna from Chocolate Sarcasm blog, that I love so much ( thank you very much dear  Sianna). Do you remember the original post with me wearing this DIY polka dot skirt? HERE it is !
Soon photos from New York !
Have a great Wednesday everyone !

guest post - sadie + stella

Hi Little Black Door dolls! I am Lindsay from Sadie + Stella and I could not be more elated to share my day with you while that fabulous Elizabeth is vacationing herself. For those of you who know me, and those of you who do not, I am a total DIY'er/get the expensive look for less kind of girl. Don't get me wrong. I have extremely expensive taste. However, I believe budgets should be balanced and with the right imagination and execution, projects can be completed at home. Which brings me to my favorite room in our home. Our very own, homemade dressing room. No. Not homemade dressing. A homemade dressing room.  
The boy is to thank on this one. He had a lot of the brains behind this project and also had the brawn. Hmmmm. Where do I come in?? Color coding. That is where. 

This is honestly a simple project that each and everyone of you can do with a trip to Home Depot and a few hours of your time. I wanted the end product to look like an upscale clothing boutique. Mission. Accomplished. 

The dressing table seen here is actually an Ikea piece. And the trays used to hold all of our daily accessories would be from the Dollar Tree. Count that. Dollar Tree. I can just feel the savings. Cha ching. As they say, a penny saved is a penny saved. 

I could not be more thrilled with the after. See lovers, you all can get the same look. This room makes me beyond happy every time I walk in to get dressed. I hope you all enjoy the tour of my favorite "DIY/Look for Less Space." Thanks for having me!  XOXO Lindsay 

What Happened to the Republican Party?... It Became the New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America, Thus Strenthening the dEmocratic pArty of America by Default

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Obama Campaigning in Iowa

POLITICO - President Obama took a jab at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday in a remark loaded with sarcasm.

"This week in Tampa, my opponents will offer you their agenda. It should be a pretty entertaining show," he said at a campaign rally at Iowa State University. "And I'm sure they'll have some wonderful things to say about me.

Damn straight Mr. President! They will indeed have some pretty entertaining things to say about you. You certainly have given them ample material to use, and that Joe the flapping lip Biden, WOW... the New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America sure is going to have fun with you. Problem is, they ain't got s**t either.

"But what you won't hear from them is a path forward that meets the challenges of our time.”

And the band plays on Mr. President. Like your sorry a** has a plan that will effectively move America forward to "meet the challenges of our time." Your plan, grow public sector jobs, increase the size of the porker known as the feral (federal) government, continue to increase the federal debt, penalize business, and reward the Pimps of Washington DC known as the pull pedlars and crony capitalists. Of course those of us actually paying attention know nominee RomneySkull and his New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America offers nothing different. Substance is no longer required in national politics apparently.

Obama asserted that the message Republicans will unveil in Tampa will be laced with the top-down economic philosophy that failed America in the past decade.

Bravo Mr. President! Play that class warfare card again. Do all possible to divide America along any and all lines that will serve your own heightened sense of superiority and belief that only you can solve America's problems. But I'll give you this. The New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America ain't got a damn clue either. You're in company that, like you, hasn't a compass or direction out of the damn mess we've been in for quite some time. But I know one who does, his name is Gary Johnson and his party is the Libertarian Party. Those of us in the liberty movement know him well. You, and the nation will know him well one day soon.

On board Air Force One Tuesday, Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said she didn't know if the president plans to watch the GOP festivities.

“We’ll have to get back to you on that,” she said, according to a pool report.

Right Ms. ObamaBot, LMAO at that one. Everybody with a brain damn well knows the Chief will be glued to the boob tube slobbering at every opportunity the New Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America gives him to hammer away at them later. Certainly given their ineptitude, and that of nominee RomneySkull there will be a multitude of opportunity.

It certainly will be an entertaining election cycle. If ta don't mind crying, or screaming at the absurdities of our our present political realities and the sad state of our nation. I fear it is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Via: Memeorandum

guest post - vivid hue home

I am so flattered that Elizabeth has asked me to be a guest blogger while she enjoys some much needed R&R.  Hi, I'm Heather from Vivid Hue Home.  One thing you should know about me is that I love color and patterns and textures.  And I love to mix them all together!

My philosophy is you should have fun with design. Don't be timid to mix and match patterns and styles. Use color. Mix antique with modern, flea market with new. Show your personality. You can't go wrong with doing what feels right. 

Don't believe me?  Here's proof from my own home

I have long been a believer that fashion and decor are closely linked together.  The runway not only dictates fashion trends but also guides how colors, fabrics and styles will transcend into the home.  Apparently, I'm not the only one that thinks this.  The theme for this fall's
High Point Market 2012 is "Fashion Focus." 

I wanted to have some fun with ya'll today and show you some fabulous examples where runway fashion meets interior decor: 

Versace Fall 2012 RTW and Elle Decor

Tracy Reese Fall 2012 RTW and Elle Decor

Todd Snyder Fall 2012 and Elle Decor

Prada 2013 and Elle Decor

Mulberry Spring 2012 and Elle Decor

Erin Fetherston Resort 2012 and Elle Decor

Elie Tahari Resort 2012 and Elle Decor

Burbery Prorsum Fall 2012 and Elle Decor

Gen Art Fall 2012 RTW and Elle Decor

DVF Spring 2012 and Elle Decor

Chanel Resort 2013 and Elle Decor

Marc Jacobs Resort 2013 and Los Angeles Times

Gucci Resort 2013 and Apartment Therapy

Michael Kors Spring 2011 RTW and Elle Decor

Elie Tahari Fall 2012 RTW and Elle Decor
{All of these fabulous photos are courtesy of Fashion Decor}

Next time you're stumped with how to re-decorate that room in your home that doesn't quite seem like it's getting finished, try looking down at your outfit for inspiration--ha! 

I hope you've enjoyed this tour and I'd love if you came to visit me over at Vivid Hue Home.  Heck, feel free to stay awhile! 

xoxo Heather from Vivid Hue Home

The rEbublican pArty Attempting to Limit Voter Choice in Iowa... It Won't Stop There

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As could be expected the new neo Fascist rEpublican party and its sorry excuse of a presumptive nominee, Willard Mittens Romneyskull, is trying the usual underhanded tactics so common in the new neo Fascist rEpublican party. They are trying to shut down Gary Johnson's Libertarian run for the presidency by attempting to get him removed from the ballot. All I say is these sorry a** boys must be really scared as it appears they are shi**ing themselves in their attempt to vaporize what they believe is support that would be theirs were it not for the candidacy of Gary Johnson. Well boys and girls, guess what... You haven't earned the support of, or the respect of Gary Johnson or Ron Paul supporters. In fact it is indeed bewildering why ANYBODY would support the rEpublican party today..

Every liberty minded true Republican and independent ought to throw their support solidly behind Gary Johnson. If for no other reason than to bring the new neo Fascist rEpublican party to its knees, if not exterminating it entirely.

Whatever respect liberty minded people might have had for the rEpublican party it should be gone entirely after this crap by the new neo fascist rEpublican party.

The story from the examiner.

Jay Kramer, a Mitt Romney campaign supporter from Washington, D.C., filed a challenge on Friday to keep Libertarian candidate for President, Gov. Gary Johnson, from appearing on the Iowa ballot in November. The Romney campaign hired the Des Moines-based Nyemaster Goode PC for the challenge, which will be heard by Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz on Monday at 3 p.m.

"This is clearly a setup," said the Johnson campaign's attorney, Alicia Dearn. "The Libertarian Party had 2,000 petition signatures and should have been on the ballot without challenge, as they have always done in the past. But Republican Iowa Secretary of State Schultz — in violation of longstanding Iowa law — rejected the petition and required the Johnson campaign to caucus at the state fair. There, the Romney campaign surveilled the Johnson campaign's activities for the sole purpose of bringing this eleventh-hour challenge," Dearn said.

The Romney campaign's challenge was filed Friday afternoon and set for a hearing on Monday afternoon. The 106-page challenge includes photographs of Johnson supporters asking fair-goers to support having Gov. Johnson and the Libertarian Party offered as a choice on the ballot. The Republicans' challenge claims that the state fair signatures should be thrown out because the signers are not Libertarians.

"The challenge is legally frivolous," asserts Dearn. "You don't have to be a registered Libertarian to want a third choice on the ballot. Iowans deserve to choose for themselves who to vote for, which is why Gov. Johnson should be on the ballot." {Read More}

The new neo Fascist rEpublican party is about limiting the voters choice, it is about building walls to insulate themselves from new ideas and limiting the peoples access to the same, it is about control, it is about nothing that our founders envisioned for this nation. Yes Obama and his policies must be replaced. But do we want to replace them with a party that will yield nothing much better and possibly much worse?

Yes I am pissed, and so should every American be pissed over the rEpublican parties attempts to limit the electorates choice at the ballet box. A party that will attempt this is a party that will surely limit your liberty at the first reason they find to do so. Believe me, when they do, and it will happen (anybody remember the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and the TSA?) it will be to increase their own control over your life, liberty, property, and happiness.

The Libertarian Party Platform is a platform for liberty. The candidacy of Gary Johnson is the only choice that will insure fiscal responsibility in government and that individual liberties are recognized and protected by the government. For those of us who cherish our freedom and liberty, the birthright of all Americans, Gary Johnson is the only rational choice before us in 2012..