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Iran's Hate Consumed Idiot...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The Iranian Wingnut...

From the mind and mouth a total wacko...

Reuters - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be "eliminated," ignoring a U.N. warning to avoid incendiary rhetoric ahead of the annual General Assembly session.

Ahmadinejad also said he did not take seriously the threat that Israel could launch a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, denied sending arms to Syria, and alluded to Iran's threats to the life of British author Salman Rushdie.

The United States quickly dismissed the Iranian president's comments as "disgusting, offensive and outrageous."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted Israel could strike Iran's nuclear sites and criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's position that sanctions and diplomacy should be given more time to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Iran denies it is seeking nuclear arms and says its atomic work is peaceful and aimed at generating electricity.

"Fundamentally we do not take seriously the threats of the Zionists," Ahmadinejad, in New York for this week's U.N. General Assembly, told reporters. "We have all the defensive means at our disposal and we are ready to defend ourselves."

Ahmadinejad is due to speak at the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met Ahmadinejad on Sunday and warned him of the dangers of incendiary rhetoric in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad, who has used previous U.N. sessions to question the Holocaust and the U.S. account of the September 11, 2001, attacks, did not heed the warning and instead expanded on his previous rejection of Israel's right to exist. Western envoys typically walk out of Ahmadinejad's U.N. speeches in protest at his remarks.{Read More}

With any luck Israel will take the decisive action the rest of the free world doesn't have the balls to take.

Via: Memeorandum

humpty dumpty - piano styling

Sometimes a change of scenery can do wonders for your imagination. That, and a friend with great ideas.

Before my vacation, I mentioned my problems figuring out how to get this little honey to play well with others in my living room.
I loved all of your ideas and comments, as I always do, but Meg's suggestion really made me think. (thanks Meg!!)

That piano is sure purdy, and I love the story that goes along with it. I really like the first photo, with the whimsical, quirky accessories. Maybe an interesting sign, or word over the piano - or a gallery wall. You should definitely find some accessory that has to do with eggs, I think. A nest? A chicken crate shelf?

To be honest, the first image was my favorite as well. I was drawn to the 'tension' (to use a Million Dollar Decorators term) it created. A very old and classic piano paired with a mod piece of art that wasn't even ment to go inside a home, let alone above a piano. I'm all for going the 'not supposed to' route. And I thought it was a great way to honor my grandma and her hard work but also make it my own.

But I was having trouble figuring out what exactly that 'my own' thing would be. I scoured Etsy for something fun/funny that had to do with chickens, eggs etc. But everything was either too country or just didn't speak to me.

Fast forward to the beach. That sea air does wonders for my psyche. We did lots of great shopping and exploring (more on that later) and made our annual trip to my favorite architectural salvage place where I found two pieces I thought would work.

Work great actually, I was getting excited. But two wasn't going to be enough, and that is all they had. I bought them anyway and hoped I'd find the rest somewhere between Florida and Missouri. That place turned out to be Atlanta. (more on that later too)

Now I'm happy to report my piano is no longer lonely.

This hanging process was not without some minor drama though. My first thought was to use 3M strips to not create any holes in my newly patched, sanded and painted walls. We stuck them everywhere, hung them up and admired modern sticking technology.

But note to self - don't stick breakable things up on the wall, and then leave the house for at least 12 hours. Because when we got back from dinner, I found this on the floor.


Two days of super gluing section by section and waiting for them to dry and she was good as vintage. You can still see a bit of the big crack, but that's character. At least that's what I'm telling anyone who asks.

I reverted back to my good ol' template method and made three small holes into my wall.

Now those babies are up for good and I'm happy.

I love that it means something to me. And for those that don't know the story, they can just think I'm a lobbyist for the egg board. It also adds great depth (literally) to an otherwise flat wall (OK, all walls are flat, but you know what I mean). And an unintended perk is the word works perfectly with the rule of threes. I'd thought about adding an S, but I'm thinking 3 letters look better than 4.

And a shout out to June for saving her pennys and selling eggs, rather than salmon or chicken livers or something that would be gross spelled out on my wall. June, you foresee-er you!

I love it when a head scratcher is solved in a way you never though of. That's just good fun people.

So another item is crossed off the living room to-do list. (minor victory) And this also kicks off vacation week. I'm going to share my finds and eye candy galore. You'll love it and I will cry as I'll wish I was still on vacation.

Have you tried anything lately that is out of your box? Broken anything? Had anyone throw up directly on your face? Just me? Having kids is so glamourous.


               This season I have many surprise for you ! Do you want to know what is it about? Giveaways!!!
                Let's start today with a first one . Sheinside wants to offer a necklace + 50$ to spend on their website and a surprise gift.
                Sounds good?
                If the answer is YES , here is what you have to do :

                - Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect or my Facbook page here or on Bloglovin here.
                - Register on Sheinside.com. Here is the link:http://www.sheinside.com/login_register.php
                -Leave a comment under this post with your email address( the same email you use to sign up )

                 It is a worldwide giveaway and the last day to enter is October 9
                 Good luck to everyone !!!!

President Obama Finally Accepts Responsibilty. The Question, for What Exactly...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Obama, the Responsibly Man

President Obama is finally acknowledgiong responsibilty for his almost four years in office. Rational Nation USA has never said the President is a "bad" person, that he is unpatriotic, or doesn't love his country.

While many left leaning bloggers and commenters with an agenda will take issue with the preceding statement the fact remains Rational Nation USA has only taken issue with the President's performance and his political philosophy. Which is, as all reasonable people realize, is fair and proper game. At least as long as we live in a free nation, or should I say semi free? I'll leave it at that...

Even though the President's acknowledgement that "the buck stops at his desk" is perhaps a bit late in coming we should all appreciate that he has taken this step.

Of course reading his acknowledgement of responsibility I was somewhat taken aback by the statement from the President that said his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate. "My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked,"... This statement of course leaves the door wide open to the question, what exactly does the satement mean. For those of us in the camp that advocates constitutionally limited government and libertarian social philosophy it seems to be telling us he is acknowledging his failure at not successfully pushing the country further towards the progressive ideal of Marxian ideology and statist rule.

Here, for each individual to decide what the President is ACTUALLY saying is the report from CNN Politics. All emphasis is mine.
President Barack Obama discussed his frustration with gridlock in Washington, saying his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate.

"My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked," Obama said in a CBS News interview that aired Sunday.

Asked if he bears any blame for the stalemate, Obama said the buck stops at his desk.

"I think that, you know, as president I bear responsibility for everything, to some degree," he said on CBS' "60 Minutes."

Throughout the presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's campaign and Obama’s critics have dogged the president for failing to get certain legislation passed in recent years, while Team Obama responds by faulting congressional Republicans for not compromising.

The tension has especially heightened as Congress faces a looming, end-of-the-year deadline to avoid the "fiscal cliff," a massive amount of tax hikes and spending cuts set to take place at the beginning of 2013 if Congress fails to act. Lawmakers on both sides have already showed signs of firm partisan division on the issue.

Obama's comments aired days after the president drew criticism from Romney over separate remarks about change in Washington, comments that suggested a slight tweak in Obama's 2008 ideals of "hope" and "change."

"The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside," Obama said Thursday afternoon at a presidential forum the candidate taped to run on the Spanish-language network Univision.

Within hours, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney seized on the remarks, argued Obama had thrown up the "white flag of surrender," and vowed to make that change, himself.

"His first two years he had a Democratic House, Democratic Senate, he got to do whatever the heck he wanted to, but he says he can't change it from the inside. Well, I will," Romney told a Sarasota, Florida, crowd. {Read More}

Of course being the cynic that I tend to be is Willard Mitt (The Human Flipper) Romney really saying he is going to effect the changes from within the system that Obama failed to make? If so doesn't this give pause to exactly what the Mittens and Human Flipper has for his real agenda? Rational Nation has long maintained Mittens is Obama Light and that his real agenda is to continue the statist progression of the last 100 plus years of our history. Thus the only real alternative in the support and advocacy of liberty is just a rational whisper in the drone of the American statist duopoly...

Via: Memeorandum

The Late Ambassador Steven's Diary Revealed Security Concerns...

The Late Ambassador Steven's Diary Revealed Security Concerns...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The diary of the late Ambassador Stevens, assassinated in Benghazi reveals his concerns over security. Apparently the State Department and President Obama did not share his concerns.

h/t: Gateway Pundit

The diary belonging to Ambassador Chris Stevens revealed his concerns about the deteriorating security in Benghazi.

CNN reported:

Four days after he was killed, CNN found a journal belonging to late U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. The journal was found on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where he was fatally wounded…

…A source familiar with Stevens’ thinking told CNN earlier this week that, in the months leading up to his death, the late ambassador worried about what he called the security threats in Benghazi and a rise in Islamic extremism.

Stevens died on September 11, along with three other Americans, when the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi came under attack amid a large protest about a U.S.-made film that mocked the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.

Since June there had been four previous attacks on Western interests in Benghazi.

One of the attacks was an IED atack at the US Consulate on June 6, 2012.

Yet, despite this, the Obama Administration reportedly refused to provide even “standard security” at the consulate compound.

Via: Memeorandum

Pakistani Official To Finance "Hit" on Film Maker...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The port city of Karachi saw widespread violence and bloodshed on Friday
BBC - A Pakistani government minister has offered a $100,000 (£61,616) reward for the death of the maker of an anti-Islam film produced in the US.

Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said he would pay the reward for the "sacred duty" out of his own pocket.

A government spokesman condemned the remarks and said it was considering taking action against Mr Bilour.

The comments came a day after at least 20 people died in clashes between anti-film protesters and Pakistani police.

Friday's violence occurred in cities throughout Pakistan, with Karachi and Peshawar among the worst hit.

"I will pay whoever kills the makers of this video $100,000," the minister said. "If someone else makes other similar blasphemous material in the future, I will also pay his killers $100,000.

"I call upon these countries and say: Yes, freedom of expression is there, but you should make laws regarding people insulting our Prophet. And if you don't, then the future will be extremely dangerous."

His ANP party, which is part of the governing coalition, told the BBC this was a personal statement, not party policy, but added that it would not be taking any action against him.

The prime minister's press secretary, Shafqat Jalil, told the BBC that the government absolutely dissociated itself from Mr Bilour's statement.

"He is not a member of the PPP, he is an ANP politician and therefore the prime minister will speak to the head of the ANP to decide the next step. They are not ruling out action against him but say he will stay in his post for now." {Read More}

A region and lands where freedom of religion (and speech) is an alien term. Perhaps it is time those countries who respect both allow the faithful to roast in their own cauldron of hate. Without our financial aid.

Via: Memorandum

Stripes & Brights

Looks like Summer is still here and because of that I decided to wear a striped blouse along with bright orange pants and Zara lace heels for a feminine finish touch. Speaking about a feminine touch here is another great necklace thanks to JEWELIQ.com as accessories . Check this excellent online shop for more unique pieces HERE.

                                                                           Necklace: thanks to JEWELIQHere
                                                                           Blouse: vintage
                                                                           Pants: Ralph Lauren/ similar Here
                                                                           Heels: Zara/ another great pair Here
                                                                           Clutch: American Apparel/ similar Here

Bill Maher vs Mitt Romney Taxes, Undecided Voters And More,

"And that, in a nutshell, is America's celebrated, undecided voter: put on a pedestal by the media as if they were Hamlet in a think-tank, searching out every last bit of information, high-minded arbiters pouring over policy positions and matching them against their own philosophies. Please, they mostly fall into a category political scientists call 'low information voters,' otherwise known as 'dipsh*ts.'"

Watch the segment above to hear Maher's full analysis (starting around the 2:15 mark) as well as why Donald Trump offering voting advice to "Liberal Republican" Kim Kardashian (also undecided) is a microcosm of the 2012 election.

The Source Is Huffington Post

Baby Boomers Survey Retirement Plans...

Baby Boomers Survey Retirement Plans...

TORONTO - Most Canadian baby boomers don't intend to give up their current lifestyle to enter retirement, and many don't care if they have to stay in debt to live their golden years how they wish, a new poll found.

 Leger Marketing says 57% of respondents aged 50 to 59 said they would rather work longer to live better in retirement, versus just 25% who said they would live more modestly in order to retire early. Fifty-somethings in Manitoba and Saskatchewan were most likely to opt for working longer (67%), while those in Quebec were most likely to take early retirement (32%).

 About one-quarter of those surveyed (24%) expect to carry some debt into their retirement. Of those, 80% indicated they have no plans to pay it off anytime soon, saying they would stay in debt throughout their retirement. They may not have considered the drain on cash flow that will result from making monthly repayments on debt, says Christina Kramer of CIBC, which commissioned the poll.

 "While some Canadians may feel they can incorporate monthly debt payments into their retirement, the reality is that repaying debt before retirement remains an integral component of maximizing cash flow," she said. The survey was conducted July 5-8 in every province and features a representative sample of 805 pre-retired Canadians aged 50 to 59.

 A probabilistic sample of 805 respondents would yield a margin of error of 3.45 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Source The Sun

You Go Gary!!! It's Worth the Challenge and Fight for Liberty...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Image by Joe Burbank, Pool, File 

Gary Johnson
taking it to the powers that have ruled for far too long. This challenge, and fight to restore fiscal sanity and greater liberty ought to be carried on all MSM networks and Libertarian/Conservative blogs throughout the nation. However, in America's politically anesthetized state little will be heard or published on this story.

Rational Nation
USA doing its part in getting the word out.

BuzzFeed Politics - Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson filed an anti-trust lawsuit in federal court Friday to try to force his way into next month's presidential debates.

Johnson, who first sought the GOP primary nomination before launching a third-party bid, is suing the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates and both the Democratic and Republican parties, calling the CPD a "conspiracy."

The CPD was founded jointly by the two parties and the nominee, and the lawsuit alleges that they meet every four years to set the rules for the debate to "hoodwink" the American people.

Johnson is asking the courts to force the CPD to allow for all candidates who are on the ballot in enough states to reach 270 electoral votes to have a spot on the debate state.

According to a release, Johnson’s running mate and retired California Superior Court Judge Jim Gray will argue the motion on the campaign’s behalf.

Johnson appeared in two GOP primary debates last year.

Via: Memeorandum

Sometimes Watching Collectivists Eat Crow Is Very Satisfying...

Sometimes Watching Collectivists Eat Crow Is Very Satisfying...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
  -vs- Tyranny

Romney finally released the tax returns so sought after by the collectivists and the media. While not changing my basic position that Mittens is not the guy for the job he is seeking, it certainly gave me great pleasure to know the collectivists are now eating a huge helping of crow.

What will be even more satisfying is watching them go into over drive while they try to spin the facts to suit their statist collectivist agenda.

Townhall - It's official: The Romney campaign possesses a wicked sense of humor and an enviable degree of patience. After months of caterwauling, breathless innuendo and baseless slander, the Democrats and their media allies are being treated to a Friday feast of piping hot crow. The Romney campaign has released a detailed report of the the candidate's 2011 tax returns, as well as an extensive summary of the Romneys' taxes over the last two decades, prepared by analysts at PricewaterhouseCoopers. What do these documents contain? Brad Malt, the Romney family's trustee, summarizes the 2011 data:

- In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.

- The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.

-The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.

-The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions. The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.

In short, and as Kevin noted, Romney forked over nearly $2 million to Uncle Sam last year and donated more than $4 million to charity. He overpaid his taxes by limiting the charitable deductions he chose to claim, which could have driven his obligations to government even lower. Liberals are now actually complaining that Romney intentionally paid *too much* in taxes to boost his own effective rate, due to his prodigious philanthropic giving. This line of criticism is downright hilarious. It's okay to point and laugh. And what about the last 20 years?

- In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus the total charitable donations deducted represented 38.49% of total AGI.

-During the 20-year period covered by the PWC letter, Gov. and Mrs. Romney paid 100 percent of the taxes that they owed.

Let's unpack these numbers. The Romneys owed and paid state and federal income taxes every single year stretching back to at least 1990. Harry Reid's imaginary friend is unavailable for comment. Their effective tax rate, on average, was over 20 pecent (nearly double the average effective rate in America, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation). Does this qualify as a "fair share"? In the last two decades, the Romney's donated 13.45 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity. This totally dwarfs the long-term giving of the Obamas and the Bidens, in case anyone in the class warfare camp is keeping score. But remember, Mitt Romney is callously dismissive and uncaring toward poor people and the '47 percent.' Overall, the Romney family paid every cent they owed -- and more -- forking over nearly 40 percent of their income to either the government or charitable organizations, including their church. I've got to hand it to the Romney campaign: They played a long game here, and did so masterfully. One of the most obnoxious and relentless arrows in Democrats' attack quiver has been the tax returns issue. See how greedy and secretive Romney is? Even his own father released 12 years of returns! He's probably a tax cheat! That's all gone now, and the whiners look petty, small, and stupid. And Mitt Romney looks like the remarkably generous, law-abiding, productive member of society that he is. Bravo. {Read More}

Yep, the collectivists have been punked and are now relegated to eating crow and spinning. LOVING IT!!!

Via: Memeorandum

White crush

The wonderful warm weather is still in town so I didn't hesitate to wear this comfortable white jumpsuit, thanks to Sheinside, last Sunday. I kept it simple with ivory -nude tones and just one jewelry, a H&M bracelet.
For the sunglasses I have to thank to zeroUV,  they are my ultimate obsession and for sure you will find great designs at a very affordable price by visiting them shop HERE. Enjoy !

                                                                          Jumpsiut: thanks to Sheinside /Here use VERONICA20 at checkout to save 20%                                                                    on their website.
                                                                          Sunglasses: thanks to zeroUV/Here 
                                                           Bracelet : H&M/ another favorite of mine Here
                                                                          Scarf: H&M
                                                                          Bag: Pulicati /similar style Here
                                                                          Shoes: Aldo/ similar Here

Another Reason To Be Wary Of rEpublicans...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Just one more reason to turn and run as fast as possible AWAY from the rEpublican pArty and its neo-con fundamentalist base.

TPM - Casey Michel September 20, 2012, 3:13 PM - In a conference call with fellow evangelicals earlier this week, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) shared his thoughts on the origins of the constitutionally mandated separation of church and state. Rather than tracing the idea to the nation’s founders, Perry warned of a more nefarious source: Satan.

“Satan runs across the world with his doubt and with his untruths and what have you and one of the untruths out there that is driven is that people of faith should not be involved in the public arena,” Perry said during the call on Tuesday, organized by the Rev. Rick Scarborough.

Perry said the separation of religious and civic institutions in the U.S. began with a “narrative” that first took root in the 1960s.

“Somehow or another there’s this, ya know, steel wall, this iron curtain or whatever you want to call it between the church and people of faith and this separation of church and state is just false on its face,” the governor said. “We have a biblical responsibility to be involved in the public arena proclaiming God’s truth.”


“You think about this spiritual warfare that’s going on and … going strong as President Obama and his cronies in Washington continue their efforts to remove any trace of religion from American life,” Perry said on the call. “And it falls on us, I mean, we truly are Christian warriors, Christian soldiers, and for us as Americans to stand our ground and to firmly send a message to Washington that our nation is about more than just some secular laws.”

Listen to the entire 13-minute conference call here.

Via: Memorandum

This Little Piggy Saves Goat From Drowning

Last outfit from New York

My last post with photos from New York is here. This is one colorful and bold look that I wore before we left the city. Mixing  patterns and pop colors is like the icing on the cake. Are there any rules in fashion these days? I follow just one: stay true to yourself, and that I was doing :)

                                                                      Blouse : thanks to Sheinside Here
                                                                      Shorts: H&M/ similar Here
                                                                      Shoes: Daniblack/ similar style Here
                                                                      Bag: Cynthia Rowley/another great one Here
                                                                      Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

paint a rug party - week 1

Be honest. Painting a rug sounds like a good time, right? You know it does!

That's why when my friend Linda at My Crafty Home Life suggested a rug painting party I said, "your rug or mine". I never turn down a good party. (My, how the definition of 'party' has changed over the years.)

Actually this is the kick in the pants I've needed to take care of some naked floors around the house.  The hallway, kitchen and foyer are all in need of some coverage but I've never found anything I liked that was at the right price. We'll see how this rug turns out to see which lucky location gets to wear it.

Here is my subject.

And here is my inspiration.
via Pinterest
I'm going Chippendale.

I had wanted to do this pattern on our railings when we redid the deck, but a small deck spruce turned into a bigger project and well, you know how that goes. So this is my way of getting the look without pulling out the miter saw.

The only remaining decision is color(s) and that is still TBD.

I'm not usually one for logistics when it comes to this stuff but I did do a bit of research and found two great tutorials, here and here, that I think will help with the details. 

So with that, let the games begin.

Oh, and it should be noted - I have 1. never painted a rug 2. a very infantile brain that cannot think in negative space 3. very limited patience for any type of exact measurements and 4. a great ability to laugh at myself when this all goes haywire.

And be sure to check in on each of the other lovelies who are partying with me. We'll be reporting on our progress each Thursday for the next three weeks.

Simple Details

Now let's pop the cork and get started!

Our Redistributionist in Chief... The Brutal Truth

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

1998 Obama Admits He is for the Redistribution of Wealth

As the foundation of our Republic is shaken we stand to face further erosion of the principles on which this nation was founded.

May the Gods (whoever they may be) save us all.

Chef Cooks His Murdered Wife...

Chef Cooks His Murdered Wife...

A Southern California chef accused of killing his wife, whose body has never been found, told detectives that he slowly cooked his her for four days in a 55-gallon drum, boiling her body in water and discarding her remains in his restaurant's grease pit, according to a taped confession played Tuesday in court.
David Viens, 49, said he hid the skull and jawbone in his mother's attic, but a detective said he could not find it.
Viens revealed the grisly details of how he disposed of his Dawn Viens' body when he summoned detectives to his hospital room at County-USC Medical Center on March 15, 2011, three weeks after he jumped from a Rancho Palos Verdes cliff in a suicide attempt as detectives closed in.
Jurors read a transcript as Viens' recorded statement was played at his murder trial in Superior Court in downtown Los Angeles. Viens, sitting in his wheelchair, appeared to stare straight ahead.
"I manipulated her so the face was - the face is down, and I took some - some things - like weights that we use, and I put them on the top of her body, and I just slowly cooked it and I ended up cooking her for four days," Viens said.
"You cooked Dawn's body for four days?" sheriff's homicide Sgt. Richard Garcia asked.
"I cooked her four days," he said. "I let her cool. I strained it out."
Viens is charged with killing his wife, who was last seen Oct. 18, 2009.

76% Agree With Romney

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

A new (non scientific) CNBC poll is showing a overwhelming 76% agree with Mittens 47% remark. The following short breakdown supplied by Townhall.

UPDATE: The number of people who have taken the CNBC poll has doubled, bringing those who agree with Romney's comments to 76 percent.

As the faux outrage over Mitt Romney's "47%" comments continue to barrel through the airwaves of the old media, a CNBC poll shows 75 percent of voters believe Mitt Romney was right when he said Obama supporters will vote for him no matter what due to dependence on the government.

No, the poll isn't scientific, but it is an indication of the media running with a narrative opposite of what the country actually believes...again.

So, if I'm reading this correctly Romney really does not have much to worry about, right?

There is just one pesky little detail. Obama appears to be pulling ahead in national polls.

There is the REASONED ALTERNATIVE to both befuddled major party candidates...

Via: Memeorandum