Bill Maher vs Mitt Romney Taxes, Undecided Voters And More, | Daily news sites
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Bill Maher vs Mitt Romney Taxes, Undecided Voters And More,

"And that, in a nutshell, is America's celebrated, undecided voter: put on a pedestal by the media as if they were Hamlet in a think-tank, searching out every last bit of information, high-minded arbiters pouring over policy positions and matching them against their own philosophies. Please, they mostly fall into a category political scientists call 'low information voters,' otherwise known as 'dipsh*ts.'"

Watch the segment above to hear Maher's full analysis (starting around the 2:15 mark) as well as why Donald Trump offering voting advice to "Liberal Republican" Kim Kardashian (also undecided) is a microcosm of the 2012 election.

The Source Is Huffington Post

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