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Romney's Shot in the Foot

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Willard Mitt (the Human Flipper) Romney MANAGES TO DO IT AGAIN...

Is this the Romney campaign's Armageddon that the MSM and the Obama Team obviously believe it is.? Perhaps not. It is however another statement Romney will now spend precious time trying to explain.

As the alternative candidate, one who actually has a record of achievement and is not prone to shooting himself in a different body part almost weekly barely gets noticed I can't help but wonder at the rEpublican pArty choice to be their nominee. But I suppose as the intellectual firepower of the once GOP has declined in recent years it is obvious why they did.

As to the MSM's lack of coverage of a viable alternative candidate, well, I guess we all know that Team Obama has them in his back pocket, with the lone exception of Fox News. We all know Fox News is in the back pocket of Mittens and the new Neo Fascist rEpublican pArty of America.

So the real philosophical question of this election cycle is... What to do? The answer is of course standing right before our very eyes. Yet few are looking to find it. That, my dear fellow Americans, will be America's great loss.

Via: Memeorandum

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