Walter Samasko Jr., Nevada Recluse, Found Dead With $7 Million In Gold Bars, Coins In Garage | Daily news sites
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Walter Samasko Jr., Nevada Recluse, Found Dead With $7 Million In Gold Bars, Coins In Garage


Walter Samasko Jr., Nevada Recluse, Found Dead With $7 Million In Gold Bars, Coins In Garage 


Officials responding to reports of a foul odor at the home of a Nevada recluse may have been surprised to find the man's lifeless body -- he'd been dead for about a month -- but it was the contents of Walter Samasko Jr.'s garage that were truly unexpected.

The Carson City resident who had been living alone at the time of his death had gold bars and coins stored in boxes around the property, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

According to the Associated Press, Samasko, 69, died of heart problems, leaving no will. The businessman, who died with $200 dollars in his bank account, but millions in the garage, hadn't worked in more than 40 years.

Totaling at least $7 million altogether, the bars and coins, which bore the hallmarks of mints from around the world, were so numerous they had to be toted out in wheelbarrows, the Sun reports. Carson City Clerk Alan Glover used a the garden implement to unceremoniously transport the stash back to his truck and then to a secure storage area.

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