Romney and the Road to Defeat... | Daily news sites
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Romney and the Road to Defeat...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Mitt Romney has a plan for a stronger middle class. By making trade work for America, balancing our budget, and championing small business, we'll create 12 million new jobs.

How many times have we heard this? Platitudes and or hyperbole might be nice, but what we need in America is serious change with a laser focus on fiscal responsibility and individual liberty and responsibility.

Mittens campaign is finding itself with real issues. Issues that are causing him to lose ground to Obama. His problems are exactly the sort that most of us in the realistic fold of the conservative/libertarian political mindset anticipated.

The top five conservative suggestion for Mitt. Via Politico.

From the lofty perch for Individual liberty and Fiscal conservatism it certainly makes sense. Which is why... Via: Memorandum

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