The question we face is "will we end America's liberal journey as a fascist country (our current trajectory) or as the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
Help educate the brainwashed...!
We need to educate the ignorant, send this video to a lib or two, (a dozen) ... ALSO - send it to kids in school, even your very young grandkids and your nieces and nephews. Kids know something is wrong with America, they are yearning for answers, help them... suggest they ponder this age old concept ...
Give liberals a chance to show how smart they are - have them explain this.
You younger kids in the school, engage your teachers, explain the U-Haul research on this video. I contend it is simple supply and demand. Have them do their own research and prove me wrong...
Send it to your news papers and ask them to verify it. Put it to the test...
ask them if they do similar studies on anything important?
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City Inspector Removed From Post After Humiliating Mexican Child And Stealing Cigarettes From Basket
Juan Diego López Jiménez, a city inspector is seen holding the child's basket, as the child is forced to throw his candy on the ground.
Juan Diego López Jiménez, Carmen Torres Díaz and Feliciano Díaz Díaz
Juan Diego López Jiménez, Carmen Torres Díaz and Feliciano Díaz Díaz
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 26, 2013
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico - On Thursday, city inspector Juan Diego López Jiménez was removed from his post a day after a news video showed him humiliating a child vendor, identified as Feliciano "Manuelito" Díaz Díaz, 10, and forcing him to throw his candy on the ground as he cried. Jiménez is now accused of stealing three packages of cigarettes from the child's basket and has been remove permanently from his job. Legal proceedings have been initiated against Jiménez and another woman, a city worker identified as Carmen Torres Díaz, according to Faustino Adolfo Torres Álvarez, the director of promoting Economic and Tourism in the municipality.
Several other vendors within a four block area near the municipality building where Jiménez had worked have made public statements to state authorities that Jiménez and other city inspectors have been extorting between $50 to $100 pesos ($5 to $10 dollars) daily from 50 area vendors. The vendors also have alleged that the city inspector coordinator, Eduardo Miguel Osorio López has allowed the extortions to take place, according an initial investigation by the Tabasco State Justice Department.
On Wednesday, a Youtube video posted by Channel TVX 16 shows Jiménez, a city inspector from the Municipality of Centro de la Zona Luz in Villahermosa forcing a child to throw his candy to the ground because Jiménez was going to confiscate his basket. A TVX news reporter caught the action in public.
The child was caught selling his candy in front of a bank and then was taken by Jiménez to the municipality building grounds where the child was forced to throw his candy away. Municipality officials says, that the child is a minor and shouldn't be selling candy in public. The Tabasco state government officials initiated an investigation to what some public officials are saying, is an abuse of authority by Jiménez, who is seen in the video.
The child is heard crying while Jiménez is laughing as a woman, identified as Carmen Torres Díaz another city worker looks on. Afterwards Jiménez left the basket and walks away with three packages of cigarettes when onlookers told the Jiménez "it's enough" and to leave the child alone.
Another unidentified man looking at what was going on decides to help the child pick up his candy, as the child is humiliated and continues to cry in the scene.
News anchor reporters alleged that Jiménez might have wanted a $40.00 dollars ($500 pesos) bribe from the child who is trying to earn an honest wage instead of engaging in criminal activities as some children are forced to do so.
Jiménez as he leaves the scene, shows no shame of what he did, according to reporters.
Both Jiménez and Díaz are facing charges for theft and abuse of authority.
On Friday, Arturo Nuñez, the Governor of Tabasco in a statement said, the state will give the child and his family "a scholarship, as well as all medical and psychological help for the boy."
The child has gone back to his Tzotzil Indian village in Chamula, Chiapas for fear of retribution by Villahermosa city officials, according to his aunt María Díaz Díaz. She brought the child to Villahermosa about a week ago after the child wanted to work for the summer to earn enough money to buy school supplies. He lives with his grandparents in Chiapas, according to his aunt.
Both Jiménez and Díaz are facing charges for theft and abuse of authority.
On Friday, Arturo Nuñez, the Governor of Tabasco in a statement said, the state will give the child and his family "a scholarship, as well as all medical and psychological help for the boy."
The child has gone back to his Tzotzil Indian village in Chamula, Chiapas for fear of retribution by Villahermosa city officials, according to his aunt María Díaz Díaz. She brought the child to Villahermosa about a week ago after the child wanted to work for the summer to earn enough money to buy school supplies. He lives with his grandparents in Chiapas, according to his aunt.
TVX news video at link:
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Posted by Unknown
at 23.10,
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Malaise is here -- Misery Index On The Way ... J. D. Longstreet

Malaise is here -- Misery Index On The Way
"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
You DO realize this is President Jimmy Carter's third term -- don't you?
Yeah. I KNOW that's not funny. There hasn't been much fun for a long time now.
During the Carter era years I was trying to run a profitable business, keep all my employees on the payroll, and figure out how to comply with all the ridiculous regulations handed down from DC -- up to and where, exactly, to set the heating and cooling thermostat in my office! YES! It WAS just that ridiculous.
The picture of Jimmy Carter in a cardigan sweater sitting in front of a fireplace with logs burning cheerfully in the background still haunt my nightmares to this day.
You know, Obama was not the first President to be referred to as the Messiah. Carter owns that irreverent title. At some point during that trying time some one tacked a photo of Jesus Christ with Jimmy Carter's face superimposed on the head of Christ on one of our studio's bulletin boards. It came down when Reagan was elected.
It was, indeed, a miserable time.
The country was wallowing in syrupy malaise. And then there was the misery Index. (You find the misery index by adding the unemployment figure to the inflation figure.) It was pure-"T" awful under the Carter Administration.
Jimmy Carter delivered the famous or infamous televised "Malaise" speech on July 15, 1979. That was 34 years ago.
Recently Laura Ingram said the following: "Friday marked the 32-year-anniversary of Jimmy Carter’s “crisis of confidence” later pegged “malaise speech,” a nationally televised and ill-received address trying to combat what Carter saw as apathy and doubt among Americans concerning politics and the energy crisis. In the days following the speech Carter fired cabinet members feeling that his administration failed to capitalize on a window of opportunity, which some believe was the beginning of the end for Carter and his ability to appear as a strong and significant leader.
Thirty-two years later another first term Democratic president faces a crisis of continued economic decline and failure to bridge heated political differences from Capital Hill to Main Street. Ingraham’s audio suggests that like Carter, Obama is failing to step up as a strong and believable leader in the eyes of Americans looking to him in a time of crisis." SOURCE:
My friend Alan Caruba said recently: "The current economic malaise has affected everyone in some fashion—losing a job, having a job converted to a part-time status, having work hours limited, possibly facing foreclosure on their home, experiencing extremely low interest rates on their savings, the higher cost of gas and groceries, all without seriously affecting Obama’s job approval ratings or popularity." Source:
If you recall, Carter's Malaise speech, otherwise known as the "Crisis of Confidence" speech you will instantly note that it sounds exactly like speeches given by President Obama today.
For instance Carter said: "I ask Congress to give me authority for mandatory conservation and for standby gasoline rationing. To further conserve energy, I'm proposing tonight an extra $10 billion over the next decade to strengthen our public transportation systems. And I'm asking you for your good and for your nation's security to take no unnecessary trips, to use carpools or public transportation whenever you can, to park your car one extra day per week, to obey the speed limit, and to set your thermostats to save fuel. Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense -- I tell you it is an act of patriotism." SOURCE:
Of course we knew it was more an act of desperation on Carter's part than it was patriotism on the part of the American civilian population. We weren't as dumb then as we are today. For evidence, note that WE DID NOT REELECT CARTER TO A SECOND TERM!
A year ago I wrote the following: "Malaise in an individual is bad. Malaise in a nation can be fatal.
America is currently mired in the worst case of malaise in my lifetime.
I’ve been around since FDR was President. I have experienced American national malaise twice in my lifetime. Both times it was during the administrations of Democratic Party Presidents.
The first case of American malaise (in my lifetime) was under the administration of the 39th President of the United States—Jimmy Carter. It was BAD.
I was trying to run a business—and it was pure hell. All business could do was hunker down and wait for a flicker of light at the end of that very long and very dark tunnel.
When it came, it was not a flicker—it was a sunburst by the name of Ronald Reagan.
America came roaring out of her national depression and raced back to the to the top—turning on all the lights as they went —illuminating “the shining city on a hill.”
Now, under the Obama administration (another Democratic Party President) here we are—in an even deeper national depression—or malaise—than we were even under Jimmy Carter. This time—there is no Ronald Reagan waiting in the wings. In my opinion THAT is why THIS malaise is even deeper than Carter’s." SOURCE: "America’s Malaise Is BACK!" at:
I wrote those few words BEFORE the 2012 election. As I said in that piece, there was a sense of impending doom which spanned the entire right side of the political spectrum in America.
A year ago, when I wrote those words, America's future doom, under an Obama second term, was as clear as the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's Feast. (You'll find the story in the fifth chapter of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible. We recommend you read it. It certainly won't hurt -- and you just might learn something about what lies in America's immediate future.)
The moving fingers wrote: מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרס
or: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin."
So what DID those words, written by the hand of God, announce to THAT corrupt King of Babylon: "And this is the writing that was inscribed: mina, mina, shekel, half-mina. This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians." — Daniel 5:25–28
Suppose, just for a moment, that that feast was a state dinner at the White House and the reigning king was Obama. To whom would the hapless kingdom of America be about to fall? Who ARE the modern Medes and Persians?
Well, Easton's Illustrated Dictionary lists the Medes as part of the Assyrian Empire, which covers the area of today's IRAQ, SYRIA, and LEBANON.
The Persians are still Persians, of course, but Persia is known today as -- IRAN.
Of course, we are thousands of years removed from that feast, but, isn't it strange how ancient scripture and modern history seem to interlace, seem to be spun and twisted together? Interesting, what?
Is America modern Babylon? Judge for yourself at:
I'm no prophet, or "seer." I just pay attention with, possibly, a higher than usual degree of situational awareness. That's all.
America's state of national malaise bespeaks a people who are uneasy about something very bad they sense is in the offing for their beloved country. They can't get past the feeling that our shared malaise is a signal and/or a symptom of a very unpleasant future.
Whatever the reality is, we can all be sure it isn't the the future scenario, the President and his cronies are painting, of a prospering America returned to her days of glory as a result of his socialist "share the wealth" agenda. Reality by definition is real -- and it does not match his words.
© J. D. Longstreet
"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
You DO realize this is President Jimmy Carter's third term -- don't you?
Yeah. I KNOW that's not funny. There hasn't been much fun for a long time now.
During the Carter era years I was trying to run a profitable business, keep all my employees on the payroll, and figure out how to comply with all the ridiculous regulations handed down from DC -- up to and where, exactly, to set the heating and cooling thermostat in my office! YES! It WAS just that ridiculous.
The picture of Jimmy Carter in a cardigan sweater sitting in front of a fireplace with logs burning cheerfully in the background still haunt my nightmares to this day.
You know, Obama was not the first President to be referred to as the Messiah. Carter owns that irreverent title. At some point during that trying time some one tacked a photo of Jesus Christ with Jimmy Carter's face superimposed on the head of Christ on one of our studio's bulletin boards. It came down when Reagan was elected.
It was, indeed, a miserable time.
The country was wallowing in syrupy malaise. And then there was the misery Index. (You find the misery index by adding the unemployment figure to the inflation figure.) It was pure-"T" awful under the Carter Administration.
Jimmy Carter delivered the famous or infamous televised "Malaise" speech on July 15, 1979. That was 34 years ago.
Recently Laura Ingram said the following: "Friday marked the 32-year-anniversary of Jimmy Carter’s “crisis of confidence” later pegged “malaise speech,” a nationally televised and ill-received address trying to combat what Carter saw as apathy and doubt among Americans concerning politics and the energy crisis. In the days following the speech Carter fired cabinet members feeling that his administration failed to capitalize on a window of opportunity, which some believe was the beginning of the end for Carter and his ability to appear as a strong and significant leader.
Thirty-two years later another first term Democratic president faces a crisis of continued economic decline and failure to bridge heated political differences from Capital Hill to Main Street. Ingraham’s audio suggests that like Carter, Obama is failing to step up as a strong and believable leader in the eyes of Americans looking to him in a time of crisis." SOURCE:
My friend Alan Caruba said recently: "The current economic malaise has affected everyone in some fashion—losing a job, having a job converted to a part-time status, having work hours limited, possibly facing foreclosure on their home, experiencing extremely low interest rates on their savings, the higher cost of gas and groceries, all without seriously affecting Obama’s job approval ratings or popularity." Source:
If you recall, Carter's Malaise speech, otherwise known as the "Crisis of Confidence" speech you will instantly note that it sounds exactly like speeches given by President Obama today.
For instance Carter said: "I ask Congress to give me authority for mandatory conservation and for standby gasoline rationing. To further conserve energy, I'm proposing tonight an extra $10 billion over the next decade to strengthen our public transportation systems. And I'm asking you for your good and for your nation's security to take no unnecessary trips, to use carpools or public transportation whenever you can, to park your car one extra day per week, to obey the speed limit, and to set your thermostats to save fuel. Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense -- I tell you it is an act of patriotism." SOURCE:
Of course we knew it was more an act of desperation on Carter's part than it was patriotism on the part of the American civilian population. We weren't as dumb then as we are today. For evidence, note that WE DID NOT REELECT CARTER TO A SECOND TERM!
A year ago I wrote the following: "Malaise in an individual is bad. Malaise in a nation can be fatal.
America is currently mired in the worst case of malaise in my lifetime.
I’ve been around since FDR was President. I have experienced American national malaise twice in my lifetime. Both times it was during the administrations of Democratic Party Presidents.
The first case of American malaise (in my lifetime) was under the administration of the 39th President of the United States—Jimmy Carter. It was BAD.
I was trying to run a business—and it was pure hell. All business could do was hunker down and wait for a flicker of light at the end of that very long and very dark tunnel.
When it came, it was not a flicker—it was a sunburst by the name of Ronald Reagan.
America came roaring out of her national depression and raced back to the to the top—turning on all the lights as they went —illuminating “the shining city on a hill.”
Now, under the Obama administration (another Democratic Party President) here we are—in an even deeper national depression—or malaise—than we were even under Jimmy Carter. This time—there is no Ronald Reagan waiting in the wings. In my opinion THAT is why THIS malaise is even deeper than Carter’s." SOURCE: "America’s Malaise Is BACK!" at:
I wrote those few words BEFORE the 2012 election. As I said in that piece, there was a sense of impending doom which spanned the entire right side of the political spectrum in America.
A year ago, when I wrote those words, America's future doom, under an Obama second term, was as clear as the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's Feast. (You'll find the story in the fifth chapter of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible. We recommend you read it. It certainly won't hurt -- and you just might learn something about what lies in America's immediate future.)
The moving fingers wrote: מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרס
or: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin."
So what DID those words, written by the hand of God, announce to THAT corrupt King of Babylon: "And this is the writing that was inscribed: mina, mina, shekel, half-mina. This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians." — Daniel 5:25–28
Suppose, just for a moment, that that feast was a state dinner at the White House and the reigning king was Obama. To whom would the hapless kingdom of America be about to fall? Who ARE the modern Medes and Persians?
Well, Easton's Illustrated Dictionary lists the Medes as part of the Assyrian Empire, which covers the area of today's IRAQ, SYRIA, and LEBANON.
The Persians are still Persians, of course, but Persia is known today as -- IRAN.
Of course, we are thousands of years removed from that feast, but, isn't it strange how ancient scripture and modern history seem to interlace, seem to be spun and twisted together? Interesting, what?
Is America modern Babylon? Judge for yourself at:
I'm no prophet, or "seer." I just pay attention with, possibly, a higher than usual degree of situational awareness. That's all.
America's state of national malaise bespeaks a people who are uneasy about something very bad they sense is in the offing for their beloved country. They can't get past the feeling that our shared malaise is a signal and/or a symptom of a very unpleasant future.
Whatever the reality is, we can all be sure it isn't the the future scenario, the President and his cronies are painting, of a prospering America returned to her days of glory as a result of his socialist "share the wealth" agenda. Reality by definition is real -- and it does not match his words.
© J. D. Longstreet
Posted by Unknown
at 22.31,
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One of America's Greatest Pastimes, Early Polling...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
American's are an interesting bunch. Stubborn and fickle at the same time. Especially Republicans. But then again I question just why in the hell anyone is concerning themselves with the 2016 presidential race two years out? I guess it's because we're... Americans?
Via: Memeorandum
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
American's are an interesting bunch. Stubborn and fickle at the same time. Especially Republicans. But then again I question just why in the hell anyone is concerning themselves with the 2016 presidential race two years out? I guess it's because we're... Americans?
Public Policy Polling -
PPP's newest look at the Republican field for 2016 finds some big changes from our previous polling. Marco Rubio, who had led all of our polling since December, has dropped all the way to 6th place. Rand Paul now has the lead nationally, to go along with the leads he posted in our most recent Iowa and New Hampshire polls. And Ted Cruz has already hit double digits.
The numbers are: Paul 16, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Paul Ryan each at 13, Cruz at 12, Rubio at 10, Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal at 4, and Susana Martinez at 2. Cruz has proven to be such a darling to the far right that he actually already leads among 'very conservative' voters with 20% to 18% for Paul and 17% for Ryan. Christie gets 24% with 'moderate' identifying Republicans but doesn't do better overall because he's at just 7% with 'very conservative' ones.
Rubio was at 21 or 22% on all of our polls between January and March but his support has now dropped to half that level. Meanwhile Paul has vaulted into the lead after starting the year at only 5% in our polling, perhaps owing to the positive attention he received from conservatives after his filibuster earlier this year. Christie and Bush have remained consistently in the 12-15% range in all of our polling.
The Republicans are looking more competitive with Hillary Clinton than they were in some of our earlier polling this year. She still leads all of the GOP hopefuls but in many of the cases it's by tight margins- 1 point over Chris Christie at 43/42, 2 points over Paul Ryan at 46/44, 3 points over Jeb Bush at 44/41, 5 points over Marco Rubio at 45/40, and 8 points over Rand Paul at 47/39. Obviously it's early but you can see a picture here that's been painted in many key Senate races over the last two cycles- the person with the most support from Republicans is also the weakest general election candidate.
Joe Biden does on average 6 points worse than Hillary against the various Republican possibilities. He trails Christie by 6 points at 45/39, Bush by 4 points at 45/41, and Ryan by 3 points at 46/43. He does at least manage ties with Paul and Rubio at 43% and 42% respectively.
Clinton continues to dominate the Democratic race, although her 40 point lead this month is down a bit from 50 and 46 points on our previous two polls. She's at 52% to 12% for Biden, 6% for Elizabeth Warren, 5% for Kirsten Gillibrand, and 3% for Cory Booker with no one else above 2%.
In a Clinton-less field Biden leads with 34% to 13% for Warren, 10% for Andrew Cuomo, and 4% for Booker with no one else above 3%. And in a field without either Clinton or Biden the leader for the first time is Elizabeth Warren who gets 20% to 11% for Cuomo, 8% for Booker, and 5% for Gillibrand. Full results here
Via: Memeorandum
Posted by Unknown
at 16.37,
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Linear Trend Failure of the Day (Musical Tribute)
July 24, 2013
No, Meredith Whitney, Detroit's Bankruptcy Is Not Going To Lead To A Wave Of Municipal Defaults
The following chart compares the yield of a municipal bond index (bond buyer index, general obligation, 20 years to maturity, mixed quality) to the yield of the 20-year treasury.

Click to enlarge.
If the long-term trend in this chart continues, then municipal bond yields will rise (and will continue to rise) once treasury yields stop falling. How's that for scary? Want scarier? The declining long-term linear trend has actually failed. The Great Recession caused it to go from bad to worse.
I'm therefore willing to offer an opinion.
Yes, Meredith Whitney, over the long-term Detroit's bankruptcy could very well lead to a wave of municipal defaults. For what it is worth, I'm not a big fan of investing in declining linear trends breaking to the downside. I have had no desire to invest in municipal bonds at any point in my life. I feel no great need to start now.
This is not investment advice.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
No, Meredith Whitney, Detroit's Bankruptcy Is Not Going To Lead To A Wave Of Municipal Defaults
But we have heard this tale of terror one time too many. Unlike the first time Whitney tried to scare us about munis, the bond market is not having a panic attack today. Nor should it.
The following chart compares the yield of a municipal bond index (bond buyer index, general obligation, 20 years to maturity, mixed quality) to the yield of the 20-year treasury.

Click to enlarge.
If the long-term trend in this chart continues, then municipal bond yields will rise (and will continue to rise) once treasury yields stop falling. How's that for scary? Want scarier? The declining long-term linear trend has actually failed. The Great Recession caused it to go from bad to worse.
I'm therefore willing to offer an opinion.
Yes, Meredith Whitney, over the long-term Detroit's bankruptcy could very well lead to a wave of municipal defaults. For what it is worth, I'm not a big fan of investing in declining linear trends breaking to the downside. I have had no desire to invest in municipal bonds at any point in my life. I feel no great need to start now.
This is not investment advice.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Posted by Unknown
at 16.18,
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Vásquez Selected As the First Ms. Mexican Fiesta Ambassador 2013
Vanessa Vásquez
Photo: Facebook
The new Ms. Ambassador title replaced the outgoing Miss Mexican Fiesta Queen title for the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 25, 2013
Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (WHSF) announced that Vanessa Vásquez, 23, was selected as the first Ms. Mexican Fiesta Ambassador for 2013. Vásquez "will be responsible for the representation of the foundation promoting the importance of education and leadership within the Hispanic community...(Her) professional and educational experience complements the continuous commitment to bringing empowerment, resources and educational opportunities to the Hispanic community," WHSF wrote in a Facebook posting.
Vásquez was selected on July 20, but she will officially be recognized at the annual Mexican Fiesta three day Summerfest lakefront festival on Friday, August 23.
Vásquez is currently an Admissions Counselor at Alverno College and is working on her Master's degree in Adult Education. She received her undergraduate degree in 2012 from Alverno. Vásquez is formerly Ms. Alverno 2011.
On May 25, 2008, Vásquez was crowned Miss St. Adalbert's (St. Adalberto) Catholic Church Festival Queen. Her parents are Esperanza and Salvador Vásquez who are originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
The Ms. Mexican Fiesta Ambassador representative search was initiated three months ago, according Leticia Ramirez-Cervantes. Ramirez-Cervantes and Jasmine Medina both coordinated the new Ambassador program after a three year absence of the Miss Mexican Fiesta pageant.
Ramirez-Cervantes stated, "Both Jasmine and I are grateful to have initiated such an empowering program for young Mexican women. Our primary goal is to showcase the impact that the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation has on our community, and open the door to resources that often times Hispanic students and their parents are not aware of. In order to develop strong Hispanic women leaders, we need role models who they can identify with. Both Jasmine and I have a graduate degree in Business from Alveno College and are strong advocates for the importance of higher education." To be considered for Ms. Ambassador, women have to range in age from 21 to 30 years old, be a least 25% of Mexican descent, enrolled in college or college graduate, bilingual, would like to become a role model, likes networking events, community service, public speaking and an aspiring professional in the Hispanic community, according to Ramirez-Cervantes.
In brief, Erica Hernández, was crowned Miss Mexican Fiesta in 2009. At the time, she was a student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee when she won the title. Her parents are from Zacatecas, Mexico. Erica was the last queen in 2009 to compete and reign as Miss Mexican Fiesta.
WHSF according to its mission statement, it "Provides a cultural and educational environment to enhance and improve academic success of the Hispanic Community while promoting a better understanding of the arts, history, literature, and perpetuation of Hispanic culture.
WHSF assists in opening opportunities for advancement of the quality of life among Hispanics."
WHSF assists in opening opportunities for advancement of the quality of life among Hispanics."
Posted by Unknown
at 15.23,
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Oy Vey!!! Again...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
He does it again! Maybe it's in the name?
A PATHETICALLYsmall unstable man.
Via: Memeorandum
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
He does it again! Maybe it's in the name?
New York Post - Anthony Weiner came up with an extraordinary excuse yesterday to explain why he went back to sexting after supposedly kicking the habit — he was suffering from marital woes.
In a startling e-mail letter sent to rally campaign supporters, Weiner said he sought hot-blooded female consolation on the Internet when he and his wife, Huma Abedin, hit a rocky patch in their relationship last summer.
At the time, Weiner had been out of Congress for a year, having resigned in disgrace, and was giving interviews with his wife at his side claiming he was cured.
“It was a terrible mistake that I unfortunately returned to during a rough time in our marriage,” Weiner said in the e-mail.
Later, at a press conference, he went into more detail.
“I think that a lot of people see the resignation was the end of the challenges my wife and I, my family faced, and it wasn’t,” Weiner said. “It was part of something that needed to get resolved and frankly it hadn’t been.
“It took some work to get to that place. It wasn’t a function that a certain moment in time came and went. It was a continuum. These things are behind me now.”
A defiant Weiner vowed not to quit the race for mayor despite revelations that he used an online pseudonym — Carlos Danger — to exchange dozens of sexually explicit messages, phone calls and photos with a 22-year-old Indiana woman identified as Sydney Leathers. {Read More}
Via: Memeorandum
Posted by Unknown
at 14.15,
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Blue Jeans Baby
Just for one day I put my bittersweet colours on hold.
A denim on denim look fits perfectly on a weekend day and I wanted to keep it monochrome without adding any colorful accessories even though I was tempted to do it.
Here is my weekend look from last week accessorized with a vintage bag and a black hat (can you tell that I'm in love with hats lately?)
Bag: vintage/ super great option Here
Bracelets: Hermes and Gorjana/ Here
Hats: from Marshalls/ similar Here
Posted by Unknown
at 05.14,
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Public Official Humiliates And Makes Mexican Child To Dump Candy After Threatening To Confiscate Basket
Child made to dump candy after a public official from the municipality of the Centro de la Zona Luz in Villahermosa, Tabasco forced him to toss the candy away.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 25, 2013
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico - A Youtube video posted by Channel TVX 16 on Wednesday shows an official from the Municipality of Centro de la Zona Luz in Villahermosa forcing a child to throw his candy to the ground because he was going to confiscate his basket. A TVX news reporter caught the action in public.
The child was caught selling his candy in front of a bank and then was taken to the municipality building grounds where he was forced to throw his candy away. Municipality officials says, that the child is a minor and shouldn't be selling candy in public, but they have not identified the municipal worker who made the child throw his candy. The Tabasco state government officials have initiated an investigation to what some public officials are saying, is an abuse of authority by the municipal official seen in the video.
The child is heard crying while the public official is laughing as a woman looks on. Afterwards the official left the basket and walks away when onlookers told the official "it's enough."
Another man looking at what was going on decides to help the child pick up his candy, as the child is humiliated and continues to cry in the scene.
The identity of the official or child have not been released, but news anchor reporters alleged that the official might have wanted a $40.00 dollars ($500 pesos) bribe from the child who is trying to earn an honest wage instead of engaging in criminal activities as some children are forced to do so.
The public official shows no shame of what he did, according to reporters.
TVX video at link:
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Please note: Your inkind donation by contributing through secure PayPal in this blog helps maintain administrative costs to continue publishing. Your cooperation and contributions are greatly appreciated. Please take time to donate now.
Posted by Unknown
at 22.54,
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A National Shouting Match On Racism ... J. D. Longstreet

A National Shouting Match On Racism
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
As a Southerner, I am used to -- well, allow me to rephrase that: as far as it is possible, I am used to being called a racist, a bigot, a redneck, and several other epithets that I refuse to print here. That is not to say that I am comfortable with them, I am not. Nevertheless, again, as a southerner, hardly a day goes by that such disparaging words are not used, in reference to yours truly, singularly, as an individual, or collectively, as a member of the politically conservative right, or regionally, as a Southerner.
I suppose the thing about all this infantile name calling that troubles me most is the utter hypocrisy of those using such hurtful language. I have learned as an adult that many, if not most, of those tossing about such colorful, yet hollow charges, are soaked in ignorance of the origins of such words and the history of the my region of America, and indeed, the history of America itself.
For instance -- before the American Civil War, (you know -- the war we Southerners refer to, and think of, as “The War for Southern Independence,”) it was the Democratic Party, that had a death grip on the Southern States, which our young scholars have been erroneously, taught were the only slave holding states in the country.
That is far from the truth, very far. The Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic States, including Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, had legally sanctioned slavery in the 17th, 18th and even part of the 19th centuries.
This may come as a shock to you but… not only were black people enslaved in the North for over two hundred years, but the vast majority of all slave trading in America was done by northerners. Yes, we did just say: “The VAST Majority….” Remarkably, half of all North American voyages involved in the slave trade originated in Rhode Island, and all the northern states benefited. This is a fact much hidden from the youthful eyes of America’s young scholars for many, many, decades. In fact, many of those folks who so piously refer to Southerners as racists (because of our ancestors participation in the detestable trade) themselves hail from regions (and, yes, even families) that made fortunes on the trade of African blacks into slavery.
Shocked? You needn’t be. It has been SOP in America’s public (Government) school system for many years. It is the foundation of the ignorance from which springs the scurrilous charges made against so many of my ancestors and yes, even this scribe today.
I tell you this so you will be less shocked when we say that much of the name calling of southerners and politically right conservatives is coming from Representatives and Senators, of those Northern States who desperately want to paint all members of the political right as racists, and bigots.
There is also a statement made, time and again, which goes something like this: Blacks, or, if you prefer, African-Americans, cannot be racists because they lack power or clout. That is absolutely pure, unadulterated nonsense, clap-trap, BS, horse hockey, and a few other things we dare not print for general consumption. If one human hates another because of the color of his skin, regardless of the color of his own, that is bigotry. We see it everyday, as well, or hear it referenced every day in the music popularly known as “Rap” Music and "Hip-Hop" music.
The left claims to want a national “conversation” about racism in America. They don’t, of course. If they did they’d stop using the first sentences out of the mouths of members of the right to label them racists , which simply shuts off all conversation instantly.
No. The left does not want a national confab on racism in America. It is a ploy, that’s all.
White America has grown tired of pretending not to see the overt racism of the left. We’ve grown exceedingly resentful of being used as a punching bag and we’re beginning to punch back.
The national conversation on racism in America, the left claims to want, may yet materialize – in the streets of the nation’s cities as black and white mobs clash. It will be a conversation of the fist and club and, eventually, the gun.
Nobody in their right mind wants this to happen. But that is exactly where America is headed once the last straw is applied to the camel’s back.
I DO realize the weight of the words above. I DO realize, as well, that until we are ready, as a people, as a nation, to face up, honestly, to the racism of the left -- and the black community in particular – then it is a non-starter. Until that time a civil conversation will not be had for it cannot be had.
The best we can hope for is the continued stand-off and the barely concealed hatred boiling just beneath the surface. The plain truth is, I believe, the very best we can hope for is that the black community will continue to pretend they're not racists and the white community will continue to pretend that it doesn't notice black racism.
No, there will be no national conversation on racism. There WILL be more shouting matches, bruised egos, and hurt feelings, which will do nothing to salve the wounds of the vicious national argument on racism.
WE Americans have tried for 237 years to hold the people of the country together in some sort of union -- even with the numerous cracks and fault lines running between us. Today those cracks and fault lines have become chasms. And some are un-crossable. This is one of them.
© J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
As a Southerner, I am used to -- well, allow me to rephrase that: as far as it is possible, I am used to being called a racist, a bigot, a redneck, and several other epithets that I refuse to print here. That is not to say that I am comfortable with them, I am not. Nevertheless, again, as a southerner, hardly a day goes by that such disparaging words are not used, in reference to yours truly, singularly, as an individual, or collectively, as a member of the politically conservative right, or regionally, as a Southerner.
I suppose the thing about all this infantile name calling that troubles me most is the utter hypocrisy of those using such hurtful language. I have learned as an adult that many, if not most, of those tossing about such colorful, yet hollow charges, are soaked in ignorance of the origins of such words and the history of the my region of America, and indeed, the history of America itself.
For instance -- before the American Civil War, (you know -- the war we Southerners refer to, and think of, as “The War for Southern Independence,”) it was the Democratic Party, that had a death grip on the Southern States, which our young scholars have been erroneously, taught were the only slave holding states in the country.
That is far from the truth, very far. The Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic States, including Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, had legally sanctioned slavery in the 17th, 18th and even part of the 19th centuries.
This may come as a shock to you but… not only were black people enslaved in the North for over two hundred years, but the vast majority of all slave trading in America was done by northerners. Yes, we did just say: “The VAST Majority….” Remarkably, half of all North American voyages involved in the slave trade originated in Rhode Island, and all the northern states benefited. This is a fact much hidden from the youthful eyes of America’s young scholars for many, many, decades. In fact, many of those folks who so piously refer to Southerners as racists (because of our ancestors participation in the detestable trade) themselves hail from regions (and, yes, even families) that made fortunes on the trade of African blacks into slavery.
Shocked? You needn’t be. It has been SOP in America’s public (Government) school system for many years. It is the foundation of the ignorance from which springs the scurrilous charges made against so many of my ancestors and yes, even this scribe today.
I tell you this so you will be less shocked when we say that much of the name calling of southerners and politically right conservatives is coming from Representatives and Senators, of those Northern States who desperately want to paint all members of the political right as racists, and bigots.
There is also a statement made, time and again, which goes something like this: Blacks, or, if you prefer, African-Americans, cannot be racists because they lack power or clout. That is absolutely pure, unadulterated nonsense, clap-trap, BS, horse hockey, and a few other things we dare not print for general consumption. If one human hates another because of the color of his skin, regardless of the color of his own, that is bigotry. We see it everyday, as well, or hear it referenced every day in the music popularly known as “Rap” Music and "Hip-Hop" music.
The left claims to want a national “conversation” about racism in America. They don’t, of course. If they did they’d stop using the first sentences out of the mouths of members of the right to label them racists , which simply shuts off all conversation instantly.
No. The left does not want a national confab on racism in America. It is a ploy, that’s all.
White America has grown tired of pretending not to see the overt racism of the left. We’ve grown exceedingly resentful of being used as a punching bag and we’re beginning to punch back.
The national conversation on racism in America, the left claims to want, may yet materialize – in the streets of the nation’s cities as black and white mobs clash. It will be a conversation of the fist and club and, eventually, the gun.
Nobody in their right mind wants this to happen. But that is exactly where America is headed once the last straw is applied to the camel’s back.
I DO realize the weight of the words above. I DO realize, as well, that until we are ready, as a people, as a nation, to face up, honestly, to the racism of the left -- and the black community in particular – then it is a non-starter. Until that time a civil conversation will not be had for it cannot be had.
The best we can hope for is the continued stand-off and the barely concealed hatred boiling just beneath the surface. The plain truth is, I believe, the very best we can hope for is that the black community will continue to pretend they're not racists and the white community will continue to pretend that it doesn't notice black racism.
No, there will be no national conversation on racism. There WILL be more shouting matches, bruised egos, and hurt feelings, which will do nothing to salve the wounds of the vicious national argument on racism.
WE Americans have tried for 237 years to hold the people of the country together in some sort of union -- even with the numerous cracks and fault lines running between us. Today those cracks and fault lines have become chasms. And some are un-crossable. This is one of them.
© J. D. Longstreet
Posted by Unknown
at 22.19,
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94 Undocumented Immigrants Discovered In Cramped Trailer
Mexican authorities say, each undocumented immigrant paid $5,000 dollars to be transported from Guatemala to the U.S. border.
By H. Neleon Goodson
July 24, 2013
Tuxtla, Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico - On Wednesday, Jóse Luis Gómez Arceo, 44, from the Federal District of Mexico was taken into custody after Mexican state and federal police discovered at least 94 undocumented immigrants cramped in a trailer. Arceo who was driving the trailer has been charged with attempting to smuggle illegals into Mexico. He stopped at a border check point in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and authorities discovered the immigrants after an xray scan was conducted.
Police say, 45 were from Guatemala, 23 from El Salvador, 10 from Nepal, 9 from Bangladesh and 7 from Honduras. The immigrants were processed by state authorities, then they were turned over to the feds for deportation proceedings.
Some of the immigrants were treated for minor injuries and were travelling in inhumane conditions.
The immigrants paid at least $5,000 each to be transported from Huehuetenango, Guatemala to the U.S. border, according to authorities.
Posted by Unknown
at 21.17,
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The Sarcasm Report v.176

July 6, 2013
CNBC may tinker with primetime
I'm still glued. I love to see analysts fight over a stock. You know. One says that it will rise by 10% and the other claims it will rise by 20%. That's great info for me. I just average their estimates, assume I'll earn that over the long-term, and then go on spending sprees at my local Sears, J.C. Penney, and Radio Shack.
And don't even get me started on how useful Mad Money and Fast Money are to me. I love both of those shows so much that mere words can barely do it justice. Mad? Yes! Fast? Yes! It's the only way to make risk-free money over the long-term now that the economy has been horribly crippled and disfigured.
In fact, I use the information I get there to compete with other people also getting their information from there. It's like getting inside information that's actually shared with everyone. Not only that, but this mechanism really levels the playing field between retail traders and institutional traders. I'm watching a TV with some crazed guy pushing sound effect buttons but they only have supercomputers and advanced trading algorithms! What could possibly go wrong?
CNBC may tinker with primetime
CNBC saw some of its lowest ratings in May since 2005, according to Nielsen. In 2012, CNBC was off 13 percent in its core audience.
I'm still glued. I love to see analysts fight over a stock. You know. One says that it will rise by 10% and the other claims it will rise by 20%. That's great info for me. I just average their estimates, assume I'll earn that over the long-term, and then go on spending sprees at my local Sears, J.C. Penney, and Radio Shack.
And don't even get me started on how useful Mad Money and Fast Money are to me. I love both of those shows so much that mere words can barely do it justice. Mad? Yes! Fast? Yes! It's the only way to make risk-free money over the long-term now that the economy has been horribly crippled and disfigured.
In fact, I use the information I get there to compete with other people also getting their information from there. It's like getting inside information that's actually shared with everyone. Not only that, but this mechanism really levels the playing field between retail traders and institutional traders. I'm watching a TV with some crazed guy pushing sound effect buttons but they only have supercomputers and advanced trading algorithms! What could possibly go wrong?
Posted by Unknown
at 20.14,
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The Great Bond Market "Panic" of 2013

Click to enlarge.
Gasp in horror at the return to the long-term declining trend lines. Behold the exponential trend failures which have been foretold for years! Any second now! Brace for them!
So when will the Fed raise rates? Let's listen to the experts!
December 23, 2010
Economists: Fed won't raise rates until 2012
Only seven out of 25 participants are forecasting a rate hike in the next twelve months, and most of those expect it to come in the final three months of 2011. Another nine expect the next rate increase to come in the first quarter of 2012, while eight more are expecting a hike later that year.
The current bid is 2012. Can I hear 2013? Yes!
January 12, 2012
Economists Expect Fed to Raise Rates by 2014
Broadly speaking, the consensus is that the Fed will do nothing on interest rates in 2012. A few economists see it moving aggressively in 2013, but the majority don’t. By 2014, though, the consensus sees an end to the long-period of ultra low interest rates engineered by the Fed in response to the financial crisis and slow recovery.
Can I hear a "well before 2014"? Yes, you sir in your ivory tower!
March 26, 2012
Fed to Raise Rates `Well Before 2014' Siegel Says
Can I get a 2015? Yes, you sir! 2016? Yes! Yes!
April 30, 2013
Fed Officials Forecast Main Rate to Stay Near Zero Until 2015
Few expect the central bank to start raising short-term rates before late 2015 or early 2016...
This is a very popular item guaranteed to impress the ladies. Can I get a "Years in the Future" bid? Yes!
July 10, 2013
Wharton School's Jeremy Siegel Thinks the Fed Raising Rates Is Years in the Future
Seigel thinks that a 3% yield on the 10-year Treasury would take a bite out of the stock market.
Sold to the desperate man in the ivory tower! Nicely played Professor Siegel! We'll just forget about your previous "well before 2014" bid. That was just crazy talk.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Bloomberg: US Rates
Posted by Unknown
at 19.18,
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Dumb British Scammers Using Lottery Winners Names To Fool Victims
Click to enlarge image.
Scammers using the names of actual British lottery winners to pray on unsuspecting victims going through economic hard times.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 24, 2013
England - On Wednesday, scammers continued to send out e-mails from Adrian Gillian and his wife Bayford using a account to notifying potential victims that the couple wants to donate $1.5M ($1M British Pounds) and to respond with name and an address, so they can send it. When returning e-mail, their return e-mail account turns into A big red flag, that it is most likely is a scam.
Yeah right, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) investigated and discovered that scammers have been using an actual couple's name who won a British lottery and this scammers are trying to scam victims. The Gillian lottery e-mail scam began several years ago, according to authorities.
Posted by Unknown
at 18.05,
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The Unloved 10-Year Treasury
The following chart shows the difference in yield between the 10-year treasury and the average of the 5-year treasury and 20-year treasury yields.

Click to enlarge.
As seen in the chart, the 10-year treasury is actually yielding about 0.25% more than we might expect. By comparison to other treasuries, it is currently very unloved.
When was the last time we've heard a financial expert on CNBC tell us to buy a 10-year treasury and hold to maturity? All we are told, ad nauseum, is how dangerous treasuries are. Right?
In my opinion, the financial "experts" keep scaring savers into shorter term treasuries because it is "common knowledge" that yields will rise any day now. Meanwhile, is there another group, a more secretive group, which apparently doesn't mind buying the 20-year treasury? That's what I see when I look at this chart anyway. One group clearly embraces the 5-year. Another group clearly embraces the 20-year. It's very polarized. There is no middle ground. I very much doubt that both groups are right. On a risk vs. reward basis, perhaps the 10-year is a bargain.
For what it is worth, I generally prefer long-term TIPS and I-Bonds, but I have also purchased long-term EE-Bonds in moderation (currently yielding 3.53% if held 20 years, since they are guaranteed to double in price over the period). I continue to believe that this economy cannot support high real yields either now or well into the distant future.
This is not investment advice. It's just something to think about.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
U.S. Treasury: Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

Click to enlarge.
As seen in the chart, the 10-year treasury is actually yielding about 0.25% more than we might expect. By comparison to other treasuries, it is currently very unloved.
When was the last time we've heard a financial expert on CNBC tell us to buy a 10-year treasury and hold to maturity? All we are told, ad nauseum, is how dangerous treasuries are. Right?
In my opinion, the financial "experts" keep scaring savers into shorter term treasuries because it is "common knowledge" that yields will rise any day now. Meanwhile, is there another group, a more secretive group, which apparently doesn't mind buying the 20-year treasury? That's what I see when I look at this chart anyway. One group clearly embraces the 5-year. Another group clearly embraces the 20-year. It's very polarized. There is no middle ground. I very much doubt that both groups are right. On a risk vs. reward basis, perhaps the 10-year is a bargain.
For what it is worth, I generally prefer long-term TIPS and I-Bonds, but I have also purchased long-term EE-Bonds in moderation (currently yielding 3.53% if held 20 years, since they are guaranteed to double in price over the period). I continue to believe that this economy cannot support high real yields either now or well into the distant future.
This is not investment advice. It's just something to think about.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
U.S. Treasury: Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates
Posted by Unknown
at 17.02,
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The State of the Economy and ObamaCare...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Yes indeed. Just as some on the left are sounding the clarion call that ObamaCare is working in those states that have embraced it, such as New York and California to name two, polls are indicating that the overall national perception of ObamaCare is a net negative and even shows that some believe it should be repealed.
My own view is that those favoring drastic overhaul or repeal have it about right. In the rush "to do something" We the People ended up with a flawed law being shoved down our throats. This is not a partisan statement as I'm willing to bet (based on the number of democrats that are now balking) that many liberals are questioning the wisdom of passing the legislation they knew little about and whose leader, Rep, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said 'we have to pass the law to know what's in it'. ????? is all I can say about that gem of blind partisan faith and lack of reason.
As President Obama, and our First Lady embark on yet another campaign to sell the ACA (ObamaCare) I say why not let the damn thing meander its way into full implementation and after five or so years analyzing it's impact decide what we should have done. Of course that is assuming ObamaCare ruins the American healthcare system as many (myself included) think it will. But we could be very wrong. Soooooooooo, since we don't know (for sure), why not give the duly elected President of this Great Republic the unfettered opportunity to prove his signature legislation is right for America? Or, let it through the working process show itself to be the failure the republicans, libertarians, and some democrats fear it will be? Don't we owe the PresidentWE elected that opportunity?
ObamaCare at the two minute mark.
Via: Memeorandum
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Yes indeed. Just as some on the left are sounding the clarion call that ObamaCare is working in those states that have embraced it, such as New York and California to name two, polls are indicating that the overall national perception of ObamaCare is a net negative and even shows that some believe it should be repealed.
My own view is that those favoring drastic overhaul or repeal have it about right. In the rush "to do something" We the People ended up with a flawed law being shoved down our throats. This is not a partisan statement as I'm willing to bet (based on the number of democrats that are now balking) that many liberals are questioning the wisdom of passing the legislation they knew little about and whose leader, Rep, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said 'we have to pass the law to know what's in it'. ????? is all I can say about that gem of blind partisan faith and lack of reason.
As President Obama, and our First Lady embark on yet another campaign to sell the ACA (ObamaCare) I say why not let the damn thing meander its way into full implementation and after five or so years analyzing it's impact decide what we should have done. Of course that is assuming ObamaCare ruins the American healthcare system as many (myself included) think it will. But we could be very wrong. Soooooooooo, since we don't know (for sure), why not give the duly elected President of this Great Republic the unfettered opportunity to prove his signature legislation is right for America? Or, let it through the working process show itself to be the failure the republicans, libertarians, and some democrats fear it will be? Don't we owe the PresidentWE elected that opportunity?
ObamaCare at the two minute mark.
CBS News - A new CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want the Affordable Care Act repealed.
According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent want Congress to repeal it - the highest percentage seen in CBS News polls. The poll also found a majority of Americans - 54 percent - disapprove of the health care law, 36 percent of Americans approve of it and 10 percent said they don't know about it.
The health care law is a chronic issue for the White House, CBS News political director John Dickerson said on "CBS This Morning." "There's an operational part to this, which is that the White House has got to get people to sign up for these health exchanges, particularly younger, healthier Americans, and so they are tactically running a campaign much like the presidential campaign, reaching out, using the techniques of that campaign to get younger people to sign up for these health exchanges."
Special Section: Health Care in America
The poll also found just 13 percent of Americans say the health care law will personally "help me" while 38 percent said they believe the law will personally "hurt me."
Dickerson said, "The feeling, basically, is, again, speeches are not going to change public opinion; this has got to start taking hold. People will start signing up and, the White House hopes, good things will start to happen once it kicks in, and that might turn around public opinion, but that's a ways away."
Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace begins Oct. 1.
Obama hits the road to lay out his economic vision
Via: Memeorandum
Posted by Unknown
at 15.08,
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Martinez Defeats Montañez And Becomes Sole Woman In L.A. City Council
Nury Martinez
Martinez will be the only woman elect to the 15-member City Council in L.A.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 24, 2013
Los Angeles, CA - On Tuesday, Nury Martinez defeated Cindy Montañez in a special election for the L.A. City Council. Martinez won in District 6 with 4,917 votes and Montañez received 4,093 with all 63 precincts reporting. She will serve as the only woman in an all male City Council.
Martinez is a former San Francisco City Council member, former L.A. Unified School District Board of Education Director and executive director for Pacoima Beautiful. She will replace Tony Cardenas who resigned as District 6 Councilman after getting elected to the House of Representatives in November.
Posted by Unknown
at 01.59,
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Moreno Drowned While Attempting To Swim Across Milwaukee River
Brandon O. Moreno
Moreno couldn't swim and was horse playing in the Milwaukee River with friends, which later cost him his life.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 23, 2013
Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, the body Brandon O. Moreno also known as Brandon Flores, 19, originally from Los Angeles, California was recovered from the Milwaukee River. Moreno attempted to swim across the Milwaukee River to get to the other side on Monday evening when he apparently drowned, according to Fox News 6.
Moreno was with some friends by the Lakefront Brewery on Commerce Street when he jumped into the river, but he later began to yell for help that he couldn't swim. A friend jumped in to try and save him, but couldn't save him. He was later pronounced dead, according to the Milwaukee Medical Examiner's Office.
On Tuesday afternoon, friends and family members gatherd at St. Anthony's Church in the south side to remember Moreno.
Posted by Unknown
at 18.15,
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Wauwatosa Police Detective Charged For Stealing Drugs From Evidence Room
Robin L. Schumacher
Police detective Schumacher was caught several times on video surveillance taking drugs from a disposal drug section in the department.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 23, 2013
Wauwatosa, WI - On Monday, Wauwatosa Police Detective Robin L. Schumacher, 38, was charged with two felony counts for misconduct in office and possession of narcotics and one misdemeanor count for theft in the access of $2,500. If convicted on all counts, Schumacher is facing up to 7 years in prison. Each felony counts carries a penalty of up to three years and the misdemeanor count up to nine months in prison.
Schumacher confessed to investigators that she had a drug addiction to pain killers that let her to steal drugs designated to be burned (destroyed) on July 11, by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's office. An inventory list of drugs confiscated for evidence and then marked for disposal indicated some of the narcotics were missing from the section designated for drugs awaiting disposal. Det. Schumacher also used a key to get access to the restricted drug storage section to allegedly steal the narcotics.
Investigators placed surveillance cameras on July 16 and Det. Schumacher was caught going into the room and then taking plastic bags of drugs that were placed on a disposal marked box. She then took the box outside to her vehicle and when she returned inside the department, the box was empty, according to the criminal complaint.
When she was arrested, department investigators found drugs (40 pills) on her person and a key to the restricted evidence room belonging to another employee that was on vacation. She had gone into the restricted evidence room six times between June 11 to July 11.
Schumacher was placed on paid suspension and Wauwatosa Police Chief Berry Weber has notified city aldermen, that he will ask the Fire and Police Commission to terminate Det. Schumacher.
She has been in law enforcement for the last 21 years, according to Weber.
On Tuesday, Det. Schumacher was in court and pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor count and will enter a plea at a later date for the two other felony charges. She is expected back in court for a preliminary hearing on August 2.
Posted by Unknown
at 17.23,
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Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Shake Your Head and Laugh...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Is it just me or does anybody else think these two guys are flakes?
So, Representative King, where's the supporting proof behind your statement? Inquiring minds want to know.
Via: Memeorandum
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Is it just me or does anybody else think these two guys are flakes?
TPM - According to Rep. Steve King's (R-IA) math, legalizing undocumented immigrants is untenable because for every valedictorian DREAMer -- immigrants brought to the U.S. as children -- there are 100 more who are carrying drugs across the border.
"Some of them are valedictorians, and their parents brought them in," King told Newsmax in an interview last week. "It wasn't their fault. It's true in some cases, but they aren't all valedictorians. They weren't all brought in by their parents."
"For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert,” he continued. “Those people would be legalized with the same act."
So, Representative King, where's the supporting proof behind your statement? Inquiring minds want to know.
Via: Memeorandum
Posted by Unknown
at 16.47,
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