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Prints on the NY Street

animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,

animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,
animal print, bittersweet colours, cooee jewelry, Fall trends, Lincoln Center NYFW, Meredith Wendell, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, Prada, prints, street style,

Probably you noticed that I wore a lot of feminine looks at NYFW, more dresses and skirts than pants and I have a reason for that. I have to confess that more and more I feel attracted to ladylike pieces, full skirts and dresses. I don't know if the entire "blame"can be put on the age but I feel that it defines me entirely inside-out. That doesn't mean that you will not see me in boyfriend jeans or trousers :) I always oscillate between two different styles (it is a reason why my blog name is bittersweet).
P.S. Speaking of femininity ... a new DIY project is on its way and you will be the first to see the result! Stay tuned!

                                                                                         Dress: Harlyn/ great option Here and Here 
                                                                                         Bag: c/o Meredith Wendell/ Here 
                                                                                         Cuff bracelet: c/o COOEE/ Here 
                                                                                         Sunglasses: Prada/ Here and Here 
                                                                                         Heels: Nine West/ Here 

Where's Ivan? ... J. D. Longstreet

Where's Ivan?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Where's Ivan?
"Is This America?"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I watched with anger and dismay as the parent tried his best to put a question to a school board of some kind in a public meeting.  He vehemently protested to the other parents in the room -- "You are sitting here like cattle.”  Then he said, “Is this America?” as he was roughly escorted from the room.

Read more on this story at:  http://michellemalkin.com/2013/09/20/parents-you-need-to-question-these-people-shock-video-of-dad-arrested-at-school-meeting-after-challenging-common-core/

Many decades ago there was a joke circulated the world over that, I think, shows this incident in the light it deserves.  I will relate that story as best I remember it for you now:

There was a gathering in Red Square in Moscow.  Nikita Khrushchev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was addressing the gathered crowd.  He was regaling them in glowing terms about the success of socialism/communism in the USSR when he decided to emphasize the current prosperity of the soviet people.  He shouted proudly: "Everyone in Russia has washing machine!  If you don't have washing machine ... raise your hand." 

Way back in the crowd a hand shot up.  Khrushchev saw it and asked:  "What's your name?"  "Ivan," the man answered.  Khrushchev asked:  "What's your problem?"  Ivan answered, "I don't have a washing machine."  Khrushchev replied with "... not to worry, problem WILL be fixed." 

The very next week another gathering of the faithful was held in Red Square and Khrushchev was again singing the praises of socialism/communism.  Again, he noted proudly how everyone in Russia had a washing machine.  A hand shot up way back in the crowd.  Khrushchev, somewhat irritated, asked what was his question, whereupon the man asked:  "Where's Ivan?"

That story popped into my mind as I watched the Maryland parent being denied his constitutional rights -- right there in public for everyone to see and hear.

THAT, gentle reader, is the "New Normal" in America.   The abused citizen's question haunted me all night that evening and still stalks my every waking moment.  "Is this America?"  he asked in desperate frustration as he was involuntarily "escorted" toward the door of the meeting room.

I submit to you that those words should be the battle cry of the new freedom movement in America.  "Is THIS America?"  Most assuredly it is NOT America.  I don't know what our beloved country has become, but it is not the America our Founders and fore bearers handed off to us.  

That father, concerned for his child's education, issued the admonition "You're sitting here like cattle"  to the other parents sitting quietly allowing the violation of his, heck -- THEIR, constitutional rights to go unchallenged -- right in front of them. 

It hasn't been that long ago in America when a brawl would have ensured.  Red-blooded Americans would not have allowed that man to be treated as if he were a citizen in a communist totalitarian country, a banana republic, or some third world socialist dung heap ruled over by a narcissistic tin pot dictator.

But that was THEN -- you know, back when America truly WAS the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Today America is neither. 

The fearless American government is assaulting America's freedom and liberty in ways that the old leaders of the USSR, of Communist China, and, yes, even the old Third Reich of Adolf Hitler did not have the temerity to try on their own citizens and slaves.

Uncle Sam has gone from "uncle" to "big brother."  America is now a "police state."  No.  We are not BECOMING a police state.  We ARE a police state.
The US Constitution is nothing more than a ceremonial artifact locked away in a display case.  It is ignored.  The Bill of Rights has been so eroded that many of them no longer have any power, at all! 

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ... don't make me laugh! (or cry, actually.)

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force.  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.  Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."  George Washington, the very first President of the United States (under the constitution) said that, and that was at the very beginning of our existence as a country. But like so much else about the "whys" and "wherefores" of the founding of this nation, it, too, has been either forgotten or -- even worse -- forsaken.

As of the day of this writing over 2/3rds of the country believes the US is on the wrong course.  A Bloomberg National Poll reports that "Americans also are pessimistic about the course of the country, with 68 percent saying it’s headed in the wrong direction, the most in two years, according to the poll of 1,000 adults conducted Sept. 20-23."  SOURCE:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-25/americans-turn-on-washington-68-say-wrong-track-in-poll.html

So.  What are we going to do about it? 

Unfortunately, I can't say that we are going to gather ourselves, clean the house in Washington, and set this country back on course.  Because, you see, I am convinced we are too deeply divided now to ever be whole again.

Maybe it is time to consider this:  When something is so broken it cannot be repaired, often one is compelled to discard it and replace it with a new one.  If America has not yet reached that point, then she is certainly approaching it at a furious pace.
Where is Ivan, indeed?  When one reflects that Ivan can disappear in America these days, just as he could in the old USSR, the story becomes far less funnier.
Many decades ago Elmer Davis, former CBS journalist, reminded us:  “This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”

The fact that America is no longer free indicates our parallel lack of bravery, as well.

© J. D. Longstreet

Sotelo, "El Piolín" Short On Details About Sexual Harassment Allegations

Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo

Sotelo in an interview with Al Rojo Vivo says, he was very disappointed with his former co-workers at Univisión Radio for making allegations that he now admits are not true.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 25, 2013

Los Angeles, CA - On Wednesday, Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo, 42, gave his first television network interview with Carmen Dominicci from Telemundo "Al Rojo Vivo." Sotelo's first part of an interview aired at 5:00 p.m./4:00 p.m. Central time. An anticipated Spanish language audience were left wondering, after Sotelo didn't go into depth about a lawsuit filed against him by Alberto "Beto" Cortez for sexual harassment, physical abuse, fraud and causing emotional stress for at least three years while working with Sotelo. Cortez allegations forced Univisión Radio executives in July 22 to take Sotelo off the air permanently. Univisión apparently ended a contract with Sotelo, abruptly ending his national syndicated Spanish language radio show after working for Univisión Radio for ten years.
Sotelo said during the Telemundo interview, that he wasn't fired because of Cortez allegations, but both Univisión Radio executives and Sotelo decided it would be better for him to leave the syndicated radio show. "It was just time to part ways," Sotelo admitted. 
Sotelo told Dominicci, that what happened to him, he wouldn't wish it to anyone else. He also became disappointed with his former co-workers after they falsely accused him that he sexually harassed them as well. Sotelo wouldn't go into details and didn't named any of his former co-workers due to pending litigation. 
The second part of the interview with Sotelo will be aired in Al Rojo Vivo on Thursday. 
Several weeks after Sotelo went off the air on July 22 at Univisión Radio, Cortez publicly made his allegations against Sotelo. Three weeks later, six other former co-workers from Univisión sent Sotelo a letter that they would be willing to keep their silence of what went on between them, claiming allegations he sexually harassed, committed fraud and physically abused them during their employment at Univisión. They wanted $4.9 million for not saying anything.
In late August, Sotelo and his lawyers cried foul and filed a lawsuit at a Los Angeles Circuit Court claiming that Tomás Alejandro Fernández, Samuel "Cusuco" Heredia, Domingo Rodrigo Ochoa, Gerardo "Chiquirruco" Palencia, Bertha "Betusha" Velasco and Sergio "Checo" Vera were attempting to scam and extort Sotelo for $4.9 million to keep silent of what went on while working with Sotelo.
Sotelo and his attorneys submitted the letter as prove and evidence of an extortion attempt by the six defendants and their attorneys. 
El Show de Piolín, which is Sotelo's new Spanish language satellite radio show is expected to air on Sirius XM soon, according to Sotelo.
Sotelo says and makes fun that, he is the "ugliest DJ" in the radio.

Nonfinancial Corporations Sector: Hours Worked

Household Net Worth vs. Total Credit Market Debt Owed

Click to enlarge.

What pessimists see:

1. We're in a long-term linear trend channel heading to zero.
2. We're at the top of the trend channel again (last seen in 2006:Q1 and 2000:Q1).

What optimists see:

3. Yes, but net worth can't fall below zero. The downward trend is therefore guaranteed to fail someday!

It's nice to see both camps in complete agreement here, lol. Sigh.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Household Net Worth vs. Disposable Personal Income

Click to enlarge.

Despair.com: Meetings

None of us is as dumb as all of us.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Is It Illegal To Flash Warning Headlights of an upcoming Speed Radar Trap?

Is It Illegal To Flash Warning Headlights of an upcoming Speed Radar Trap?

Is It Illegal To Flash Warning Headlights of an upcoming Speed Radar Trap?

Traffic tickets are issued at police discretion. However, interpretation of the law is up to the courts.
In past, my colleague Jim Kenzie and myself took police to task for improperly ticketing drivers who flashed their headlights in daytime to warn oncoming drivers that they were approaching a speed trap.
The courts ruled this specific action was not illegal and that charges under section 162(2) HTA, which prohibits alternating high-beams on vehicles other than emergency vehicles, did not apply. All outstanding charges were tossed and police no longer issue such tickets at the direction of the Solicitor General.
Surprisingly, some critics — citing that the questionable police tactic was done “in the best interest of public safety” — took issue with our defending the driving public against an unlawful practice. To that, I’ll say the job of police is to enforce the law as it is written — not to extend it to circumstances where the courts have ruled that it clearly does not apply.

Will Ted Cruz's Health Care Speech Help or Hurt Republicans? (reposted)

Will Ted Cruz's Health Care Speech Help or Hurt Republicans? (reposted)
Will Ted Cruz's Health Care Speech Help or Hurt Republicans? (reposted)

The Texas senator's marathon floor speech against the health care law may damage his party

Sotelo, "El Piolín" Claims Attempted Scam And Extortion By Former Co-workers

Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo

Sotelo filed a lawsuit against six former Univisión Radio co-workers claiming they attempted to scam and extort him for $4.9 million to keep silent about allegations he sexually harassed, committed fraud and physically abused them and Cortez.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 25, 2013

Los Angeles, CA - On Wednesday, Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo will make his first television network interview with Carmen Dominicci from Telemundo "Al Rojo Vivo." Sotelo's interview will air in the afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Central time. An anticipated Spanish language audience are wondering, if Sotelo will go into depth about a lawsuit filed against him by Alberto "Beto" Cortez for sexual harassment, physical abuse, fraud and causing emotional stress for at least three years while working with Sotelo. Cortez allegations forced Univisión Radio executives in July 22 end a contract with Sotelo from a national syndicated Spanish language radio show. Sotelo worked for Univisión Radio for ten years.
Three weeks after Cortez raised his allegations against Sotelo, six other former co-workers from Univisión sent Sotelo a letter that they would be willing to keep their silence of what went on between them, claiming allegations he sexually harassed, committed fraud and physically abused them during their employment at Univisión. They wanted $4.9 million for not saying anything.
In late August, Sotelo and his lawyers cried foul and filed a lawsuit at a Los Angeles Circuit Court claiming that Tomás Alejandro Fernández, Samuel "Cusuco" Heredia, Domingo Rodrigo Ochoa, Gerardo "Chiquirruco" Palencia, Bertha "Betusha" Velasco and Sergio "Checo" Vera were attempting to scam and extort Sotelo for $4.9 million to keep silent of what went on while working with Sotelo.
Sotelo and his attorneys submitted the letter as prove and evidence of an extortion attempt by the six defendants and their attorneys. 
El Show de Piolín, which is Sotelo's new Spanish language satellite radio show is expected to air on Sirius XM soon, according to Sotelo.
Sotelo says and makes fun that, he is the "ugliest DJ" in the radio.

Jones Charged And Wandick Sought For Milwaukee's Southside Family Dollar Employee Murder

Jason Darnell Wandick, Mikal Hasun Jones and Bill Melendez

One of two Family Dollar employee murder suspects charged for Melendez' homicide, while second known suspect sought by police.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 24, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Mikal Hasun Jones, 29, was charged with two felony counts, one for felony murder, second for armed robbery with use of force and one misdemeanor count for attempted financial card fraudulent use and transaction. Jones remains on hold with a $10,000 cash bail.
Jones was taken into custody on September 14 in connection with the August 6 homicide of Bill Melendez, 44, a father of five children.
Jones confessed to police that his cousin, Jason Darnell Wandick, 26, told him that he accidentally fired his weapon killing Melendez. Jones says, he was just the get away driver in the Southside Family Dollar robbery and fatal shooting of an employee.
Wandick walked into the Family Dollar store just before 3:30 p.m. at the 4300 block of W. Oklahoma Ave. and robbed it, but after taking $100, he fatally shot Melendez once in the head. Wandick then fled the scene. 
Wandick was caught by video surveillance cameras when he robbed the Family Dollar store. 
Wandick will be officially charged later this week and currently is wanted for the Melendez murder, according to police.
Family Dollar had offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects. No information was released by Family Dollar, if anyone will receive the reward. 

Chicago Fed National Activity Index (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 3-year moving average of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index. I have added a 2nd order polynomial trend channel in red.

Click to enlarge.

Gotta love optimism. Assuming that the trend channel holds (might not), then we definitely live in the best of all possible worlds right now. We're hugging the top of that declining channel like glue. Yay.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer
Trend Line Disclaimer
Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Chicago Fed National Activity Index

The Washington Navy Yard shooting highlights many serious problems

The Washington Navy Yard shooting highlights many serious problems

Before the gun smoke had dispersed at the Washington Navy Yard, the agenda media reacted with a kind of grim glee that an “assault weapon” – an AR-15 – had been used yet again in a mass shooting.

The New York Daily News devoted its entire front page to the story with the headline, “Same Gun Different Slay,” in letters so big they took up two-thirds of the page. Inside the publication was an anti-gun column by Mike Lupica titled, “AR-15 is the rifle for the ‘sport’ of hunting humans.”

MSNBC even used an animation of the shooting, featuring an AR-15, while CNN's Piers Morgan said, "He was carrying an AR-15 assault rifle, another rifle, and a handgun.”

The Washington Post asked how the suspected shooter, Aaron Alexis, acquired “his weapons (an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol were reportedly found on him).”

Some of this results from the drive to get news out first. But hardly all of it.

And then, of course, the politicians got into the act.

“A gunman appeared with an assault rifle, and several other weapons,” said Illinois Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin on the Senate floor.

California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a statement which read, “This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons — including a military-style assault rifle — and kill many people in a short amount of time.”

Even the hallowed halls of academia were not immune to the ranting of the unhinged. (surprise, surprise, surprise!!)

“#NavyYardShooting The blood is on the hands of the #NRA,” tweeted David Guth, an associate professor of Journalism at the University of Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism. “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters,” he continued. “Shame on you. May God damn you.”

To its credit, the University suspended Guth. With such as this in journalism classrooms, it’s no wonder there is bias in the news media.

“The contents of Guth’s tweet were repugnant and in no way represent the views or opinions of the University of Kansas,” an official statement said. Whether UK works like the federal government, and keeps suspended misbehavers on the payroll, it didn’t say.

Well, Sen. Feinstein, Sen. Durbin, Prof. Guth, et al, we certainly have had enough of these incidents. But we’ve also had enough of you folks and your mis-informing cronies in the media allowing your emotions and your prejudices to commandeer your thought process and produce automatic responses that are so grossly wrong.

The shooter had only his own recently and legally acquired shotgun when he started the rampage, and is thought to have taken a handgun from one of his security officer victims along the way. No “assault rifle” was involved.

Moving from the thoughtless responses of these demagogues to the somber realities and serious issues that exist, we need to recognize that the most serious of these is clearly not a need for more gun control.

Washington, DC has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and the Navy Yard prohibits weapons being carried by anyone except for military police and other law enforcement and security personnel; not even trained military personnel who may carry weapons when they are deployed can carry a weapon on the Yard.

Alexis, who worked for a civilian contractor at the Navy Yard, had a history of arrests for weapons violations and mental health issues. Except for him, the military and civilian personnel assigned to and working at the Navy Yard obeyed the rules and didn’t bring guns to the Yard. Stronger gun laws would have made no difference at all.

Like gun-free schools without armed security, gun-free military bases have become shooting galleries for people who do not obey gun control laws and want to do bad things.

All kinds of screw-ups took place here, among which are:
**Lousy security checks – Given his criminal and mental health past, how was Alexis able to legally obtain the shotgun and a security clearance?
**Dumb rules about weapons on military facilities – On both Ft. Hood and the Navy Yard, had military personnel carried weapons, the shooters might never have planned those attacks, but they almost certainly would have done far less damage.
**The base security staff was undermanned when the shooting started, and had to close the gates to the base so they could respond to the emergency, and that interfered with civilian police trying to get on the base to help.
**Media knee-jerk misinformation appears to have emanated from an anti-gun mentality that leads to a shoot first, get details later process.

At least the media didn’t try to associate Alexis with TEA Party organizations or the Republican Party, as has often occurred in the past; they would have been wrong about that, too. A friend of Aaron Alexis, Michael Ritrovato, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he was “more of a liberal type, not conservative like I am.”

Let’s hold our breath to see how the mediadistort the coming debate over raising the debt ceiling yet again and a possible government shutdown.

10-Year Treasury: FED a Story

Click to enlarge.

The Fed was even more shocked than I was to see just how many people instantly converted to the belief that the 10-year treasury yield would breach 3% and continue to rise for the foreseeable future (even in a short-term 0.04% interest rate and sub-par employment growth environment).

September 24, 2013
Fox Business News: Prepare Your Portfolio for Rising Interest Rates

You've been warned -- for years -- about the impact of rising interest rates on bonds and what that might do to your portfolio.

Calling in expert help could be useful for individuals as well. If the thought of figuring out bond durations and premiums versus par seems too daunting, consider visiting a fee-only financial planner or adviser. Investment planning is a full-time job for a reason. It can be complicated.

If you can't trust the financial "experts" at Fox Business News to help you line the pockets of financial planners and advisers, then who can you trust?

I've definitely been warned for years. No doubt about that. It's all just a big adventure to me though. I'm a loner, a rebel.

This is not investment advice.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: 10-Year Treasury Yield

Long-Term Oil Price Trends

The following chart shows the 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year moving averages of the price of crude oil in inflation adjusted terms (August 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

There is no good news in the 10-year and 20-year moving averages. Both are currently at record highs and climbing.

The only good news here is that the 5-year moving average is rolling over. However, this news is offset by the fact that the current price of oil @ $102.73 is well above the 5-year moving average. Should it stay there then the rolling over will be temporary.

What could cause the 5-year moving average to continue to roll over? A recession brought on by high-priced oil could certainly do it. For the first time in U.S. history (March 2012 to March 2013), the real price of oil averaged more than $90 over a 5-year period (August 2013 Dollars). What a drag.

For what it is worth, nothing tends to kill higher prices like higher prices (most bubble watchers would agree). Note that the perpetually increasing upward trend in total miles driven has failed.

No predictions here, simply observations.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Crude Oil Prices (WTI)
St. Louis Fed: CPI


bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,

bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,
bittersweet colours, New York, NYFW, nyfw 2013, street style, stripes, Grids prints, Joe fresh, 3.1 Phillip Lim, miu miu, Mcginn, cooee jewelry, metallics trend, mirrored sunglasses,

Saunder S/S 2014 Presentation NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW
Saunder s/s 2014 presentation, NYFW

Let's go back for a few minutes to the NYFW mirage... Not just because it was Fashion Week, but because the hot weather as well... I wore more than one outfit per day :) ok. let's be honest: because I love fashion too!!!
I wore this look on a Monday morning going to see Saunder Presentation and right after that I had a great shopping session with my ladies Nadia and Ange.
I miss these ladies and NYFW days already!

                                                                            Leather Jacket: Mcginn/ option Here and Here 
                                                                            Pants: c/o Joe Fresh/ Here
                                                                            Shoes: Miu Miu/ Here
                                                                            Shirt: Liz Claiborne/ similar Here and Here 
                                                                            Cuff bracelt: c/o COOEE/ Here
                                                                            Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim
                                                                            Sunglasses: Foster Grant/ another great pair Here 

The Other America Revisited

The Other America Revisited

The Other America Revisited


     Government supported indolence is maneuver the Obama Administration utilizes to keep the population in check. A constant flow of treasury largesse, to tens of millions, perpetuates societal weaknesses disallowing the helpless from moving ahead of their own economic vices. As a result an entitlement mentality has developed that is so profound a catastrophe would befall anyone who has to put aside the flood of goodies that arrives weekly from Uncle Obama. Therefore self-made prisons arise where an individual cannot break free of the bonds the political over-class has inflicted on them. Self-serving individuals, who are enhanced by this economic morass, keep their political titles intact by those who partake in this monetary feast, which continues the status quo. Change is the driving force for those with ambition, not for those anchored to the certainty of a welfare handout. Results of government enforced laziness are evident, especially in the cities. Unemployment is conspicuously high in any group you examine. Murder rates exceed those from Middle East countries. Single parent households continue to rise to exponential levels. Even after government officials spin high school graduation rates, they are still low. Violent crime is business as usual.  Maryland exemplifies the latter with a government that thrives on the status quo.  Blue states officials notoriously buy votes from their entitlement base in return for subsidizing their life styles. Yet these people never seem to grow beyond their checks. A recent conversation with an official from a Maryland detention facility opened the eyes of many who would listen to his sagacious words. Why work when a check is at your door on schedule, regularly. Why work when a kid can run drugs and earn several thousand dollars per week. Why work when each child you conceive increases your monthly take. Why work when the stigma of welfare was removed with an EBT card. This official’s elaboration, taken collectively, is the reason why the so-called poverty class will remain the so-called poverty class, there are too many incentives not to grow. Savvy Politicians play upon this economic class to continue the gravy flowing at the expense of the private sector. In the end there will be an array of cities similar to Detroit: bankrupt, demoralized, polarized and dying. The masters of this destruction will move up the food chain while those left behind will live in the quagmire they created. Mark Davis, MD Author of the Book Lawyers hate, Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews. www.healthnetsreviewservices.com, platomd@gmail.com, To comment further go the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Buyer Beware: National Home Service (NHS) Part of Just Energy, a Toronto Stock Exchange listed firm

Buyer Beware: National Home Service (NHS) Part of Just Energy, a Toronto Stock Exchange listed firm

“A person came to the door asking if I wanted to get a new thermostat to help with energy efficiency. He called that night to see if I’d be available for the installation the next day,” she said.
She said yes to the thermostat and signed a document she thought was to confirm receipt. Later, she got a bill from National Home Service (NHS).
Part of Just Energy, a Toronto Stock Exchange listed firm, NHS had signed her up to a five-year rental contract.
“At $16.89 a month for five years, I would pay $1,013.40 — for a thermostat. The price to buy it out was $545. Surely, anybody in their right mind would not have signed on to this contract,” she said.
Ontario consumers will get stronger protection and more rights when dealing with door-to-door sales of water heaters.
Bill 55, which passed second reading this month, will give you 20 days to change your mind after signing a water heater rental contract at the door. Suppliers can’t charge fees to remove equipment installed in that time.
The Ontario government received 1,835 complaints and inquiries about water heater rentals in 2013. It’s the second highest category of complaints after collection agencies.

paisley is the pattern for fall

I'm craving a paisley fix. For some reason when the weather starts to get cold I want cute scarfs, a pair of boots, hot chocolate from Starbucks and some paisley eye candy. I've always loved it since my mom let my sister and I pick the coolest ever purple paisley wallpaper for our room back in the super awesome 80s. Good times.

via Pinterest
Alessandra Branca 
via Pinterest
Sarah Richardson
Design Manifest

There are so many ways to incorporate paisley into your home. Art, fabric, furniture, bedding, you name it.

Kravet via HouseFabric
Lisa Fine
Les Indiennes

I could go on and on. So what say you? Are you into paisley as much as I am? How do you like it best? On the walls, furniture or maybe on you?

Circling the Wagons ... J. D. Longstreet

Circling the Wagons   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Circling the Wagons
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
I find it totally impossible to feel empathy or sympathy for the democrats who have assisted Obama since the idea of America's first black President fueled their passion back in 2006 and 2007 and buoyed them through the Presidential Campaign to victory in 2008 and again in 2012.

The democrats richly deserve what they are about to get.

There's going to be a tremendous backlash in America over Obamacare. As the 2014 elections approach, dems are becoming evermore concerned over their chances in those mid-term polls.

Look.  Americans are PO'ed.  In a big way. too.  Plus, these are the Americans who actually vote, not the those who raced out to vote, many for the first time in their lives, (and likely the last) to elect America's first black President.  Been there, done that.  It's in the past.  This is a new day. Anything could happen.  And that scares the dickens out of the Democratic Party.

The dems circled the wagons early on to protect their President.  But they forgot a very important aspect of wagon circling.  Anything that happens inside that wagon circle is THEIR problem.  THEY OWN IT!  They OWN Obama.  They OWN Obamacare.

The dems also own, the Benghazi affair, the IRS Scandal, the NSA scandal, the fiascoes in Syria, in Egypt, in Libya and wherever the next one pops up. And yes, there will be a next one -- count on it!

Americans who vote in the mid-term elections are, as we said, people who pay attention.  And people who have paid attention for the past five years are angry.  

There has been a great deal of activity within that circle of wagons these past five years -- all of in encompassed by democrats.  The democrats and the Mainstream Media (but I repeat myself!) have spent a vast proportion of their time, treasury, and talent  covering for our first black President.  See, he insists on being a Marxist.  While the democratic Party and the Mainstream Media (again -- I repeat myself!) are not at odds with Mr. Obama's Marxism, they'd just as soon he didn't wear his Marxist colours openly. But, try as he might, Obama's true passion has won out and now the entire country knows Mr. Obama is a Marxist.  Heck, the WHOLE WORLD knows it.

I mentioned that Americans are angry.  I must admit, that is an understatement.  There is an undercurrent of anger/rage across the American topography today that is approximate to that, which rocked these shores in the mid 1800's.

Our government is tied into knots.  I would argue it is a single Gordian Knot which may have to be defeated in the same manner the original Gordian Knot was defeated.  As I write these few words Congress will be arguing whether to defund the abomination called Obamacare or shut the entire US government down.

Look.  It's ALL B.S.!  They ARE NOT GOING TO SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN! At the very worse, some PARTS of the government may be closed for a while. But do not think for one minute the federal government will stop functioning.  Altho, I must tell you, one of the few times I really feel safe these days is when the Congress is in recess, or the President is out of the country (or both!).  So --  maybe a government shutdown wouldn't be so bad after all, huh?

Here's the unpleasant bottom line on getting rid of Obamacare.  It cannot happen until we get a republican controlled government -- both houses of Congress and the Oval Office must be firmly in GOP hands before any realistic attempt at repealing Obamacare can even be considered. 

Defunding is only a stop-gap measure -- and -- even it it were to pass, somehow, there are enough dedicated funds in the treasury, funds already set aside to operate Obamacare, that the "Program from Hell" would start up, October first, as planned, and, to the chagrin of many millions, as if nothing untoward had happened. That's one of the OTHER dirty little secrets nobody in DC wants you to know.

For several years preceding Obamacare passing Congress into law, many conservative commentators, including yours truly, made every attempt possible to wake up the American electorate to the danger(s) of socialized medicine. All to no avail. We told you clearly and concisely what to expect, when to  expect it, and from whence to expect it.
I'd be lying of I said there wasn't a near overwhelming urge to proclaim:  "We TOLD YOU SO!"

Speaking of lying:  The never ending tsunami of lies emanating from the Obama Administration has reached a near tipping point with the electorate.  The lies told by the President himself (just about Obamacare) have now become legend and one would not be surprised if Obama went down in American history as the lying-est president ever -- at least through 2016.

It's as though there is a fountain head of deceit located in the White House and from it enormous torrents of lies cascade twenty-four hours a day, every day.

The more discerning Americans choose to question everything and believe no one.

Then there is Mr. Obama's weakness as a leader.  He really is not suited for a leadership role of any kind, let alone President of the US.  We have just seen that amply displayed --for the world to see -- in his mishandling of the Syria debacle. The folks on the left will tell us we are mistaking his deliberation for dithering.  No.  We are not.  He finds it darn near impossible to make a decision. Plus, he is risk averse. 

But he is so SMART, they insist!  REALLY?

Look.   If members of the American Political Left share anything in common, it is their belief that they are intellectually superior to everybody else.  I have known many American leftists in my lifetime, some as friends, and every one of them shared this trait.  Why, they will even tell you of their intellectual superiority and boast about it.  They are, at all times, the smartest people in the room.

Well, I am just a dumb ole country boy from the foothills of the Carolinas… but… as dumb as I am, I know a fool when I see one. 

The beginning of foolishness is the belief that you are the superior of all people in wisdom.  It assures that you will fail, and fail “hard”, at some point in your “stellar” life. Mr. Obama comes across as one of those intellectual leftists who have been “educated beyond their abilities."

The brilliance of the left is counter-loaded with naiveté. 
It is that naiveté that nullifies their self-proclaimed brilliance and leads them -- and the nation -- into so much trouble when the left is in power in the US government.

Saint Paul wrote to the Christians at the newly formed church at Ephesus, which would be located in modern day Turkey, the following: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  Ephesians 6:12

Nothing has changed.  The battle still rages.  The problem is, as I see it, we have lost sight of who is, exactly, the enemy. 

See,  there is Good and there is Evil in this world. Evil doesn’t give a darn how smart you are.  In fact Evil will use your “smartness” against you.  A truly smart man/woman knows better that to ever attempt to negotiate with Evil. Evil doesn’t negotiate. Evil does what it pleases until Good smacks it down… hard.  Even then Good must be ready to smack Evil down again and again and again ad infinitum. 

Our friends on the political left have become blind to evil as a result of their adoption of "moral relativity," or as we call it today, "political correctness."  They can no longer clearly discern, nor define, who and what the enemy is. THAT leaves America truly leaderless in an increasingly evil world.

Combined -- all of this has placed America in dire peril.  The US is in more peril today, this hour, this minute, than she has ever been -- and we have no leader to speak of.

ALL of this is clearly seen surrounded by that circle of wagons the democrats formed some five years ago. The content of that circle has grown exponentially over those years and is now clearly seen by the majority of the electorate.  And this is worrisome to the democrats.

But they continue to win, because they have figured out that a UNITED minority can win against a DIVIDED majority.   Not to mention that the Republican Party is totally  leaderless and in danger of self-immolation.

The next three years in our nation's capitol will be akin to a blood feud.  Frankly, I can accept that because we will be fighting for the survival of freedom and liberty, for the survival of the US, period! It's going to get down, dirty, and ugly.  And, if we are lucky, the fight will remain rhetorical and lack the introduction of weapons of combat into the fray.

If we are not lucky, well, an uncontrolled downward spiral will ensue and the USA will be no more.
The democrats have chosen.  They have circled their wagons and formed a "static" position.  Static positions are most easily defeated by simply by-passing them and pressing on toward final victory.  Those circled wagons can be mopped-up once the larger struggle has been won.

That circle, however encapsulates all the vulnerabilities of the democrats.  They are clearly visible.

There will be no excuse for allowing "those people" to remain in power after November of 2014.

© J. D. Longstreet

Wayne LaPierre on the DC Naval Yard Shooting, More of the Same...

Wayne LaPierre on the DC Naval Yard Shooting, More of the Same...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I watched the Memorial for the victims of the Washington DC Naval Yard victims. I listened to the words of President Obama, intently and hopefully with an open mind.

My first though was the President gave his usual good delivery. My second thought was here he goes again, politicizing another tragedy to advance his anti gun agenda, following the line of thought made famous by Rahm Emanuel (I think it was him) that you should never let a tragedy go to waste.

Then my third and perhaps the most important thought was, what if our grandson or granddaughter were to become the victim of senseless firearm violence. How would the misses and I feel.

My final thought was why in the hell can't intelligent and compassionate caring people find a solution that has a significant impact on REDUCING the incidents of innocent people losing their life because of firearm violence. And at the same time ensuring our right to own firearms.

Then I came across this bit of brilliance from the NRA's own Wayne LaPierre. It pretty much told me all anyone needs to know why we can't find a reasonable and sensible solution.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

This sites position is clear in support of reasonable and nationally consistent firearm regulations. A position that would significantly reduce instances of firearm violence and at the same time insure the right to responsibly own and utilize firearms for legal purposes. Certainly one that respects our 2'nd amendment rights.

 Feel free to peruse the archives for further explanation of this sites position. I've frankly grown weary of the muddled emotionally driven responses from both sides of this issue.

 It is INDEED time to do something constructive and to hell with the firearm manufactures and pinheads like Wayne LaPierre.

 Via: Memeorandum