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Pyramid Monument In The Center of The Bethel Plots - CT Russell Gravesite Pittsburg Penn. Rosemont Cemetery 150 in attendance


Masonic Symbols Cross Crown  And Wreath (Top Left)

Pyramid designating the Watch Tower burial plots in the Rosemount cemetery Pittsburg Penn.
The Pyramid CT Russell approved and taught about in the IBSA page at the top of this page.

Plaque at botttom

The Puppet Master Speaks

John Barr the last of the JW's Governing Body born before 1914 WTB&TS 2010 annual meeting

Nathan Knorr ( 3rd President of WTB+TS) blamed Jehovah God for failed prophesy in the past saying "Jehovah caused to be preached"
as usual the Governing Body take no responsibility for failures in prophecy today they teach followers
"The light gets brighter"

The Watchtower has promoted six different and contradictory explanations of what this generation refers to. Many Witnesses based their life choices on the generation doctrine that Armageddon would arrive before all those born prior to 1914 had died. Can an organization that makes such critical errors rightfully claim they alone are directed by God?

At the 2010 annual meeting, John Barr presented the latest understanding of the generation. 97 year old Barr was an apt choice to deliver this talk, being the last of the Governing Body born before 1914. He explained the generation is now to include 2 groups whose lives "overlap" since 1914:
"John Barr ... twice read the comment: "Jesus evidently meant that the lives of the anointed ones who were on hand when the sign began to be evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of the other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." We do not know the exact length of "this generation," but it includes these two groups whose lives overlap. Even though the anointed vary in age, those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during the part of the last days. How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!" Watchtower 2010 June 15 p.5

There is no Scriptural reason to believe a generation referred to two overlapping groups, other than wishful thinking and a need to prop up the 1914 teaching as still relevant. Can any credence be given to this explanation? The following review of the history of contradictory generation teachings shows there can be no doubt that these teachings are neither directed by holy spirit nor Scripturally sound.

The Watchtower understanding of "this generation" has changed constantly through the entirety of Watchtower history; both regarding who it has been applied to and the timeframe. It is a classic example of the Watchtower's Eisegesis approach to interpretation - forcing a meaning that does not exist. With four different contradictory and sometimes regressive teachings between 1995 and 2010, this subject nullifies any reason to believe the Watchtower excuse for changes as their light getting brighter

A key factor to the growth of the Watchtower Society is the promise that this system will end at any moment. The shorter the expected time left, the higher the growth. (Immediately prior to dates the end was specifically expected, such as 19141925 and 1975, growth increased to as high as 20 %.) When there has been no specific date set, the concept that "this generation will by no means pass away" has been used to stimulate urgency. Looking retrospectively, it is remarkable to see the number of changes to the "generation" teaching, in order to make each decade in the 1900's appear to be the decade Armageddon would come.  Source

Who the Generation Applies to

The Watchtower has swung between whether generation has a positive connotation that applies to the Anointed, or has a negative connotation applying to worldly contemporaries. It has also varied on whether the period was over an unspecified time frame or was a fixed period. In brief, the changes have been as follows:
1897 -– A group of contemporary people
"“Other uses of this Greek word (genea) prove that it is not used with the significance of race, but in reference to people living contemporaneously.... In other words, the signs mentioned will occur within a generation - epoch in the close of the age.”" – Studies in the Scriptures Vol 4 pp.602,603
1927 –- The anointed
“"The irresistible conclusion therefore is that Jesus referred to the new creation [the anointed] when he said: “This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.” This then would be a strong indication that some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon.”" Watchtower 1927 Feb 15 p.62
1951 -– A fixed period of time from 1914 applied to worldly people
"The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a “generation” in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period. So it was on “this generation” that the accumulated judgments were to fall. (Matt. 23:36) This therefore means that from 1914 a generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled, and amidst a great time of trouble." Watchtower 1951 Jul 1 p.404
1995 -– A group of contemporary worldly people
"Jesus was not departing from his established use of the term “this generation,” which he consistently applied to the contemporary masses with their “blind guides” who together made up the Jewish nation. ... Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certainhistorical period, with their identifying characteristics."” Watchtower 1995 Nov 1 pp.14,20
2008 –- The anointed
"As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day "generation" of contemporaries that will not pass away "until all these things occur." This suggests that some who are Christ's anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins." Watchtower 2008 Feb 15 p.24
2010 –- A fixed period from 1914 applied to the anointed
"He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." Watchtower 2010 April 15 p.10

Jehovah's Witnesses 135+ years of false prophecies exposed

Tidbit: The term “Jehovah” was the invention of a Catholic monk (Raymundus Martini) in AD 1202, That name may not appear in Scripture, because there existed not until the 12th century, so the JW can not say that appears 7,000 times in Scripture, de hecho, In fact, this name is linked with that of demologia and Illuminati, Source

Below this 7 part series is hosted on You Tube...it gives a clear easy to understand the 135 yr+ history of the false prophesies of Jehovah's Witnesses. The facts are a indisputable review these segments for your self.

The Future's So Bright I Gotta Rent Tires

The Future's So Bright I Gotta Rent Tires
June 08, 2013
High prices are driving more motorists to rent tires

Eric Malone, who owns eight RimTyme stores in North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, was drawn to the business by the high profit potential. RimTyme averages more than $1.4 million a year in sales across its 25 locations, nearly double the take at parent company Rent-a-Center's traditional furniture and electronics stores.

His employees make about three repossessions a week....


German submarine U-192

During her maiden voyage in May 1943 she disappeared without a trace, along with her 55 crew.

Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? - Oddball

October 30, 2013
Passenger traffic fairly flat at Port Columbus last month

There were 501,354 passengers in and out of the local airport, an increase of 192, which is less than one-tenth of 1 percent.

For the year so far, the number of passengers is down 3 percent at Port Columbus, a trend that has been noted at airports across the country.

Shouldn't have gone down the negative waves path. Should have said something righteous and hopeful for a change. Perhaps it is not too late.

These 192 extra people will no doubt lead to all sorts of exciting extra retail sales and employment opportunities for the one person with a well positioned food truck! So what if the trend is down at airports across the country! Gotta keep the faith!

LULAC Selects Milwaukee For Its 2014 Women's Conference

LULAC women's conference to draw hundreds of nationwide members into Wisconsin in March 2014.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 4, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - The national League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) organization has announced in its website that Milwaukee has been picked to hold its two day 2014 LULAC Women's Conference in March 28-29. LULAC posted in its website that, "This Conference provides professional development workshops and seminars targeted to the needs of "Latinas" and also highlight the contributions that "Latinas" have made to this country."
On Saturday, Margaret Moran, the national president of LULAC was in Milwaukee to confirm the organization's decision to hold the women's conference in the city. Moran held a limited news gathering at the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation (WHSF) facility, which in partnership with LULAC Councils 319 and 322 sponsor the annual Mexican Fiesta at the Summerfest grounds in late August. 
In September, the WHSF held a restrictive news conference at the facility focused on a story that Hispanic News Network U.S.A. broke and exposed concerning Fiesta LPOA security and Milwaukee police were targeting Hispanics believed to be in gangs and people with facial and body tattoos not in good taste for Mexican Fiesta officials. Those victims were targeted and expelled from the Fiesta grounds without refunds and banned from the weekend festival without doing anything illegal at the event.
Afterwards, Ruben Burgos and other board members of the WHSF held a news conference and kept HNNUSA from covering their response to the article that exposed their discriminatory policy and treatment of festivalgoers for the last three years.
A call by friends of the victims to boycott Mexican Fiesta for 2014 went viral on the social network and a YouTube news report was even posted. HNNUSA also learned that for years, the national LULAC organization, WHSF and the two LULAC Councils 319 and 322 were denying access to undocumented students who applied for scholarships. They continue to deny scholarships, even though they have come out in support of immigration reform.
With hundreds of women attending the LULAC conference in March, hopefully some or even one of the women attending has the courage to challenge the national LULAC and the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Sponsor of Mexican Fiesta, including LULAC Councils 319 and 322 policy to denied scholarships for women DREAMers at a crucial time that LULAC shamefully shows supports for immigration reform, but not giving scholarships to undocumented students.

Christmas 2013: Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores

The following chart shows the year over year percent change in aggregate hours worked by production and nonsupervisory employees at hobby, toy, and game stores.

Click to enlarge.

We're certainly heading into the Christmas season with plenty of momentum. I'll give the optimists that. Some might argue that the momentum is in the wrong direction though.

Source Data:
BLS: Employment

NEW neutrals

bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,

bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,
bittersweet colours, fall 2013, Zara, hudson, Rachnel Zoe, Costume National, Ralph Lauren, navy-grey, street style,

Officially I'm joining the ladies who covet the Celine grey boots but instead of breaking the bank they are happy buying a more affordable version from Zara -one more reason to love Zara! -
 I took them for a first spin last Sunday in a non-colorful combination -grey/navy- but don't worry more colorful combinations are coming soon!
P.S. I also love this cozy giant monogramed scarf -perfect for chilly days!

                                                                                 Leather Jacket: c/o Rachel Zoe/ option Here 
                                                                                 Jeans: Hudson/ Here and Here
                                                                                 Boots: Zara
                                                                                 Bag: Costume National
                                                                                 Scarf: c/o Donni Charm/ option Here 
                                                                                 Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren


Immigration Reform For 2013 Dead As Día De Los Muertos Celebrated

Moises Roger Mory-Lamas

The U.S. House has no more sessions scheduled for this year and the scheduled committee meetings thru November 26 show no action for immigration reform.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 2, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Saturday, many Democrats and Republicans, including President Barack H. Obama can now concede that any bill proposed for immigration reform in the U.S. House of Representatives, especially the U.S. Senate's version is dead for 2013. Today in many parts of the U.S. and Mexico, el Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead is traditionally celebrated in recognition and remembrance of those who passed away. Unfortunately, any hope of introducing and passing a just comprehensive immigration reform bill in the U.S. House for the remainder of the year is dead. The U.S. Senate's immigration bill that was passed earlier is destine to expire as the year comes to an end.
In the last days of October, a major push by Republican business owners, law enforcement and corporate CEO's to influence conservative House Republicans to support an immigration reform bill seems to have failed. 
The U.S. House 113th second session begins on January 3, 2014, which could include new elected members of the House. It was believed that at least 28 GOP House members would support an immigration reform bill with a path to citizenship for at least 11 million of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Within the last two days, three House Republicans joined Democrats in sponsoring a bill. If an immigration bill would have been introduced and debated earlier, it would have had at least  228 votes, including the 28 Republicans surpassing the 218 votes needed to pass a bill. But House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-OH) failed to bring up a similar version of the Senate immigration reform bill that would have had a bipartisan support. None was negotiated or introduced before the end of the House 113th first session.
Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned from a reliable source that nationwide activists for immigration reform, clergy, unions, immigrant rights organizations and other supporters will engage in a massive coordinated national action of civil disobedience, including other attempts to get attention for the need to pass an immigration reform bill.
One key initiative that hasn't been adopted yet by the organizers planning for the November 8th national civil disobedience action is a 16-day economic shutdown, which would allow Hispanics and supporters for immigration reform to control their $2T spending and buying economic power to influence change.
An immigration reform bill is definitely needed, including another to reshape and reorganize the most known corrupt immigration enforcement agency, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Congress, the Obama administration, U.S. Department of Justice and ICE have failed to hold accountable those agents and supervisors that deliberately violated the rights of undocumented immigrants. Many ICE violation cases have been exposed and documented. Lawsuits have been filed by defendants and ICE have lost many of them for engaging in illegal activities and violating department policies. But ICE continues to denied any illegal activity or rogue agents that act outside of the law.
Another fact is that ICE continues to detain and deport undocumented immigrants in the U.S., which the agency was designed to do. But in recent years, ICE has engaged in illegal activity in many parts of the country. One significant case was the Moises Roger Mory-Lamas case in 2010, where Mory-Lamas was forced by three ICE agents to go to a Peruvian consulate and made him sign an ACT document to be removed from the U.S. Mory-Lamas was in the process of trying to get legal status. 
Mory-Lamas accused, Peruvian Consul Beoutis, and three ICE agents identified in the ACT signatures as Juan Mezarina, Oscar Torres and James Laforge of violating his rights, under immigration law and the U.S. Constitution.
A Peruvian citizen has a right to enter a Peruvian Consulate for official purposes, but with U.S. agents as escorts is considered illegal, and they have no diplomatic status to sign such an Act inside the Consulate, considered foreign soil.
ICE agents deported Mory-Lamas to Peru, despite a pending immigration appeal case and a petition for amnesty, including residency and work authorization until 2011. 
In November 2010, Mory-Lamas received a letter from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) in his residence in West New York informing him of an interview for November 16, but he was all ready deported on September 9.
Mory-Lamas had fought and challenged his deportation for more than 11 years.
ICE spent more than $400,000 in the Mory-Lamas case alone, including flight passages for two ICE agents to accompanied him to Peru.
ICE isn't suppose to deport anyone while in the process of getting legal status. In the Mory-Lamas case, ICE deported Mory-Lamas, despite any pending case to seek legal status.
ICE deportation data indicates that a majority were deported for non-criminal offenses contradicting the ICE current priorities. ICE's has said, that only those deemed to be a threat to the U.S., gang members, violent and drug related criminals are being deported. ICE has become the most corrupted agency engaging in rogue criminal activity in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its agents are never sanction, discipline, terminated or convicted of violating the Constitutional rights of detainees by coercion, illegal acts, warrant less home invasions including arrests at private properties and U.S. County courts. The U.S. Congress has yet to investigate such gross violations by ICE and to implement laws to hold ICE agents and its supervisors accountable for many widely documented and reported illegal acts by ICE agents.
Recently in Bakersfield, CA, the ICE office based agents have been illegally arresting non-criminal immigrants at the Kern County Court Houses while paying traffic citations, attending court hearings or getting married, according to the ACLU. The ACLU also claims that ICE agents have been arresting suspected undocumented immigrants in Santa Clara, CA County courts without warrants as in Kern County.
In Tucson, Arizona, an Operation Streamline Court managed by ICE gets to convict between 80 to 180 of undocumented immigrants at once. An immigration judge sentences all to 30-130 days in jail at private immigration prisons before they are removed from the U.S. Not1More activists who staged a protest in early October and blocked several immigration buses transporting undocumented immigrants to the Streamline Court say, the immigrants are denied due process, appeals, legal advice by attorneys or family members including the Mexican Consulate.
In 2012, a total of 409,849 were deported including 184,459 non-criminals; in 2011, 391,953 were deported including 203,571 non-criminals and in 2010, 385,100 were deported including 215,444 non-criminals were removed from the U.S. under the Obama administration. 

Yow 10,000

The following chart shows real federal government current receipts per capita (June 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

Worry not about the steepness of the climb. This bad boy's totally sustainable. I can feel it in my bones.

Yow 10,000! Put on the party hats! Just look at all that momentum! This economy is unstoppable again! Now that one of the last bears has finally capitulated, what could possibly go wrong?

October 20, 2013
Top Bear's Bullish Tilt Has Followers Growling

One of Wall Street's leading bears has turned more bullish, riling some longtime clients.

Gotta love his timing. I guess he just needed confirmation that the stock market was a sure thing. It's climbed 160% over the last 4 years or so. Sure thing it is! Can't lose! What more proof do you need? The government will soon be rolling in too much revenue. We'll be too prosperous! That's right. You heard me. I'm capitulating too!

Mr. Rosenberg became more positive on stocks when he determined that chances of another economic downturn had dropped amid the Federal Reserve's aggressive actions.

No more economic downturns! No unintended consequences! Just genius move after genius move by the very same Fed who could not spot a housing bubble as it was peaking. Hurray! I'm talking directly to you Ben "There Is No Housing Bubble to Go Bust" Bernanke. Well played, sir. Well played.

There's gravy and biscuits in it for you, and by that I mean gobs of money. - Claptrap, Borderlands

Disclosure: I'm not really capitulating. I trust this economy long-term about as far as I can throw up. (Over Fed pun intended.)

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Obamacare: DOA, A Prescription for Disaster

Obamacare: DOA, A Prescription for Disaster

This excellent book, published by a subunit of Amazon, discusses the flaws, inconsistencies and defects in the health legislation known as Obamacare. Through real life examples, this author displays how medical care delivery by a giant government bureaucracy will be potentially detrimental to the greatest bulk of American society. PPACA (Obamacare)is analyzed from the health care practitioner's perspective. The author went to great lengths to show how government managed health programs lead in one direction, rationing. Mark Davis MD notes how medications for many diseases become scarce, access to hospital beds is reduced and the quality of care delivery moves down several notches. The author has owned and or managed many health facilities, which provided him with full knowledge how the government interacts with private medical facilities. He is Federal lobbyist specifically for patient care issues and has not represented any company or group profiting from Obamacare. If you want to take a glimpse at your medical future this is one book you should have on your reading list this year. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster will be criticized by those who will profit in some manner or fashion from Obamacare. Do not allow them to deter you from being informed about the most heinous health legislation every to emanate from the dark halls of Congress. Mark Davis MD, author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews. www.healthnetsbookreviews.com americassage@gmail.com, platomd@gmail.com For Interviews please contact me at 410-515-7858 or by email.

Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead

Marla O. Anderson, in remembrance for the traditional Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 2, 2013

Milw., WI - This brief remembrance is dedicated to my dearly departed mother, Marla O. Anderson, who in her life time became a role model to six children as one of the many college graduates after the 1970 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) takeover for higher education protests, helped countless people get their U.S. residency, instrumental in lowering the height requirement for Hispanics in the Fire and Police Departments, which prevented them from qualifying, marched to Madison from Milwaukee for enforcement of farm workers and migrants rights, helped break down the barriers of discrimination that prevented Hispanics from getting hired in the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicle, fought for bilingual education in public schools, welfare rights and countless other achievements that made Wisconsin a better place to live.
Anderson originally from Camargo, Tamaulipas, Mexico is well known for her leadership and instrumental role in the August 27, 1970 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) takeover of Chapman Hall, where she along with four men, Jesus Salas, Dante Navarro, Gregorio "Goyo" Rivera and Jose Luis Huerta-Sánchez were arrested in a peaceful protest. They along with 500 other educational activists were protesting UWM's discriminatory policy that prevented Latinos from enrolling.
In 1970, only 14 Hispanic students were enrolled compared to 25,000 White students and there were no Latino faculty at UWM. Anderson's role helped open the doors of education for thousands of Latinos in the state of Wisconsin UW-System. Enrollment of Hispanics also spread throughout statewide private colleges.
Their success helped create the Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute (SSOI) at UWM, which focus on recruitement, advicing and retention of Hispanic students. The SSOI was later renamed in 1996, the Roberto Hernández Center and since 1970, thousands of Hispanics have graduated.
Anderson enrolled at UWM and later graduated from the School of Education with a Bachelor of Science degree in May 1978, while raising six children. Today, more than 1,400 Hispanic students are enrolled per semester and at least 30 Latino faculty work at UWM.
Recently, Dante Navarro past away in April 2013.

Check out actual historical video footage of the August 27, 1970 UW-Milwaukee Takeover of Chapman Hall by Hispanics for higher education at link: http://tinyurl.com/3e6odcb

My Insta Colours -October -

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Surrounded by silence at Longwood Gardens (soon a post from here)

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Central Park New York

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Who can resist? When in new York...

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Previewing Christian Siriano S/S 2014 Collection- New York-

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Morning in New York...

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Desk situation & more colours :)

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Brooklyn Bridge Park NY

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Fall in New York

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 ...and Fall at home...

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 Deserts for 4! Lady M New York

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 A charming view from High Line New York

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
 with my lovely friend Alexandra

bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
bittersweet colours, Instagram, Instagram Colours, CHANEL, New York, Christian Siriano, Central Park New York,
I love, eat and breath COLOURS...

A short & colorful story of October month! I look forward to see what November has reserved for us. Follow me on INSTAGRAM to find out together...
I hope you all have a great weekend!

GOP'ers Growing Unhappiness and Division Within Their Party...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Division within the GOP is stark and becoming more so with each passing day. The Tea Party wing of the GOP, while taking principled positions has been completely unyielding, therefore making any compromise virtually impossible. Rather than viewing compromise as the positive outcome of hard fought political battles they view compromise as total defeat. Ultimately, at least in the minds of the purist, this means advancing the march of the great evil bogeyman. I'm sure you all can guess what that is.

The Democratic party on the other hand is enjoying relative unity, a good thing for the party faithful going into the mid term elections in November 2014. Already controlling the Senate, as well as the presidency, the House may be up for grabs if the general electorate continues to view the GOP in an increasingly unfavorable light. Further, many in the GOP are starting to view their party more unfavorably as a result of the extreme rightward movement of their party, the result of Tea Party legislators and activists.

What this non partisan political junkie fears is a fierce leftward backlash in response to what has occurred, and continues to occur on the right. Few will argue (I think) that society will only let the ideological political pendulum swing only so far in either the rightward or the leftward direction before it will force a correction. Corrections can be very difficult, causing economic and social pain for extended periods of time. Recall the Roaring 20's, the concentration of wealth at the top, and the resulting collapse of the economy.

Principles such as hard work, integrity, preserving individual liberty, controlling the growth of government while at the same time insuring it works for the benefit of all the the people (I refer you to Thomas Paine and his writings), as well as recognizing change is the only certainly in life and we must act responsibly to changing circumstances and times are all worthwhile and worth working towards. However, the belief and desire to manage a nation of the size of the USA as though it were still 1776 and 1789 is nonsensical. The American people have registered this concern and the GOP to survive and continue to be a force in American politics and governance must realize this.

By the sounds of a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll many in the GOP are beginning to understand the stakes involved. Making America strong and healthy requires dissent, consensus, compromise, and putting country above partisan politics.

... Democrats are largely content with their own party, while distaste among Republicans for the GOP has grown exponentially this year.

The most recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, offers a stark window into widening divisions within the GOP over strategy and what kind of leaders Republicans want going forward. The Democratic Party, by comparison, is a picture of unity.


In December, just a month after the GOP experienced a string of election losses, nearly two-thirds of all Republicans held a positive view of their party. Ten months later that share has dropped to less than half.

Among those who are more wavering in their ties to the GOP—a group that is nearly twice the size of the party’s most fervent followers—affection for the party in the latest poll dropped to 35%, with almost an equal number saying they viewed the party in a negative light.

By comparison, nearly three-quarters of all Democrats in the poll said they have a positive view of their party, down just slightly since the end of last year. Even the more wavering among the Democrats are positive toward their party (61%).

The sharp divisions over political style with the GOP also have no corollary among Democrats.

A good example is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, widely seen as a chief architect of the showdown that led to last month’s government shutdown.

In the poll, just 19% of non-tea party Republicans said they have a positive view of Mr. Cruz, exactly in line with the rest of the country. But a striking 69% of tea-party Republicans in the poll gave Mr. Cruz positive marks.

A similar break can be seen over the question of whether Republicans want their party members in Congress to make compromises to gain a consensus on budgetary matters, or stick to their positions even if this means no budget agreement.

Just under half of all Republicans favored compromise. But among tea-party Republicans, a solid 64% said Republicans in Congress should stick to their positions no matter what. Just a third of non-tea party Republicans took that stauncher position.

When the same question was asked of Democrats, a solid 68% favored compromise, with little variation among liberals and more wavering Democrats.

The overall sourness of public sentiment toward the political status quo has triggered another round of yearning for a potential third party.


Do you have a positive or negative view of your own party?

Democrats: 73% positive, 7% negative

Republicans: 49% positive, 26% negative

Tea-party Republicans: 56% positive, 21% negative

Non tea party Republicans: 41% positive, 32% negative

And another chart:

Read full report HERE.

Via: Memeorandum

Death by Obamacare

Death by Obamacare


Media has been focusing on the fundamentally flawed economic aspects of Obamacare. Few pundits have weighed in on the medical care and access that comes with this monstrous legislation.  Moving beyond the Exchanges the reality of Obamacare confronts you when trying to enter this new mode of health care delivery. Traditionally physicians worked alongside nursing personnel to investigate a patient’s symptoms and provide a viable treatment plan to effectuate a solution to the presenting problem. Obamacare seeks to undo this model by introducing secondary health providers, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, for first contact. Complicated presenting complaints would be evaluated by people who have less than one third the training of an M.D. or D.O. American medicine has already taken a hit when investigations revealed many foreign MDs have markedly less education and practical patient experience than their American counterparts prior to licensing. Doctor Ezekial Emanual, one of the architects of Obamacare recently stated in an interview with Andy Dean: for Obamacare to be a viable entity, secondary personnel on the frontlines, is necessary if this model of health delivery is to work. In his opinion physicians are no longer needed to be present on first contact. This Harvard theorist is essentially requiring Americans to be lab animals in the Obamacare maze. Dr. Emanual’s attempt to re-fabricate American medicine has no support in studies or actual experience, only an untried theorem. Medical care will see a decline in the quality and quantity of services as the new system is implemented. Physicians will be forced to follow treatment plans that are cooked up by government bureaucrats, many of whom are not health providers. These treatment plans will become the new standards of care. A physician who deviates from them could lose his/her license, be hanged in effigy and even find themselves in a cold jail cell, for which there is significant precedent.


Under this massive new health care scheme systems will be streamlined to maximize services. Accessibility to ambulance and emergency services will be reduced for two reasons: increased demand and fewer units available for treatment. In the new book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster, it documents how people die when immediate services are not available.  An infant drowns because the emergency management personnel had too many calls to answer on their shift. Chest pain leading to an acute heart attack was not treated on time because an emergency room was overwhelmed with patients seeking care. Surgeries on Demand will be a fine memory as the system introduces a new element into acute care, it is call waiting time. The gamut of surgical services may be available after weeks and or months of bureaucratic entanglement. Cutting edge drugs give way to a pharmacopeia of generics, many of which have been surpassed by newer medications. These drugs will not be available to you. Need an immediate CAT scan or MRI, with fewer units in existence, months may go by before your number is called. Obamacare guarantees three elements that will confound your utilization of its programs: higher costs, less access and poor service. Death panels are not written into the matrix of care. Instead, available medical services are slowed to a crawl, allowing those with curable and or manageable diseases to succumb at much higher rates than in the past. Welcome to Obamacare, worse than the present system it is replacing and deadly to your health. Mark Da
vis, MD author of the aforementioned book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster and the book lawyers hate most Demons of Democracy. President of Davis Book Reviews and Healthnets Review Services.

platomd@gmail.com, americassage@gmail.com, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com, manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.