President Obama Finally Accepts Responsibilty. The Question, for What Exactly... | Daily news sites
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President Obama Finally Accepts Responsibilty. The Question, for What Exactly...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Obama, the Responsibly Man

President Obama is finally acknowledgiong responsibilty for his almost four years in office. Rational Nation USA has never said the President is a "bad" person, that he is unpatriotic, or doesn't love his country.

While many left leaning bloggers and commenters with an agenda will take issue with the preceding statement the fact remains Rational Nation USA has only taken issue with the President's performance and his political philosophy. Which is, as all reasonable people realize, is fair and proper game. At least as long as we live in a free nation, or should I say semi free? I'll leave it at that...

Even though the President's acknowledgement that "the buck stops at his desk" is perhaps a bit late in coming we should all appreciate that he has taken this step.

Of course reading his acknowledgement of responsibility I was somewhat taken aback by the statement from the President that said his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate. "My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked,"... This statement of course leaves the door wide open to the question, what exactly does the satement mean. For those of us in the camp that advocates constitutionally limited government and libertarian social philosophy it seems to be telling us he is acknowledging his failure at not successfully pushing the country further towards the progressive ideal of Marxian ideology and statist rule.

Here, for each individual to decide what the President is ACTUALLY saying is the report from CNN Politics. All emphasis is mine.
President Barack Obama discussed his frustration with gridlock in Washington, saying his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate.

"My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked," Obama said in a CBS News interview that aired Sunday.

Asked if he bears any blame for the stalemate, Obama said the buck stops at his desk.

"I think that, you know, as president I bear responsibility for everything, to some degree," he said on CBS' "60 Minutes."

Throughout the presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's campaign and Obama’s critics have dogged the president for failing to get certain legislation passed in recent years, while Team Obama responds by faulting congressional Republicans for not compromising.

The tension has especially heightened as Congress faces a looming, end-of-the-year deadline to avoid the "fiscal cliff," a massive amount of tax hikes and spending cuts set to take place at the beginning of 2013 if Congress fails to act. Lawmakers on both sides have already showed signs of firm partisan division on the issue.

Obama's comments aired days after the president drew criticism from Romney over separate remarks about change in Washington, comments that suggested a slight tweak in Obama's 2008 ideals of "hope" and "change."

"The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside," Obama said Thursday afternoon at a presidential forum the candidate taped to run on the Spanish-language network Univision.

Within hours, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney seized on the remarks, argued Obama had thrown up the "white flag of surrender," and vowed to make that change, himself.

"His first two years he had a Democratic House, Democratic Senate, he got to do whatever the heck he wanted to, but he says he can't change it from the inside. Well, I will," Romney told a Sarasota, Florida, crowd. {Read More}

Of course being the cynic that I tend to be is Willard Mitt (The Human Flipper) Romney really saying he is going to effect the changes from within the system that Obama failed to make? If so doesn't this give pause to exactly what the Mittens and Human Flipper has for his real agenda? Rational Nation has long maintained Mittens is Obama Light and that his real agenda is to continue the statist progression of the last 100 plus years of our history. Thus the only real alternative in the support and advocacy of liberty is just a rational whisper in the drone of the American statist duopoly...

Via: Memeorandum

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