Senator McCain Debunking Senator Reid and Obama Smoke and Mirrors... | Daily news sites
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Senator McCain Debunking Senator Reid and Obama Smoke and Mirrors...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The Inept Supporting the Inept...
It really comes as no surprise Senator Harry Reid is out supporting the falsehoods of the Obama administration and it's ineptitude with respect to the terrorist attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi on September 11. Democratic supporters of the administration's incompetency are spinning like a top, with the Nevada Senator now taking the lead. However, most Americans will see through the smoke and mirrors of the administration's attempted cover up of their failure to protect American interests and personnel working the the American Consulate in Libya.

Senator John McCain aptly points out the glaring falsehoods in the Obama administration's statements.

THE HILL - The Arizona Republican said the administration's initial claim that an anti-Muslim video incited the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was political spin that "doesn't pass the smell test."

"It was either willful ignorance or dismal intelligence to think that people come to spontaneous demonstrations with heavy weapons, mortars, and the attack goes on for hours," McCain said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" program.

"To blame it on the video … shows the absolute ineptitude and ignorance of the realities," McCain added. "It's not the videos, it's the radical Islamists [who] are pushing the videos."

McCain said the White House was initially reluctant to label the attack a planned act of terrorism for fear of exposing the level of turmoil in the Middle East, a region he characterized as "unraveling" under Obama's watch.

"It interferes with the depiction that the administration is trying to convey that Al Qaeda is on the wane [and] that everything's fine in the Middle East,"... {Read More}

Of course the real answer is to vacate the region, cut all foreign aid, and let the region have precisely what it wants and deserves. To be left alone with the complete absence of American money and support. Wouldn't that make the Prophet most happy, not to mention the terrorists?

Via: Memeorandum

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