Federal Police Arrested Leader Of Los Caballeros Templarios In Michoacán | Daily news sites
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Federal Police Arrested Leader Of Los Caballeros Templarios In Michoacán

Mexican federal authorities confirmed the arrest of one of the leaders from the Caballeros Tamplarios Cartel.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 16, 2014

Los Reyes, Michoacán, Mexico - On Wednesday,  Mexican federal authorities announced the arrest of Joaquín Negrete Arriaga, aka, "El Allegretti" who is one of the main druglords for Los Caballeros Templarios Cartel in Michoacán. Arriaga was taken into custody in the municipality of Los Reyes where he allegedly is responsible for killing seven police officers and four people in Tepalcatepec.
Also arrested was Jorge Fabián Quesada Andrade another regional member of Los Caballeros Templarios. 

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