National Enquirer reports Michelle Obama wants a divorce, Selfie-gate at Mandela Memorial was last straw | Daily news sites
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National Enquirer reports Michelle Obama wants a divorce, Selfie-gate at Mandela Memorial was last straw

 Not surprising the mainstream media is staying very far away from this story.  Not even Rush Limbaugh wanted to talk about it.  Whether the story is true or not only time will tell.  One thing is definitely true.  Michelle Obama is still in Hawaii away from the president and the reason given was extremely flimsy.
National Enquirer - WITH a White House cheating scan­dal set to explode, President BARACK OBAMA and his wife MICHELLE are hiding a divorce shocker from America!

Only weeks after Obama publicly humiliated the first lady by snapping a “selfie” with a dishy blonde for­eign leader, the first couple’s shaky 21-year marriage has collapsed following a disastrous holiday trip, sources say.

The two locked horns in a series of ugly fights during their recent Hawaiian getaway, but sources say the death blow came when Michelle learned that the Secret Service has covered up Obama’s cheating – twice.

After a “mole” exposed the presi­dent’s betrayal, a furious Michelle ripped into him during a bitter blow-out and raged: “I want out!”

Then, in a shocking show of de­fiance, she refused to return to Washington, D.C., with Obama and their daughters when their 15-day vacation ended.
“Michelle is so upset over her trou­bled marriage that she didn’t want to leave Hawaii when it was time to go,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“She said she wasn’t ready to face the ‘fish bowl’ of Washington, D.C., and refused to fly home with Obama and the girls on Air Force One. The president had no choice but to leave Michelle behind in Hawaii.”

Sources say the White House was forced into “damage control spin mode” to explain why Michelle remained holed up at the couple’s luxurious $24,500-a-week ocean­front rental in Oahu.

According to Associated Press: “Mrs. Obama stayed behind to spend time with friends ahead of her up­coming 50th birthday party.”

Another report said that Michelle planned to visit Oprah Winfrey at her estate on Maui.
In any case, Michelle turns 50 on Jan. 17, and her husband is throwing her a gala birthday bash at the White House the following day.

But as The ENQUIRER has re­ported, the two have been at war ever since the president brazenly flirted with Denmark’s leggy blonde female prime minster, Helle Thorning-

Schmidt, during the memorial service for South African icon Nelson Mandela. Obama, 52, and the 47-year-old beauty playfully snapped a “selfie” photograph together during the solemn ceremony on Dec. 10 while an obviously incensed Michelle shot daggers at them.
In the wake of the mortifying in­cident, sources said the first couple moved into separate White House bedrooms, and Michelle met with di­vorce attorneys.

The first lady was still reeling from the “selfie” episode when the couple had a showdown in Hawaii over her birthday party, sources say.

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