As the Nuge Back Peddles... Or Did He? | Daily news sites
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As the Nuge Back Peddles... Or Did He?

Ted "the degenerate" Nugent apologized today for calling the President "a sub-human mongrel." Or did he. Watch the clip below and you be the judge.

Since Nugent is hoping to learn from better men than himself the game of politics could this mean he is planing a run for Congress? The Senate?

This nation can only hope that if he is he never makes it past the primaries.

Now, for Tea Party favorite Senator Ted "Green Eggs and Ham" Cruz on Nugent's remark.

Hm, did I miss something or did Cruz do a nice side shuffle?

Texas republican Attorney General Greg Abbott and likely gubernatorial nominee when pressed on why he he selected Nugent to campaign with him to bolster his 2'nd amendment right credentials (not that Abbot needed bolstering) refused to answer.

Sometime not answering speaks volumes about the person being questioned. Texas sure does breed em big and dumb.

Finally outgoing Governor Rick Perry on the Nugent remark.

Well congratulations to Governor Rick Perry for acknowledging that Nugent's remark was inappropriate. It is unfortunate however that the Governor didn't have the b**ls to not only severely criticize Nugent but to send the message to people that individuals like Nugent do not represent the republican party... But that would likely be a lie as apparently they do.

Find the article BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum

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