This shouldn’t be a surprise! The relationship between unions and the Democrat Party is well established. As a result of sweetheart deals between New York Democrats politicians and the powerful teacher’s union, the money goes round and round as votes come into Democrats and teachers are guaranteed jobs for life regardless if they’re good teachers are not.
NY DailyNews reports if there’s one thing that’s important to good schools, it’s good teachers. That’s the premise of a groundbreaking lawsuit now being heard in Los Angeles Supreme Court that challenges entrenched California state laws protecting the jobs of public school teachers who are “grossly ineffective.”The nine student plaintiffs, Vergara vs. California, argue that laws protecting even abysmally incompetent teachers violate the guaranteed civil right of the state’s children to access a decent education.The outcome of the case could have big implications for New York. Despite the state’s highly visible new teacher evaluation law and a perception of radical change under the Bloomberg administration, a scandalous reality remains: Here, as in California, it is virtually impossible to dismiss a grossly ineffective teacher.This is because the particularly crucial New York State law governing teacher dismissal, 3020-a, was left essentially untouched by both the contentious new teacher evaluation legislation and recent city reforms.Under that law, only the state can dismiss a teacher — and it rarely does.More here
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