Pastor Lindsey Williams and Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez | Daily news sites
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Pastor Lindsey Williams and Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez

Lindsey-care vs. Obama-care

Lindsey has some testimonies from Mexico

Lindsey has a new HEALTH MINISTRY in Mexico

The International BioCare Hospital and Health Care Center

Tijuana, Mexico

It's amazing what they can do in Mexico compared to the United States of America.  This is absolutely startling new information!  What is wrong with America's health care system?  Is Mexico more advanced than America?  Find out the healing benefits of this health care center in Mexico below.

Sorry folks, no more updates from the ELITE.  Lindsey has shifted gears into promoting this new HEALTH and WELLNESS ministry and revolutionary health care center in Mexico that uses STEM CELL IMPLANTS to put CANCER IN REMISSION and an entire list of medical cures:

Call and get the FREE 60 PAGE BOOK:

ask for Teresa

(800) 262-0212


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