A Insightful Young White Man Stirring Controversy or Just Making Valid Observations?... | Daily news sites
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A Insightful Young White Man Stirring Controversy or Just Making Valid Observations?...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

A young freshman at Georgia Georgia State has started a White Student Union to celebrate Euro and Euro-American heritage and culture. White students make up 38% of the student body and Patrick Sharp is of the mind that whites (being a minority), as well as students of other ethnic backgrounds and cultural heritage should enjoy the same right of association as the rest of the students do in their Student Union organizations. The young man has a valid argument. Excerpts from The Raw Story.

“If we are already minorities on campus and are soon to be minorities in this country why wouldn’t we have the right to advocate for ourselves and have a club just like every other minority?” Sharp told the paper. “Why is it when a white person says he is proud to be white he’s shunned as a racist?”

“You know, to say this is some closeted or curtained white supremacy, it’s pretty — and I’ll go ahead and turn their words around on them — it’s pretty ignorant and closed-minded,” he explained to WXIA. “It’s a pride organization, it’s a cultural organization, what we have is not hate for any other group… Whites are becoming a minority… We have a voice, we’re unique people, and we have every right to make that voice heard.”

Video from WXIA, Aug. 1, 2013.

Will this young man's beliefs and actions spur honest and open discussion as it well should or will it be ignored? Or even worse, used by the race hustlers Sharpton and Jackson et all to fuel controversy and their agenda? Via: Memeorandum

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